Child abuse news features headlines from around the globe. You'll find them in the multitude of links below. Some written by me. Others written by guests and visitors from all over the world.
And because so many of you are directly affected by these headlines, I continue to invite you to play reporter and editorial commenter too! If you have an important child maltreatment issue that you want to share with other visitors to this site, go straight to the invitation OR You can contribute your own editorial comments to the articles below. Just scroll down passed the invitation, to all the links. Then choose which is interesting to you. |
The information found here can be very helpful to students, teachers, socials workers, and survivors alike. Here's what some of them had to say:
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Miriam From Alert Bay, British Columbia, Canada: I was preparing yesterday for a session on sexual abuse when I came across this website. Wow! I thought, this is what I can do to care for me today. Awesome. Thank you again. |
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Heather From Pinellas Parl, Florida, USA: This site was very helpful. It gave me a lot of information for my college essay about child abuse. Thank you. |
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Samantha From Morris Plains, New Jersey, USA: I am a social worker, and I found your website to be so inspiring. I work for Child Protective Services for the State of New Jersey and this website teaches me more and more every time I look at it. This was a wonderful website you created, keep up the good work!!! |
Write your own editorial on any child maltreatment headline in the news or write your own article if you...
• court case Send me your original article or editorial on this deeply pervasive topic. |
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Don't keep your point of view to yourself. Let the world in on your child abuse news, information or perspective. Share your child abuse article.
Check out headline articles on this page...
I am the Child
My name is Krishna. My name is Radha. I am also called Ali or Fatima, Ah Sen and or Ah Moy, Pierre or Marie, Peter or Mary, Ivor or Olga.
I was born …
Babies are Blessings
This article is very close to my heart, although I have never experienced it myself.
When I read about babies being abused by their parents, my heart …
Too Many Responsibilities
I help out in my parents restaurant. They abused me and said I was useless, ugly, and nasty. They kept saying that all I did when I came home from school …
Need For Anonymity
Hey, I think I posted a story here some time back. Something about a pocket watch belonging to my (passed) father.
I came here so write a follow up, …
Forced To Play
When I was 6 months old my mom married my stepfather. I don't think she knew that he was a pedophile since he'd never been caught at that point, but he …
Unthinkable Acts
I have no words that can even begin to describe "The Unthinkable" acts of violence that went on for months with Baby Brianna . So the family wants to …
Everyone Needs Help
The golden rule of overcoming mental health obstacles reads, "you have to want to be helped". I've learned this over the span of my mental health journey …
Fines Not Imprisonment
I am currently taking an English class at Community college of Aurora, Colorado, where I wrote a research paper titled "Parents that Chastise their Children …
Child Abuse Criteria
The statistics are astounding. The number of victims of child abuse is higher than that of the annual flu. It is estimated by the US Department of Health …
Is There a Monster-Sexual Child-Abuser-in Your House?
As a educator, I have heard some horror stories in reference to sex abuse. The news is full of these kinds of reports. A lot of abusive activities take …
The Aftermath of Reporting a Child Being Abused in Scotland
thought i was doing the right thing in reporting child abuse father was charge with neclect & child abuse they did not know it was me till they went to …
Sexual Child Abuse - Angry Warren County New Jersey Residents
The countless victims of former Warren County Sheriff Edward G. Bullock need help to raise public awareness about a miscarriage of justice that has been …
Child Abuse Article - What Children Ssay About Spanking
I've spent 25 years seeking to end physical abuse of children through education and legal reform. I founded the Center for Effective Discipline ( …
Child Abuse - The Lily Lynette Story
Lily Lynette Furneaux - wolfenbarger was born to lauren furneaux and jeff wolfenbarger on may14 2008 in Lapeer , Michigan Lily's parents seperated after …
Witnessing Violence as Emotional Child Abuse
Witnessing violence is emotional abuse.
It does not matter if the violence is directed at a parent sibling or stranger.A parent should be a good role …
Targeted Child Abuse - Coward Parents
story of my life!
these posts are life saving for victims like me.
i'm a survivor of target child selection! it was more traumatic because i was a twin.there …
Child Abuse and Food Torture
I decided to write a commentary/article about describing the food torture, including the one that Robert's awful parents inflicted just because they could …
Child Abuse By Proxy
Over the past few months I have been noticing a trend whereby the main (primary) abuser involves others (secondary) in various forms of sexual, physical, …
Child Abuse Effects Website and Visitor Expectations
I'm writing today to address an issue brought up by a visitor who submitted a story here on this site some time ago, a visitor who is upset over the lack …
Child Abuse Death of Baby Kalynne Flores
kalynne Flores was four months old when she died her father robert flores was babysitting her one day robert decides to go get beer buy does not wanna …
Child Abuse - The Murder of a Precious Girl
On June,8 1994 A little girl was born to her mother Stella Anne Kiser. The baby name was Tesslynn Elizabeth O'Cull. In 1997 Stella met Jesse Caleb Compton …
Child Abuse - Children are Helpless
People can be just horrible: How could anyone just live there life day by day knowing they are harming their child. the person you gave birth …
Child Abuse - Right to Privacy an Issue
Still happening at 47: It's so incredible to read all these stories, it makes me feel like I have an invisible family to relate to. So much …
Child Abuse - Never Give Up On Yourself
The people that mattered in your life gave up on you, gave up on themselves, if not, they would not have abused you. Many others attempt to abuse you, …
Child Abuse - Toddler Sexual Abuse Concerns of Parents
Twilight Zone: Darlene, I have read several toddler sexual abuse concerns on your site. One common theme resonates, parental intuition is …
Dynamics of Child Abuse - Denial and Scapegoating
Is denial, cover-up, and scapegoating the victim always present with abuse? Do they go hand in hand? I grew up in a family with a BPD mother and narcissistic …
Child Sexual Abuse - Organized Crime
Child sexual abuse is just one spin off of organized crime , and just as the system is operating in it , so is the church . However , there is not one …
Child Abusers Need to be Severly Punished
We as a community need to get tougher laws in place to give these child abusers their due punishment. Let's start a petition now to get laws changed to …
Child abuse - Shame on the UK
China have the right idea and have stopped all adult sites to protect their children. I am ashamed to be British. Our culture shows no respect for mothers, …
South Windsor Connecticut Child Abuse Charges
The South Windsor Police Department. Recieved calls about a child being abuse at a home in South Windsor Connecticut. Upon their arrival officers found …
Child Abuse - Too Long to Remove My Son
I lost a custody battle to my ex husban My son who is now four says daddy lets me watch him do drugs isnt that cool? Holds his toy screw driver like a …
Thoughts About Child Abuse and Treatments for Child Abusers
Any type of Child Abuse, carried out for a long period of time, may cause long-term mental damage. The term child abuse covers a wide range of behavior, …
Child Abuse - Making Children a Top Priortiy
I look around me, I see children in desperation. Looking for guidance, structure, someone dependable, someone to look out for there well being. In the …
Effects of Targetted Child Abuse
Your article on parents targeting a child hit the nail on the proverbial head for me. I became my Mother to my father. She died in a car crash in which …
Child Abuse - A Case of Incest and Sexual Exploitation
I write this with a very heavy heart and tearful eyes. Why would a man let the fatherly love and compassion he should have for his daughter be replaced …
Child Abuse - Fear and Addiction
My adopted parents told me that they used other objects to hit me with because it started hurting their hands as I got older. I got wooden spoons, metal …
The Harm In Child Abuse
Child Abuse Is One Of The Hardest Things A Human Being Could Go Through Or DO!!!!!! Being Abused As A Child Could Lead Up To Many Things In The Future. …
Child Abuse - A Sickness
I think people who do child abuse are sick people, Maybe I do not think it is right I find that some one who is abusing there child may have bin abused …
No Statute of Limitations on Sexual Child Abuse
As a mother I watched my daughter struggle for many years. Seeing her go from a bright, out-going, talkative little girl to a withdrawn, terrified, and …
A Message to Child Abuse Survivors on this Site
I stumbled across this site when I read a horrible story of child abuse from a different website. I started reading your stories and am truly heartbroken. …
Child Abuse and Healing
I just wanted to commend you Darlene for all the hard work you've done to help people on your site. I am a survivor of child sexual abuse, but I don't …
Child Abuse - Showing Gratitude!
I really appreciate this website taking their stand on assisting individuals cope with this troubling matter. I just wanted to say let us all work together …
Child Abuse - Molesters Cannot Be Rehabilitated
There's NO rehabilitating a child molester: My father molested my sister and me for over ten years. She ran away at 14. I had my dad locked …
Child Abuse - My Granddaughter Left on the Street at Night
Left in the street at 10pm at 10 years old: My daughter and granddaughter were driving home and were having a disagreement in the car. My …
Child Abuse - Donate to a Shelter for Children
I work for a shelter for children and teen's of abuse: I see first hand the abuse and broken hearted children and teen's. I cannot say where …
The Need to Speak Out About Child Abuse
As a domestic abuse survivor and the parent to 2 girls who were sexually abused, I, thank you for providing a site that people can come together and share …
Child Abuse - Stop The Violence Stop The Silence
They always say the monster comes from the street and into the home. But that's just not true. The monster comes from the home and into the street. They …
Child Abuse Sex Offenders - Punishment Is Not The Answer
Originally posted as a comment in another article thread: Is there a punishment that would serve justice unto victim more so when victim being …
Child Abuse - Tell Tell Tell
I am a 40 year old female I want to let people know that you can survive,each day you have to survive,you are stronger than the one that abused you.because …
Child Abuse of Nadine Lockwood
Nadine Lockwood September 1991 – August 31, 1996: Washington Heights New York was the place for a nightmarish demise of a four year old girl. …
Child Abuse - A Part of the System
My own daughter abuses her daughter, my granddaughter. When my daughter chose to pursue her career as a psychologist she couldn't afford it. She got student …
Fostercare Child Abuse - Parents at Fault
MY life in fostercare: I'm a foster child and I think parents need to stop pointing fingers at people because your children are abused in …
Child Abuse and Disability - Time to ACT Not REact
Just a few days ago, a toddler was found in a hotel room in Hialeah, FL. The 2 1/2 year old was born with Moebius syndrome (congenital facial paralysis). …
The Effects of Child Abuse - Part 2
Continued from Part 1: I used to be the poster boy for mis-advised tied legal hands in a world of psychiatric child abuse that no-one cared …
Child Abuse - Silenced By Fear
Protecting an abused child has taught me many things I was not aware of. Although the child abuse was reported and documented by CPS workers, in the final …
Child Abuse Effects Even in Adulthood
I OFTEN SIT AND WONDER?? I often sit and wonder why was this the life i was given? I wish i was able to be a child when I was I child, except …
An Abused Child Now Adopted
This is actually about the beautiful boy Seth I adopted. I don't know a lot about his past except that he was taken away from abusive parents. He doesn't …
Child Abuse is Avoidable
What is wrong with the world today? It is sad that the only way a child can get help is to run away from their problems. I know from experience how it …
The Effects of Child Abuse
This story won't be formatted under any literary terms like MLA or Chicago formatting. Most likely chronologically very little at best. I'm aware that …
Child Abuse Averted
I made the first step to forgiving my grandmother tonight. While she was yelling in my face I said I love you grandma and I'm sorry. I know God was there …
Child Abuse - Feeding The Body And Killing The Mind
Fearless, and careless the toddler grows,
Climbing near windows, and hiding below.
Teetering gait, and toppling toys,
Running then crawling, while …
Child Abuse - A Family That Refuses to See the Truth
Why do other family members not want to admit what happened? Why do they cover it up and pretend that it wasn't so?
I came to terms with my fathers …
Lifelong Effects of What Some Do Not Consider Child Abuse
Lifelong effects after being hit/spanked: By many people's standards you could say that my upbringing wasn't abusive, but it affected me and …
My Theory About Child Abusers
I recently read an article in the Scientific American Mind about competition. It says people feel better about wasting a weaker opponent. Growing up in …
Child Abuse - Neverending Cycle Ended
When I was three my father fondled me. When I was six I was kidnapped. At nine I was Raped repeatedly then at fourteen I was raped again. During my marriage …
Mother On Daughter Sexual Child Abuse
Hard To Understand: I never saw my mom sexually abuse my younger sister but that is what sister is claiming for past 6 yrs or maybe more. …
Comforting Words For Sufferers of Child Abuse
This isn't a story of abuse. I'm writing this to help people that have been mentally, emotionally, sexually, and/or physically abused. To be honest I have …
What I Discovered About Child Abuse
Things I that I've discovered: 1. There's no magic bullet. Recovery is a process. It's really long. You're always recovering.
2.There's …
Child Abuse - Abuser Conscience
I wonder how conscious are abusers about their own behaviors and how they affect people. I've gained unique insights into this because I come from an abusive …
Child Abuse - Child Slavery Exists
Darlene I appreciate what you are doing for the victims. Thank you for giving us a voice. I'd like to bring to light …
Child Abuse is Terrible
Child abuse is terrible! I'm so sad! If there is ever once a good day for me, child abuse will make it the opposite. If my brother is in trouble, I get …
My Thoughts on Child Abuse
I think child abuse is bad, and people who are angry tend to take it out on their children in different ways. its sad, and we need to take this to a cease. …
Forced Diapering For Discipline IS Child Abuse
Note from Darlene: With permission from the author, this post was moved from the comments section of a child abuse article about diaper discipline …
Child Abuse and Stockholm Syndrome
I have been reading quite a few stories on here to try to gain some perspective of my own past. I see a pattern that of a lot of the victims keep saying …
End Child Abuse
I always hear EVERYWHERE that little kids are getting abused. On the tv, youtube, and sometimes i even see it on my own street. Alot of people are like …
Child Abuse is Soul Murder
People who traumatize others through abuse rape or otherwise need to be held responsible for what they do.
I consider destroying someone's personhood …
Child Abuse - Physical Force Not Justifiable
Physical Force a Justifiable Method for Punishing Children? When it comes to disciplining their children, each parent has their own method. …
Child Abuse - Do Not Lose Hope
Pure Heart: I'm a mother of a smart little girl
Reading all the stories about child abuse makes me wonder how can this be happening.
Thank …
Child Abuse - Sentences for Convicted Sex Offenders
It sickens me that the people who commit such horrible crimes arent serving more time in jail.
I had a young foster child aged 7 (at the time) who at …
Child Abuse - Disclose The Truth
I know I have NEVER expeirenced child abuse but I know how bad it feels. My friend child abused by her drunk father and he likes me to watchhave seen it …
Child Abuse - When Sexual Abuse Disclosures are Ignored
Secret: When I was 5 years old my uncle David sexually abused me. I told right away. No one did anything! He went on to sexually abuse a few …
Child Abuse - People Who Should Not Be Parents
I am totally appalled at the positive response that you have received about the mom who beat her son because she was distraught about money. O.K., my guess …
Child Abuse - I'm NOT Too Old to Still Be Suffering
I recently told my mother what her 3rd husband did (the emotional abuse and terrorizing), and she brushed if off, claiming she "didn't know." When I reminded …
Abused and Child Abuser
I was five or six when I was sexually abused by both an older brother and older sister, and on more than one occasion. Usually, both of them abused me …
Child Abuse - Justice for Dominic Munoz
I am trying to bring awareness to my nephew Dominic Munoz's unsolved murder case. He was 4 years old and a victim of child abuse. Officials stated his …
The Family and Healing From Child Abuse
I am currently engaged in moving from a focus on academe to a focus on policy. I am glad that the Red Cross has been useful in the creation of this web …
Child Abuse - A Mother Regrets Not Acting
My Son: My beloved precious son was abused by his biological father since the age of 6.
He suffered unmerciful rage, belittling, being spat …
Child Abuse - My Son and His Survival
My child was sexually abused 7 yrs ago. i want to tell you the affect that it has had in our (his family's life) My son just disclosed that he was sexually …
Rape Torture and Child Abuse at Residential School
It's A Wonder There is Nothing on this site about this Atrocity: It's sad that there is not a single story here about the horrific abuses …
Child Sexual Abuse – A Mother in Pain
I have been reading some of the stories that people have posted and all i can say is that i am truly sorry that every one of you had to go thru what you …
Tackling Child Abuse Conference
Tackling Child Abuse Conference
Prevention, Investigation and Prosecution
Monday 27th September 2010 – Central London
The police and partner agencies …
Female Circumcision as Child Abuse
In the past few years, I have noticed more and more female offenders victimizing both male and female children, and one other change I have heard of in …
Child Abuse - A Mother's Denial
For Spite or Selfishness? My 29 yr. old daughter has had much problem 'keeping a man' in her life. For the most part, she has a nasty, short-tempered …
Child Abuse - Predator in Your Backyard
I'm outraged, yes, been outraged for a long long time. My abuser killed a child in front of me and won't see a day in jail because I was too young, suppressed …
The Plague of Child Abuse
Okay so you live with the abuse you suffered every day of your life. You struggle to overcome the long-term effects as you go. You beat them, you go on …
Child Abuse a No No
I definitely think that child abuse is a no no because every child has the right to be taken care of. I have never been child abused before but it pains …
Child Abuse is a Bad Thing for Society
Child abuse is a crime being done and nobody is doing anything to stop it. Children are growing with the thought of abuse being a good thing or thinking …
Child Abuse – Molestation
When a child is sexually molested it interferes with their growth and development. Our brains are structured in three ways when we are growing up. The …
Articles on Child Abuse Autism and the System
Grandmother falsely accused of abuse by mother of autistic child: Grandmother and father made reports of possible abuse by the mother and …
When Discipline is Child Abuse
I'm doing a paper in one of my college classes on child abuse, and when does punishment becomes child abuse. I was abused as a child/teenager, although …
Child Abuse Articles by Christina
The hardest thing to hear people talk about is why would a child do such an evil thing, what would possess them to kill other children at school. What …
Disability and Child Abuse
Don't Smile: Finally, at age 60, I am really trying to untangle the effects of growing up with a congenital facial disfigurement (Moebius …
No Pass For Child Abuse Victims
In reading this, please the best is in the end, and reason for letter is to empower the abused. first off what some call abuse, i call a lack of respect …
Grandparent Rights in Absence of Child Abuse
Grandparents Should Have Contact With Their Grandchildren for a Balanced Life: It is difficult to know where to target my position on this …
Child Abuse: Sex Offenders Watching
Sex offenders can be anywhere. they are strangers teachers and sadly family members. we all need to be careful on what we say and do on the internet like …
Child Abuse: Parents Who Sexually Assault
Parents that want to have sex with their child. I think it is just wrong, because what if you are a Dad and you have sex with your daughter. A few weeks …
Child Abuse Articles by Tammy
See that little girl over there
She looks so lost and alone
Looking for herself
Somehow she lost her way again
Can u take her hand for a moment
Tell …
Child Abuse Articles by Name Undisclosed
Buddy - Our Dog- Last night he passed away got hit by a car – con't: Buddy was a hero, he protected us from each other
never hurt us, if …
Child Abuse: My Daughter is Remembering Abuse
A few weeks ago my daughter's school had a seminar for the children on how to be safe and on sexual abuse. I have noticed that recently she has been very …
Child Abuse: An Infant Sexually Abused by Father
Molested 6-week-old baby by father: Why would anybody want to take something that does not belong to them! this father that molested his 6 …
Child Abuse From A Teenagers Perspective
I'm a high school student, writing a speech on child abuse and how we as a worldwide nation are blind-eyed to all of it. I'm sick and tired of the stories …
Child Abuse Articles by John G
Additional comment after you published my story: Darlene, I have posted my child abuse story from John G on your website, and feel your site …
Child Abuse Articles by Eileen HF
My Father was a soldier in the RCR for 22 years, he was Blackwatch during WW2, he was discharged from BW in 1945, as he had had a break down after a bomb …
Reporting Child Abuse – Police Not Listening
Have tried 3 times to accuse my offender and nobody listens to my plea please i feel helpless why won't anybody listen to me i currently reside in dallas …
Child Abuse - Head in the Sand Mentality
God blessed me with a voice, and the courage to use it, and with that blessing saved my sanity but it came at a cost. The cost was to be alone in the world …
A Prayer for Breezy an Abused Child
I pray for Breezy and her sister. I tried to get help for them but fear that they are too afraid to tell. They have all the symptoms of abused children …
About Child Sexual Abusers
Here are just a few points/notes about child sexual abusers that more people need to know.
- If you are a victim and they stop abusing you, don't think …
Convent Role Questioned in Child Abuse Case in India
Child Abuse Case in India Christian organisations demand enquiry Against Convent New Delhi: 27 December, 2009
Two Christian organisations Indian …
Child Abuse in the Baptist Church
Baptist church as I see it. Backwards and broken! My story is one that goes back many many years. My parents had me start attending a baptist …
Child Abuse - Voting for Change
When I was a young girl around the age of 5, my mother's boyfriend beat, rape and molested me. I was placed in C.A.S care where I was kidnapped by my mother …
Child Abuse By My Husband
I told a councler yesterday about all the lovely things my husband has done to me and the 2 instances my husband hurt my child. But the freakin councler …
The Effects of Physical Child Abuse
I am simply talking about physical abuse, not molestation. I am referring to parents or guardians that punish their children physically by spanking w/ …
Child Abuse Effects dot com Information: Gone for a Week
To My Valued Visitors: I will be away for about a week in order to attend a college speaking conference in Los Angeles. My flight leaves early …
My Best Friend's Child Abuse Story
I had a very good friend up until February 4th 2007. She lived with her mother and two brothers. At first when she would tell me things it didn't click …
Child Abuse Admission From Please Forgive
I am a shattered shell. Not because of being abused, like so many on this site, but because of abusing others. For 9 years of my life, I was a child molester. …
Child Abuse and Another System Failure
Out Of Options: My son is now 11 years old and lives with his father and step-mother. His father is in the army and stationed in Afghanistan, …
EXPERTS ASK CONGRESS FOR FUNDING, CONSISTENT STANDARDS: Celebrities from 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit' join child advocates on Capitol Hill to …
Jail Child Abusers For A Long Time
I have never been abused or assaulted in any way, but I would like to say that children should never experience anything like that. They don't deserve …
Child Abuse Articles by Lois D
30 years of Horror, Shame and Pain - page 1: My son was molested when he was eleven years old by a man who was the head of the Mohegan Counsel …
Autism and Child Abuse
Moved from comment section in article titled Autism, Child Abuse and Neglect : In 1999 I discovered Asperger's Syndrome. For ten years this …
No Justice in Child Abuse Case
Child sexually abused and the justice system claims they cannot pursue a case: I have a child that was sexually abused at the age of 5 years. …
When the Cycle of Child Abuse is NOT Broken
My older brother, four sisters and I were victims of physical, verbal, emotional abuse, and neglect. I am grateful that from the time I was 8-12 years …
Child Abuse: Times Haven Not Changed
I am still a very angry person, and just when I thought things were better... I was first abused by my mother at around 2 years old. (I am …
Still Affected by Child Abuse
People have always said to me that 6 years later I should be getting over the fact that my uncle abused me horrifically for around 8 years. This is not …
Emotional Child Abuse is Debilitating
Child Abuse Story From Bigdaveinchina: This account is based on my observation only, not on any therapeutic participation. Years ago, when …
Sexual Child Abuse: Male vs Female Offenders
Teacher-"lover": One thing that outrages me as a survivor is that dead-headed double standard that is common (EVEN HERE!) with respect to …
Targeted Child Abuse Stories by Willow
This is a response to the article on this site entitled Why parents target a specific child for abuse . The article explored the issue that has baffled …
Budget for Child Abuse Prevention
There are 103.8 billion reason governments must budget for child abuse prevention.
$103.8 billion is the annual estimated cost of child abuse. This …
Child Abuse Effects dot com Announcement and Regarding My Comments
To My Visitors: I'm so excited to announce that as of two days ago I started writing my next book, Healing from Child Abuse: Affirmations, Validations …
Child Abuse: No one Seems to Care
This story happened a long time ago: In 2000 there was a couple that spent the summer in a beautiful lake next to a park. They had a son that …
Child Abuse by Religious Orders in Ireland
After nearly 10 years of investigation, Ireland's Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, was finally published last month. The Ryan Report was made public …
Child Abuse Effects Linger
The Effects of being abused linger on within each one of us: Since the horrific Ryan Report in institutions and schools supervised by Religious …
Child Abuse Effects dot com Information About Story Comments
To My Visitors: If you left a comment on a child abuse story sometime yesterday (and today) and those comments do not yet appear live on the site, …
Child Abusers were Child Abuse Victims
Nurture the inner child!! I ran from my parental home at 19 years of age. I recall even now how I once stood in a phone box crying for my …
Death by Child Abuse: Nixzmary Brown
Nixzmary Brown (July 18, 1998 – January 11, 2006) was just 7 years old when she died. Her step-father Cesar Rodriguez slammed her head on a bathtub faucet …
Child Abuse Death of Baby Brianna Lopez
WARNING: Contains graphic and highly disturbing details: This child abuse story is about a 5-month-old little girl named Brianna Lopez. On …
Special Report: Child Abuse in State-Run Reform School
Note from Darlene: I received the following submission several days ago. It's taken me some time to read the disturbing accounts of unimaginable …
Bad Economy Increases Child Abuse
Reading the child abuse news flashes above (on the child abuse articles page), I noted a report in the Flathead Beacon which indicated Montana's Flathead …
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month: Baby James Foundation
The Baby James Foundation's (BJF) goal is to create nationally, an environment that assures: A network fighting to keep children safe out of their abuser's …
Emotional Child Abuse: Challenging the Limited Definition
Concerning Alienated Children: "Emotional child abuse is defined as the constant attack of a child or youth by an adult that negatively affects …
Child Abuse Cause: Making a Difference
I haven't been able to look at this website since my last entry...I haven't really had the courage to do it...I started to feel nervous, sweaty, impatient …
Child Abuse: A Concerned Voice for the Downtrodden
It is not actually an easy duty to protect the interest of such innocent souls who are placed to be victims of irresponsible parenting. The cry for a better …
child-abuse-effects is a Safe Haven
I feel the relief and release of hang up feelings/doubts/fears I've had built up inside me regarding having been abused by the beatings on my bare bottom …
The Effects of Child Abuse
Child Abuse hurts. It hurts really bad. It changes who you are and how you move in the world. Cautious, fearful and shame-based, you live hiding, often …
Overcoming Child Abuse With Love
Here I am again. Darlene's site has opened my eyes further to the wrongfulness of abuse in children/teenagers/adolescents. My abuse was bad, and though …
Child Abuse Can Never Be Right
Being abused as a child/teenager/adolescent can never (ever) be right or justified in anyway: I quickly read Tabi's story of 18 years, emotionally …
Child Abuse Comment From Another Thread
What follows below is a comment that came through my page titled Can Childhood Spankings be Administered Because of or Lead to a Spanking Fetish? I've …
Even a Murderer Knows Child Abuse is Wrong
My "Handicapped" Neighbor: There I was, in my front yard watering the plants, listening to the birds. In my mind were images of beautiful …
Child Abuse in Canadian Military
Canadian Military Members Sexual Abusing Children as Young as 12: I am 42 years old. When I was 11 or 12 years old I was raped by an acquaintance …
Child Abuse and How to Understand the Abuser
Nothing condones what child abusers have done or will do. They are very weak and sick people, and in most cases just want to be abusers. All know the power …
Lack of Child Abuse Resources for Survivors
I have been in therapy many times over the years and no one has been able to help me with my haunted past. I have had a number of traumatic experiences …
Child Abuse Effects dot com Submissions and Videos
To My Visitors: You may have noticed there have been no new story, commentary, article, etc. submissions posted for 2 - 3 days on …
Child Abuse: What I Got Out of It
When graduating from Indiana Business College I would like to have a career in Social Work. My reasoning behind it is in my life I have been through what …
Child Abuse Effects dot com Video Reading From Chapter Mr Whitaker
Who ate first in your family? Your father? Your mother? The kids?
This week's reading from chapter titled Mr Whitaker , now ready to view on this site …
Child Abuse, My Father and a Family in Denial
I start out this child abuse article on a piece of painful abuse. My daughter is 9 years old. She recently told me about some abuse going on for at least …
Child Abuse Prevention Advice
From a Parent to Other Parents: Here are a few tips that I would like to share with parents about our experience that may be helpful in their …
Child Abuse Effects dot com Video Reading From Chapter Womanhood
Have you ever wondered how your parents' childhood experiences have affected the decisions they made about what was and wasn't (is and isn't) appropriate …
Twins Suffer Child Abuse: A Mother Speaks Out
Trying to be a strong mother for my children: My 2.5 year old twin son and daughter had been physically and sexually abused by a live-in caregiver …
Taking the Investigation of Child Abuse Extremely Serious
As a 29-year veteran in the field of child abuse as an investigator, asst. supervisor, supervisor, and administrator, I have found the number one factor …
Child Abuse and a Journey of Revelations
It's been almost a year since I put a child abuse article on this website. The abuse wasn't mine, nor was I involved directly with abusing. It dealt with …
Child Abuse Effects dot com Video Reading From Chapter Good-byes
Did you know that I post weekly video readings from my e-book On My Own Terms, A Memoir here on If not, you have some catching …
Child Abuse Effects dot com Information About Automatic Notifications
To My Visitors: If you are currently relying on the automated notification system to advise you of all updates to my site here at …
Prevent Child Abuse with Classes
I think there should be a form where people have to sign if they want children. Abuse is getting out of hand and people need to think straight. I just …
Child Abuse and the Grace of Forgiveness
I'm amazed by the work done in this page by such a wonderful woman. I cannot imagine the amounts of people that have been helped by all it has provided. …
Child Abuse: The Silence
I have not made an entry here in some time.
My Mother is a rage-aholic and I survived sexual abuse and then abandonment from my Father. In some ways …
Most sexual child abuse is not intercourse
I am tired of reading posts about sexual abuse that refer to sex between adult and child as if that is the only form of sexual abuse, or that advise parents …
Child Abuse: Pedophiles Groom and Manipulate
Unknowingly, I lived with a pedophile for about 5 months. He was my boyfriend, and when we broke up, I started writing down all my memories and realized …
The Child-Abuse-Economic-Downturn Connection
Incidents of child abuse are on the rise in the United States, with some county child abuse prevention organizations reporting they've seen as much as …
Bad Case of Child Abuse
Baby M * was only 2 years of age when her parents tortured her to death. They used cigarettes to burn her earlobes off, starved her, forced her to drink …
Feasibility of Online Child Abuse Support Group?
Support for those recovering from spanking abuse and fetish? I've been reading through some articles, specifically about the pain and humiliation …
Message of Encouragement for Child Abuse Story Writers
I can't believe people would do that (child abuse). I have read books about stories of child abuse, but I will never feel how people felt. I am so sorry …
Acrimonious Divorce Constitutes Child Abuse?
Italian prosecutors in Milan feel the psychological suffering inflicted on a 12-year-old boy by a couple going through an acrimonious divorce, constitutes …
Child Abuse: 2 year old Brian Hawes killed in Racine; mother only faces 1 charge
I live in Racine and know the Hawes family. Brian was killed a few weeks ago by his mother's live in boyfriend. He was arrested and charged with 2nd degree …
Child Abuse: Help the Abused by Asking What They Needed
I have been reading a lot of things about child abuse, as I was severely abused myself as a child. I was so badly abused that my health physically and …
Child Abuse: Miracles Do Happen
I know, without doubt, that families are Eternal and that we are ALL children of heavenly parents, on loan to our birth parents. When we procreate and …
Getting Away With Sexual Assault of a Child
I am a 42-year-old woman living on Long Island in New York and I have a 10-year-old son who was sexually abused by my own daughter 5 years ago. This has …
Child Abuse Story From a Worried Citizen
I have disclosed my own child abuse and my recovery on this site (see Child Abuse Story From Mary3 and Story of Healing From Mary ). What I would like …
Child Abuse: My Daughter Has No Rights
My daughter was sexually abused by her dad. That was 5 years and many evaluations ago. The courts in Passaic County do not care about children's rights. …
Child Abuse: Dehumanization of the Human Mind
It is imperative to avoid abusing the child as most of the problems of today's world are as a result of child abuse. In recent times when individuals have …
£320,000 to Reduce the Effects of Child Abuse
Bristol, United Kingdom: The Big Lottery Fund in the United Kingdom has got it right. The fund recently granted £320,000 to provide specialist …
Promote Child Abuse Awareness: Run 100 Triathlons
Promote Child Abuse Awareness by running 100 triathlons? That was the method John Curtain of Lake St. Louis chose to increase the awareness of child abuse. …
Child Abuse in Schools
Sadly, in 21 of our United States, teachers, who are licensed and trained professionals are allowed by law to abuse children. Hundreds of thousands of …
Child Killer Sentenced to Death
Joseph Edward Duncan III was sentenced to death by an Idaho jury. In 2005 he kidnapped Dylan Groene and his sister Shasta. During the kidnapping he killed …
Invest Some Money for the Prevention of Child Abuse
Investing in stocks, bonds and/or mutual funds is good for the economy. Investing in the prevention of child abuse also has an economic benefit.
This …
Punishment Gone Wrong: A Precursor to Child Abuse?
It was a sale in a hall normally used for sporting events. When I arrived to find some bargains, only a handful of people were present. At one of the counters …
Child Abuse: Related Answers and Replies
I have recently come under fire over answers and replies I've provided to contributors who have written me through my Ask Darlene, as well as several other …
School Phobia and Child Abuse
Anxiety in children about going to school is very common, especially in children who are about to start school for the first time. A child may fear the …
Child Abuse: How to Heal
My earliest memory was being whipped mercilessly with an electrical chord for the high crime of jumping up and down on the bed with my brothers. I still …
Sexual Child Abuse: Light at the End of the Tunnel?
Out of the range of disturbing experiences in our lives, the act of having been sexually abused/raped/molested as a child is surely one of the most traumatic …
Lessons Learned From Spanking: An Issue of Child Abuse
I learned all those lessons (see article on this site What Spanking Really Teaches for a list of those lessons) from all the spankings I received from …
Child Abuse News: Indiana State Supreme Court Ruling
Recently, I posted an article about how child abuse news stories in the media have a positive effect on changing laws (see post at Child Abuse News: Essential …
Child Abuse News: Essential or Extraneous?
Child abuse is evil. Child abuse news reporting is not. In fact, in the opinion of this writer, child abuse news reporting by all forms of media has helped …
Diaper Discipline, Child Abuse and Secrets
The following article was written in response to a comment made on my Ask Darlene page Is diaper discipline child abuse? The comment by MJ dated July …
The Core
I'm just realizing all of the opportunity as a small child for my growth. And, I'm realizing I didn't get the nurturance and I didn't get positive reinforcement, …
Diaper Discipline: Reality vs Appearance
Note from Darlene: With permission from the author, this post was moved from the comments section of an Ask Darlene page titled Is diaper …
Kitten Nightmare
I awoke remembering a nightmare and I still can't shake it.
I was on my front steps and my dog was out there with me. My sister-in-law was on the perimeter …
Null and Void
I think I've read every self-help book ever written. And Caroline Mysse has some really interesting concepts.
She talks about having a "Sacred Contract" …
From the Mouths of Babes 2 of 2
This dialogue (from Part 1 ) can go on and on. From the mouths of babes!
I begin to understand a little bit more. The chain smoking to self-soothe, …
From the Mouths of Babes 1 of 2
For decades I've led these Julia Cameron "Artist's Way" Circles/Workshops. She wrote the text in the 80's so it can feel dated but it always heals. I'm …
Child Abuse: If I knew then, what I know now...
...what would I do differently? Keep a record. Dates, times, levels of attacks (0-10 on the rage-o-meter). Written somewhere safe. Treat her (my mother's) …
Child Abuse at Swingers Club
Child abuse in a swingers club? Yes, it's true. In November of 2004 in Mineola, Texas as a result of allegations of child neglect and drug abuse, Child …
Making Excuses for Sexual Abuse Allows Sexual Abuse
My 6- and 5-year-old granddaughters are placed with the father, who lives with the grandfather. The 6-year-old had revealed earlier that her father had …
Child Abuse: Tell Me Vicky's Father Was Brought to Justice!
Darlene, I was downloading movies from an online source and accidently downloaded one that contained footage of a girl that was molested by her father …
Aboriginal Child Abuse in Residential Schools: An Apology
Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, last week took an historic step by apologizing to aboriginal people for government action taken over the course …
Child Abuse Ignored By Teachers
News Item: In the past three years, teachers in New South Wales, Australia have failed to report cases of child abuse and neglect in at least …
Child abuse sentence of 15 years upheld
Hey Darlene, love this Google Child Abuse news feed you have implemented. Gives me an opportunity to read and comment on child abuse news all in one place. …
Child Abuse: Dispelling 6 Myths About Self Blame
The following are statements I receive from abuse victims, both children and adults, almost every day through my website. I'm addressing them here in an …
Child abuse allegations go unreported
In the State of California, allegations of child abuse must be reported by district employees. State law and district policy mandate the reporting of any …
Support a White House Conference on Children and Youth!
The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) is calling on Congress and the new President to hold a long overdue White House Conference on Children and Youth …
Boys Suffer Child Abuse in Polygamist Sect
There is no question in my mind that girls at the Yearning for Zion Ranch (YZR) in Eldorado, Texas suffer sexual child abuse. The religious doctrine of …
Child Abuse and Constitutional Rights
A Santa Monica English-as-a-second-language-middle-school teacher has been charged with 14 felony counts of sexual molestation. The allegations indicate …
Child Abuse May Alter Gene Structure
Child abuse victims who have committed suicide may have done so as a result of chemical changes in their brain genes that were caused by suffering childhood …
Where Were Child Protection Services?
Two senior social workers in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada said they had never before seen such an abused and traumatized child. When the 4-year-old …
Child Abuse and Polygamy
Child abuse and polygamy - polygamy and child abuse: Are these words synonymous? It certainly would appear so, based on the preliminary information obtained …
Can Childhood Spankings be Administered Because of or Lead to a Spanking Fetish?
I'm often asked this question. Each time I attempt to answer it, or address the issue of spanking as an inappropriate form of discipline, I'm barraged …
"Relationship Violence" vs. "Domestic Violence"
There is a distinction between relationship violence (RV) and domestic violence (DV).
The term "relationship violence" is used when there is emotional, …
Sexual Abuse Under the Guise of Spanking for Discipline
I'm a married man who sought therapy for a spanking fetish I truly didn't understand until the last three years. Therapy is going well. Over the course …
Why Parents Target a Specific Child for Abuse
Research into target-child selection, a term that is sometimes used to describe incidences where a parent singles out one child for abuse, is extremely …
What Spanking Really Teaches
The vast majority believe it is their right to spank their child as a form of discipline. Some quote the Bible, arguing that it is their parental duty …
Child Abuse Vs Spanking
Child Abuse vs Spanking: California Assemblywoman Sally Lieber (D-Mountain View) has sponsored a bill (AB 2943) which would ban the use of …
Kelsey's Law
Great that the state (Oklahoma) passed this law. I do not believe that children should be subjected to evident child abuse. I believe in cases like this, …
My two-year-old nephew Jesus Hernandez was beaten to death
This story is for my nephew, Jesus. He is no longer able to share his story, for child abuse claimed his life. At the age of two, my nephew Jesus was such …
My Redemption from Self-Blame
I was 13 and shared a bed with my elder brother of 17 as was our custom coming from quite a large family. I was awoken one night to discover my manhood …
As The Loss of Innocence Spreads
Recently, my brother went upstairs to check on his five-year-old son, three-year-old daughter and six-year-old playmate. He found the three together in …
When We Dispose of Children
Child prostitution: A 9-year-old boy and his 8-year-old cousin told me it was a family tradition.
In 1993, an old friend called and said …
Elaine's Posts Formerly Elaine's Room
I'm now 36, but my childhood still seems "current". My mother had mental health problems (Bipolar Disorder), and I now know I was fostered with relatives …
Dr. Phil: An Episode Worth Watching
Most abuse victims fantasize a confrontation with their abusers. Few have the opportunity to have the world's most famous PhD mediate such a confrontation. …
I Was On Oprah
Twenty years ago, I was part of a group of men who were among the first to speak openly about our sexually abusive childhoods. Mike Lew, a foremost specialist …
Internet Child Solicitation Laws in Indiana
I have a daughter who is about to turn seven. This fall her father, 36 years old, will be off probation for six counts of child solicitation via a computer …
Ways to Stop Child Abuse
I just wanted to write a page about ways that we can prevent children from suffering at the hands of abusers. From what I have learned over the years in …
No Help From Government
It's a shame that our government doesn't acknowledge there are more types of abuse against children than just physical. After four years of trying to get …
Child Abuser Wants to Become a Counsellor
Help me please! Another acquaintance of mine has done the same thing. I mean he has initially been an abuser, come clean and is apparently now ready to …
How Could a Child of Seven Remember?
Earlier in the year I was greatly distressed to hear and see on national TV a high profile cleric say in the defence of another member of the clergy, that …
Is This Type of Violence Considered Child Abuse?
This article was inspired by a comment received on one of my commentary pages. The now 16-year-old girl described a violent and sexually abusive relationship …
Autism, Child Abuse and Neglect
Parents of autistic children have been fighting the provincial governments in Canada for years over getting subsidized specialized care for their autistic …
Oprah Deals with Abuse Allegations in African School
Oprah has been in the news over the past couple of weeks over allegations of sexual misconduct and physical abuse in her much-touted African school for …
Sexual Assault Victims Will Tell Their Stories on Film
Sexual assault victims of former Vancouver, British Columbia teacher, Tom Ellison, will tell their stories in a film to be aired on Canada's CBC Newsworld. …
Child Sexual Predator - ANOTHER UPDATE
The Canadian school teacher wanted by Interpol for sexual crimes against young Asian boys was arrested in northeastern Thailand yesterday.
The world's …
Child Sexual Predator - UPDATE
The manhunt for Christopher Paul Neil, the child sexual predator whose distorted image police reconstructed last week, is now focused on Bangkok, Thailand, …
Why Aren't We Picketing Child Abuse?
Let's start this off by saying I was abused as a child myself. I wasn't as adversely affected by it as much as some other girls. I'm saying that, as an …
Have You Seen This Sexual Predator?
Interpol has made a global appeal for help in identifying the man you see in the professionally enhanced image above.
Photographs posted on the Internet …
Toddler's Death Results in New Oklahoma Law
The death of a toddler from Meeker, Oklahoma in October 2005 prompted state senators to pass House Bill 2840, the Kelsey Smith-Briggs Child Protection …
Child Abuse in the News
The following are captured from recent child abuse headlines:
Lancing, Tennessee couple face child abuse charges when their 7-week-old daughter was …
Outraged at Public Response to Child Abuse
A 27-year-old mother of three was arrested earlier this month on a charge of felony child abuse after a neighbor lodged a complaint with authorities. When …
Resiliency a Plus, Don't Keep Abuse a Secret
I wrote the article Legal System Fails, Cycle of Abuse Continues. I now write a follow-up as to how things are going at this point in time.
I have seen …
Child Abuse: A Parent's Responsibility
Parents can be charged with child abuse—a felony charge—even when the abuse is by the hand of another.
Such is the case of an Oklahoma …
Spanking: A Case for Sexual Assault
Recently, I was on a forum where a parent described and extolled the virtues of administering a bare-bottom spanking to her 13-year-old daughter. The mother …
Legal System Fails, Cycle Of Abuse Continues
In 2000 I was awarded sole custody of my children due to my ex-husband's abuse and aggression, the placement was supervised by my ex's sister. During my …
Female circumcision a barbaric form of child abuse
Police in the U.K. are offering £20,000 reward ($40,000 U.S.) for information that would bring to justice anyone involved in female circumcision. …
Child Abuse an Epidemic in New Zealand
Three-year-old Nia Glassie has become the poster-child for child abuse in New Zealand.
Nia suffered severe head and abdominal injuries, allegedly inflicted …
Parricide is a Child Abuse Effect
Child abuse can result in parricide, the killing of one's mother or father. Such is the case of a 13-year-old who is charged with killing her 34-year-old …
Prevent Child Abuse: Tips to Help Keep Your Child Safe in Daycare
Four things parents can do to protect a child in daycare:
1. Spot check the daycare regularly, unannounced
Quality caregivers welcome …
A Case of Child Abuse and Neglect by Darlene Barriere
I'm still shaking. I just witnessed a case of child abuse, child neglect to be exact.
I was jogging down one of the streets in my neighbourhood …
NOTE: Information pages on this site were based on material from the Canadian Red Cross RespectED Training Program. Written permission was obtained to use their copyrighted material on this site.
From Victim to Victory
a memoir
How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life
From Victim to Victory
a memoir
How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life
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