Ways to Stop Child Abuse
by Andrea Ashe
(North Carolina, USA)
A Mother's Love
I just wanted to write a page about ways that we can prevent children from suffering at the hands of abusers. From what I have learned over the years in my research is that there are a few things parents, teachers, babysitters, childcare providers, and other people in communities should do if they want to help children.
- Talk to children about their home life. Just a simple conversation will do but we need to get back to asking "How are you?" "Is everything at home okay?" "How is your family? (mom, dad, siblings)" Any question that will let the child tell you about their life at home. Be sure to listen.
- Tell children about inappropriate touches. Let them know that their body is not to be touched in any way that makes them uncomfortable or hurts and that it doesn't matter who it is; they shouldn't be touched on any private area of their body. Don't only say that adults shouldn't do it to them because a lot of abuse stories are of a child being molested by other kids or teens like siblings, cousin, peers and etc. Be sure to stress the importance of 'telling' if they are being molested, no matter the age or relation of the abuser, whether it's a sibling, cousin, aunt, uncle, parent, or stranger; teach them to tell someone they trust if they are hurt and never be afraid or keep it a secret. *Most abusers get away with it because they scare their victims into keeping it a secret.
(Please read Darlene's comments on this issue; you'll find them at the Comments link below.)
- If you suspect child abuse or you know it's happening...call for help and do not give up until you know that child(ren) is safe!!!!
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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
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