Comments for Sorry to Hear

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Dec 15, 2017
To Angel:
by: Darlene - Healing Coach

Thank you for reaching out, Angel. I am delighted to hear that your hubby is a 7-year lung cancer survivor.

My hubby is doing quite well these days. I've got him on a regimen that has helped him immensely: daily meditation, hour-long walks when possible, balanced diet, smoothies and 20-second hugs every day :)

We got the best new possible last week. The best news possible for a man with 2 kinds of cancer. No treatment necessary at this time because he's not symptomatic and we are not dealing with aggressive forms of cancers at this time. After 6 months of tests tests and more tests, it's a welcome blessing. Our team of doctors will actively monitor these cancers with quarterly bloodwork and possibly additional biopsies or MRIs to track the progression over time. In the words of our family doctor yesterday, he "dodged a bullet".

I look forward to reading your story, Angel.

Dec 16, 2017
by: Anonymous

Very good Darlene good news. I dont know how but I knew this would be this way after I first read your news weeks ago. I might comment on the news feed but dont see a comment section below it. Or my eyes are gone lol. I so knew this would turn out. Think positive and prayers. And keep up the good work as as you know we ignore the negative people. (-: thinking of you. Best wishes.

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this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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