Comments for Relationship Violence Story From Shayla

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Nov 02, 2009
I hope you're getting real help in the State home you're in...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

There is SO much in your story that I can't even begin to make a dent in what needs to be said, Shayla. I'll start by saying that you were sexually assaulted by every single one of the guys that you said "no" to. Period. End of story. If a guy keeps trying after you have said no, that's sexual assault. The fact that you're proud of yourself for not being penetrated by that one guy is to say that you were somehow responsible for the attack in the first place. This is wrong-thinking. I do hope that the State home you are in is providing counselling services, Shayla, because you need help to sort through all the repercussions of first, being abused in your home growing up, and now with the resulting unhealthy choices that plague your life. You're too worthy to NOT get help for yourself. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

Darlene Barriere: author. speaker. survivor. coach.
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
Talk Before Touching® Series

Nov 02, 2009
From just an other yourself.....
by: Monisha

I read your story. I am not into drugs and all but I am into what people call a perfect life. I have a family,home etc etc.. But wht people do not know is that I was sexually abused when I dint know what was happening to me. I am 20 now and I was abused by 3 people which include one female. I was supposed to be in safe family but my parents do not know about this. Well if you are out of home people ask you to have sex and if you are from a so called safe family they ask you out on a date or tell that they "love you". I initially fell into wrong hands too and used up. I always thought sleeping with someone is love like my abusers told me. I dint get any professional help in any sort to improve me. Now I have decided one thing: "No More". I wouldn't allow anyone to enter into my life. Even if my friends propose me I reject it. I know they are genuine. But I always have at the back of my mind that they are all the same. I am working on it and I am not afraid to fall in love now. Because I am strong enough to resist a guy. I have a piece of advice and I know its hard to take an advice from sm anonymous person who happened to read ur story on the net, but I just cant stop myself from telling you. I can see myself in you. Please be yourself. You are going to be a parent soon. You have got soo far and now you can get farther too. My mom's a parent when she was 16 and its really hard to be a parent at her age. Just be strong and think about your child. Dont let your child wander in the same path you are wandering. You can have a new life with your kid. You are still 18 and you have seen way too much for a kid of your age. You are atleast lucky in one way that you are not in access of your abuser, unlike children who get constantly abused by people at their house. So your life is in your hands and dont let it slip away. Be strong and all the best.

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stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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