Comments for Relationship Violence Story From Alexis

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Dec 12, 2013
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

The people who care about you are telling you the truth: You did the right thing breaking up with N. The reason you're second-guessing your decision has nothing whatsoever to do with N. You already know he's not what you want. This is about you not believing that you're worthy of someone who treats you with dignity and respect. Right now, you'd rather be in an abusive relationship than be alone with yourself. And that's what has to change. You must find your Self. You must understand that you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and that starts with YOU. Make a list of your qualities. If you think of something negative, immediately put down the exact opposite of that negative. Keep adding to the list of positives. Then find at least one example of each positive that makes the positive true. Keep coming up with examples. Focus on all the good things about you so that you begin to believe how wonderful and special you are. THIS is the key to making healthy choices for yourself. I send you love, light and healing energy, Alexis. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

Darlene Barriere: author. speaker. survivor. coach.
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
Talk Before Touching® Series

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heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

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From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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