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Oct 01, 2008
Being a good friend...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Cheyenne, sometimes being a good friend means breaking a promise to that friend. Don't keep any secrets about what your friend's dad is doing to her. Tell a school counsellor, a teacher, or someone else you trust who will act on this. Better yet, report this yourself. There is a page on my site here that describes how to deal with things when a friend discloses abuse. I've described the H.E.A.R.S. approach on that page. You'll find it at child abuse intervention.

I can't say for certain whether or not you yourself are being abused by what you've disclosed here, Cheyenne, because child abuse has what is termed "a generally accepted definition; but it is possible that you are being abused. I urge you to contact Child Help at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) in order to talk to someone about what you are dealing with. They are staffed 24/7 with professionally trained counsellors who will listen to you. They are not a reporting agency, although they can help you through the process of reporting if you decide to disclose what is happening to you and what is happening to your friend. And don't be afraid to give your friend the number too. She definitely needs someone to talk to.

Thank you for your very important message, Cheyenne, and for sharing the story about you, and about your friend. Sharing what is happening in both your lives is a first step. Be brave and take the next step: get you and your friend some help by telling someone.

Also, Cheyenne, I have a strict policy about including personal information, including email addresses, on my website. I don't permit this type of information because I want to keep you safe while you're on my site. I trust you understand.

Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Oct 03, 2008
by: Anonymous

Cheyenne, if you know your friend is being abused by her father, go find a trusted adult and tell them. This is the best thing you can do for her. By telling an adult, you are helping your friend escape from her father. You seem like a very good and caring friend. All you have to do is tell an adult you trust.

Thank you for sharing your story. You're very brave. I hope you find help for your friend and I hope you contact child services yourself, if your father is hurting you, call child services.

Dec 03, 2010
Help your friend!!!!!
by: Julia Yancey

When your friend tells you that her dad abuses her, you don't need to keep it a secret. If you keep it a secret than it's just putting your friend in more danger. Try to encourge her that it is not her fault and she needs to tell someone about it or she can even tell her mom. My friend told me that he was abused and that he felt no one cared about him and he feels like no one even relizes hes alive. I wanted to cry and as soon as I found out I told our principal. Being a good friend to someone means helping them when they need you the most or standing up for them. I will keep your friend in my prays, and I hope she gets better.
Tell her I am praying for her!!!!!!!

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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