Comments for Memories I Never Had

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Feb 29, 2008
Refuse to Accept Blame
by: Linda Settles

Jennifer, you are very brave to be able to talk about what happened. Maybe you don't remember everything, but you are facing the truth that you have--and when we do that more will come--it always does.
What you went through was terrible-something no child should every have to experience. And I can tell that you have sympathy for the boy who was so abused, too. I hope you know that you are not responsible for what happened to you, or to the boy. You were a child. A child in pain and terrible hurt and confused. No one knows what we would have done, but whatever you did--it was not your fault. You AND the boy were the victims of sick twisted individuals who were bigger and stronger than both of you.

I know this is hard to do--but you have to let it go. That will not happen in a day, and it may take a long time to completely release the 'what ifs' and move on--but that is what you have to do. One day at a time, one memory at a time, one pain at a time.

Trust the process of recovery, trust a Power Higher than yourself to get you through it, and trust yourself--you are strong, and brave, or you would not have written as you have.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Mar 01, 2008
by: Anonymous

how digusting

Mar 01, 2008
Rescuing is ingrained in us...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Jennifer, this is a question of the ages; a version of "what if." You want to know whether you would act to rescue this boy if you knew in advance what you would be put through by doing so. No one can answer that with any certainty. Indeed, to even try is moot, since we can't change what has already occurred. We can only act upon what will happen today and tomorrow. So THAT'S the real question I believe you're asking: "Would I rescue this boy today and risk going through what I went through yesterday?"

When we come from severe abuse, some of us cannot do nothing when an injustice occurs, or when we witness a child being physically or sexually abused. Not only does our instinct to protect kick in, we are overwhelmed with an ingrained need to stop what no one stopped for us. We act before we think, and by doing so, subconsciously show the world that what happened to us should never have happened, and that we will stop it from happening again, single-handedly if necessary. No matter our size or disadvantage, we become 10 feet tall with the strength of Hercules; we are driven to act with no regard for the consequences. We share this ingrained trait, Jennifer. We would rather be the ones who suffer, than do nothing when a helpless child is made to suffer.

What happened to you, Jennifer was heinously criminal. You were subjected to inhuman acts. The fact that you survived and didn't stick that fork in the electrical outlet, or suicide in some other way, is nothing short of miraculous. Rather than question what you would do given the circumstances today; recognize that you are a caring, loving, nurturing woman who has amazing strength of character. Because you do, Jennifer, you really do.

Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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