Comments for Creep For Uncle

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Mar 09, 2016
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Your uncle was a creep and an abuser. You could be right about his interest in your mother when she was younger, but couldn't act upon it. His enjoyment of pop music was in part, a way for him to get closer to the children he abused. And there were likely others. The thing is with child abusers, they are primarily interested in young and very young children. And when those children get older, the interest in them is gone...which is when they look for another victim. It's all very sick and twisted.

You were an at-risk child, being put into a home with your mother so very far away and a father with a bad temper. With that kind of physical distance from your mother and a father you were probably afraid of, disclosing to them what George was doing wasn't going to happen. It's a form of self-preservation, Penelope. You would have been afraid you wouldn't be believed or that what was happening would be minimized. Not to mention the possibility of having to leave school. You didn't have the best role models in order to help you with a boyfriend selection, so I'm not at all surprised that your first was quite a nasty person. So of course you would regard men with suspicion. That's human nature.

What's important now is to find a healing path right for you. That could be counselling or it could be a variety of therapies available out there. When you do remember or a memory affronts you, recognize that it is just a memory. Pay homage to the feelings and emotions that you experience at the time. Then give it wings so it can fly away. Our bodies don't know the difference between living out an experience in the moment or reliving it in our minds. That means that even memories have the ability to create havoc within our bodies with disease, illness, and a host of unhealthy related issues. That's why it's critical to process what we've endured, look at it from a different perspective, then truly move forward in our lives. Don't just remember all the bad stuff. Remember the good. Find something positive to remember about your Self. You're a survivor, Penelope. And now it's time to become a thriver. The worst is over, except in your memories. And that is within your power to overcome, but you have to chose to take back your power first. I have the utmost faith that you will.

I send you love, light and healing energy. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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