Comments for Child Abuse Story From Tyra

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Apr 26, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

I certainly understand needing and wanting to protect yourself. But you said you've been removed from that abusive environment, so please keep in mind that violence is not the answer. It will only beget more violence, and a lot of trouble for you if you use such measures. I do hope you're in some form of counselling to help you deal with the repercussions of living what you did. And always remember you ARE worthy of dignity and respect. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Apr 26, 2010
You're not alone
by: Mac

Tyra;Get yourself & stay somewhere safe, & get some support & coundeling. Hurting people, hurt people; don't let the pain of what you went tru make you do hurtful things to those who abused you or to others. Keep posting. Know we are here for you! Healing comes in time, but it does come. My parents used to make me take scalding hot baths. I thought that was normal, how sick is that. One day I had had enough, & I didn't want to take the bath. I wanted someone to protect me, or keep me safe, so i took my puppy in with me. It had scalding burns on it, & died from a heart attack due to the shock on it's system, & died. so sad that I lost my puppy; but I never had to take those baths anymore. And other sad things i had to endure. Don't go back.Be safe & get the help you need.You are not the unwanted,abused, person you were brought up to endure & see as who you are. God has a good purpose for all of us.It saddens Him when we endure such pain.the enemy meant those things to destroy you, mentally & physically, but God has a better life for you. He got you tru it , & if you trust Him, He will help you heal & have a better life.He has done it for ole Mac, & I know He can do it for you. In sharing your story, it helps you heal, & process thoughts/experiences, as well as help someone else , where-ever they are on their journey into hope,light, love. You are preciouse Tyra!

Apr 27, 2010
I agree
by: Rachel

I agree with Mac... God has a purpose for everyone one and fighting back is not the answer... maybe take some counselling and don't wrry... healing will eventually come...

Apr 28, 2010
I am better than them, I am not going to stoop to their level.
by: Maurice

Tyra, you are brave, you stay strong, you are inteeligent, you know better than to allow yourself to use violence to get your own back at them. Please read Darlene's comment over and over again, take ownership of it for yourself, She's knows your strong feelings, She was abused too you know, she more than like had such strong feelings from time to time but became a winner over her abusers. She did not allow them to be winners over her. I thnk you get the message very special and highly inteeligent one. They used and abused you wrongly, cruelly, badly. They were bad. I just read in my local paper here this morning that a Step-Father received 12 years for the horrific abuse of his daughter. I say not long enough, Darlene thankfully safeguards me and her visitors from really expressing our real anger and feelings on her site about such people.
Thank you Darlene. TYRA, please know each of us who read your story love you to bits, want what is the best way forward for you NOW. Counselling is the best way forward. You be your gentle self, be true to the wonderful and beautiful you NOW. Live well, Laugh alot, love much, Beginning with that very special me in the mirror. Let go of wanting to get your own back (even though it is a natural re-action for anyone who was abused) Tell on them to the authorities, Begin to have a life of your own away from them, have one or two real buddies/friends that will love you for the brave and strong young woman you are now. Oh yes, Tyra have a healthy mind in a healthy body, get out and about intergrating and mixing with like-minded people in taking part in sporting and cultural activities. There is safety in numbers. I know you will be gentle and kind to your body, slowly erasing the bruises or scars that may be still there from those abusive people. soothe them away with all the modern oils and creams for such purposes and massage your body. Then get out there valueing it and respecting it. Naturally accpet it, stay safe, be safe and you'll do that by Always believeing in yourself. Tyra, read Darlene's comment to you.

May 25, 2010
tyra again
by: tyra

Hey guys thank you for your comments... i am in counseling and its helping alot... i know that i have done some things in life that i regre but i am willing to now change my foster mom is giving me the life i never thought i would have so thank u all for supporting me and thank u for all being my friends and supporting me i appritiate it alot thanks

From Darlene: I moved your comment to this page, Tyra, so that others who left comments here would be able to read what you wrote. And I'm SO proud of you for staying in counselling and getting the help you need. Sounds to me as though you are well on your way toward healing and recovery, and that you have a supportive foster mom to help you along that path.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

May 25, 2010
A friend in need is a friend indeed:
by: maurice

When you found Darlene's site you sure found a caring humanity that empatised with you in the telling of your story: You see the good nature that you brought out on each of us who left you comments: Thanks to Darlene I know my comment reached a vein of hope in you: Great your life is beginning to have meaning for you TYRA: Live well: Laugh alot: Love much: I will: I will: good on you Tyra:

May 25, 2010
Proud of you Tyra
by: Mac

Keep us posted. Posting helps us heal in our process of moving out of the pain & trauma into a better life with hope. I was glad to see your new post. It'll keep getting better.

May 26, 2010
by: Tyra

Thanks guys i found here what ive always wanted someone that will take time to read aand help me heal from my passed. you guys are amazing and good friends THANK-YOU so much*

May 26, 2010
tyra again
by: TYRA

well u guys really helped me out big time my counselor told me i am tramatized i did not know that but the good thing is that i learn something knew everyday now and i am exited... im almost a 9th grader... im goin to seahome and i feel like everyday i learn more and more about myself... im happy that i found some people that will listen to me thank you guys

May 27, 2010
Nice One: Your the Best: Always believe in YOURSELF
by: Maurice

Always believe in YOURSELF Tyra: I will; I will; just for me: Great we've crossed path's on Darlne's site Tyra: Soul Mates from a distance wanting what is best for each other in our healing from Abuse: With Darlene as the watchful guardian of her site who will makes sure we speak from our hearts to each other in total love and respect: You sure put her site in it's rightful place in all our minds and hearts: She sure was a visionary in setting the site up: Thank you Tyra: Thank You Darlene: The power of the pen: The power of your site: It is an empowering safe place for each one to exchange their heart felt feelings for each beautiful human being who arrives on it to let go of their hurt and pain from years of abuse: Knowing you are there Darlene ensuring only positive and constuctive expressing of our heart felt feeling get back to the teller/writer of their story: The benefit I get from each coment made in reply to a Special Unique beautiful person human/spiritual being is enormous: Therefore I say you keep leaving your heart in the supporting, encouraeing words you share in your comment: Yes, yes I know you are busy about many things and have to prioritise etc but your valued comment Darlene is uplifting and empowering: Oh yes your words provoke action in us all: That is clear, you can encourage but each one who share their story need to get off their bootoms and get on with living life to the full after Abuse: Thank You Darlene through Tyra's honest appraisal of your site: She sure stirred my heart with her words:

May 27, 2010
by: Tyra

Guys i love you all thank you all for everything counceling is still goin good and my mom she just got her perental rights takin away i still have not figured out if its a good thing or not but im sure thinkin about it im really happy that i get to start over with my life its a good time for me to find myself thank you for all your help

Jun 02, 2010
hope for the best for me
by: Tyra

well im moving again and well its tipical... if one does not work the other one should also my mom just ummmm got to crazy with drugs and killed herself... and i feel it is my fault so guys please have faith and hope in me... i need some help to survive thank you guys

Jun 03, 2010
Your Honesty will set you free in time:
by: maurice

Tyra, thank you for your real trust to Darlene and all her visitors who have written loving, caring, concerned comments to you: Moving again, you sure are telling us all how you are feeling right now: I hope in time you get strong enough in yourself to get real support and help to move on: It pains me to think that you are still suffering the effects of abuse and can't break the sequence, (YET) Thank you for sharing your present feeling with Darlene: She cares and still get your comfort from reading her comment and the comments of each of us who want to be your friend from a distance: In time you will be strong enough to put the loving suggestions from us all into practise: Stay safe, and be as safe as you can: Get help from your friends and yes counsellors: My heart goes out to you still Tyra

Jun 07, 2010
flying away
by: tyra

I just relized all i have going so good for me... i have alot of good people for me noone has the " perfect life" but i will not stop trying to be positive im done with being negative there are alot of things that have happined but there is always tommorow and even if there is not there will be a place in the world for me... i just fly away in my dreams and come back in the morning and focus on all i have going right for me im beyond lucky... im super lucky.

Jun 12, 2010
so sad... so happy
by: Tyra

i just lost the best counselor in the world... you know how they say u only realize what you had tell its gone... its true i miss her so much she tought me too love to believe... but shes gonna be a doctor... ive always thought doctors where life savors and considering that is what shes gonna be shes my life savor

Jun 15, 2010
Guys help?
by: Tyra

one of my best friends is using drugs and i dont know how too help her do you guys have any ideas theres not alot i can think of other then trying too be supportive... you guys got anything???

Sep 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

hey guys its just me again i feel horable i might have to leave again to tacoma im so upset i dont want to leave again its retarded i just i miss my mom i need her i want to hug her guys help

Sep 09, 2010
walk with her: Talk with her: Be gentle and kind to her
by: maurice

I am almost certain that is exactly what you are doing right now: Keep your sharings simple and let her know it is your heart that is trying to speak to hers: Not head to head: Yo may never be the winner if you keep it at the head to head level: Friends are heart people for me and I hope me for them: When we reach that level of loving, caring, sharing, trusting, respecting then I believe we have a true friend: We have circles of friends not levels or easures: Last count I had fifty circles: Tyra I know you know what I am saying: The circle of friend your friend is right now may not listen to you as a closer circle of friend might: Be patient with yourself inwanting to help: Do your best to relate and communicate your heartfelt feelings and leave the rest to God or a higher power: Your heart will tell you if she needs a counsellor: if she needs to speak with a medical person: other than her family or so called friends who do not care for her as much as you: Those she hangs about with doing the drugs: There not her friends: Tyra; I hope you are in a good space for yourself: Having a healthy mind in a healthy body: I've left you a few comments because I care about you: I want what is the best for you: I hope and trust you want what is best for you: Live well: Laugh alot: Love much: Why?? because I am WORTH it:

Sep 10, 2010
u helped
by: Anonymous

you are trully a remarcable friend thank you

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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