Comments for Child Abuse Story From Tay

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May 24, 2009
TELL someone...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Tay, you don't deserve to be mistreated in any way. You deserve to have love and nurturing and dignity and respect in your life. I hope you understand that you are not to blame. None of what your mother is doing to you is your fault. ABSOLUTELY NONE OF IT! That's important to understand. It's your mother who is twisted in her thinking. She has serious anger problems; and she's taking them out on you by lashing out at you. It is NOT okay for her to be hurting you, NO MATTER WHAT!

Tay, I'm so sorry that there isn't anyone who can help you through this site. Neither my visitors nor I can offer you the help you really need and deserve, as much as we would like to. I can offer you a place to share your story and get validation and encouragement in the form of comments. However, I can also provide a couple of numbers to call:
  • Jamaica's Child Abuse Hotline:  2-1-1
  • Jamaica's Registry: 1-888-PROTECT (1-888-776-8328)
Please call at least one of them, Tay. There are people who want to, and can, help. I recommend the first number (the hotline) because the Registry (second number) is primarily there to compile data, although they will generate a report to the appropriate agency if you do call them first. I understand your loyalty to your mother, Tay, but you should not have to deal with physical abuse. You should not have to deal with being cut and attacked. You are much too precious to have to deal with all this.

If you can, try getting in touch with your father for help as well. He's your father; he has a duty to protect you and keep you safe from harm, even when the person who's harming you is your mother.

I wish you all the best, Tay. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

May 24, 2009
The Sooner, The Better...Darlene is right!
by: Anonymous

Tay, I'm sorry that you don't have a good mom; my mom, too, is ballistic and abusive. She even likes to yell at me in public and I literally hated it. What your mother did to you is sadistic and brutal. No less. You are not a bitch (please forgive my French!); you are smart, beautiful and precious. Darlene is right, Tay. Please tell someone, not to mention your father, before it's too late! Don't wait too long!

May 25, 2009
Well done, brave one for sharing your story
by: maurice

Tay, you are very precious, special, unique and one very brave Teenager to sit down after finding Darlene's site and share your abuse story with her and her visitors. We all know how valuable her site is to the many who have at there own hands the opportunity to begin to tell some-one even though anonymously. I now know from my first visit to Darlene's site the benefits of it for the young and not so young visitors. She is the bestest of steward of the site, she is loving, caring and does feel and emphtise with each of her visitors. Her motherly advise is good for us all irrespective of our age. She's walked the walk of abuse herself so she sure does know it's effect and scars on each visitor. Her professionalism in gentleness is to be admired. Now Tay I say all of that in the hope you will begin to love your beautiful self and get the help NOW. OK Tay easy for us to say it to YOU. You need help and need now. I am certain you have a class mate/friend who you share your pain and intimate self to. let her hold your hand and bring you to an understanding sympathetic caring Teacher. There's always one in every School. You have rights as a teenager. Your Mam is cruel. I gather you seem to be an only child, if so we are very special. I had to bide my time too relating my abuse to someone and make a sense of being an only child of a single mam when I was born. Now I know how precious I am Tay. You are intelligent, you know that your mother is not a good one with they way she bruises you and emotionally treats you. She is a control freak wrongly to you. Hi Tay what Darlene said to you we really can't help you but we can love you from a distance and send you our heartfelt feelings. Tay, please go and get help it will do you the power of good. begin to love that beautiful person in the mirror not easy with all your bruises but there not your fault or of your making. So Tay see the beauty behind them because that beauty of oneself comes from within each of us.

May 30, 2009
by: Tay

Thanks so much to you all. I decided to try and cooperate with her. She is my mother still and I have realized that no matter what I will love her. Things are looking better now and I hope they remain that way. We argue less and since the incident she has not hit me again. I think some of her anger is caused by me...I am a strong person and I believe in standing up for what, is right even though I am only a child. Parents do not like to be the under dogs[so to speak] in the relationship between parents and children. They do not like to think that they too have faults and are not perfect. Even though she is older than I am, she is still capable of making mistakes in which she should be able to own up to. I am proud of my courage and bravery.

Thanks for the support and the help, I am very appreciative of it.

From Darlene: You are so welcome, Tay. Thank YOU for coming back and giving my visitors and me an update. I'm glad things are better at home now. And you are very right when you say that just because one is a grown up (or a parent) doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. They most certainly do! But whether or not they own up to their mistakes is entirely up to them. We can only own up to our own mistakes, not the mistakes of others. Stay well, dear. And stay strong.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

May 31, 2009
wonderful words from Darlene to you
by: Maurice

Tay, I just want say thank you, be brave, be strong, say I love me and mean it and you'll be fine in your efforts to value yourself and then valuing others. You take good care of the Me person NOW. In that Mirror say I can accomplish anything I want for me. no negative thoughts about that Tay. Don't doubt yourself. Smile at your beautiful self it is empowering of you and others in your life.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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