Comments for Child Abuse Story From Tatianna

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Dec 17, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

I'm going to be extremely firm with you, firmer than I've EVER been with anyone who has written their story on my site. What makes you so different than any other child who has been abused? Yes, I'm asking that question. What makes you so different that other abused children aren't to blame for being abused, but you think you are to blame? Your logic defies logic. You say you want to feel and get past what happened, but you aren't willing to do what is necessary; and what IS necessary is talking about it. You're not the one who's "disgusting" or "filth". Those labels belong to your abusers, and only your abusers. But if you won't help yourself by being willing to talk and go through the process of healing, then you're condemning yourself to a life that you say you don't want, not because of what you endured, but because you refuse to take the necessary steps for your own betterment. You are worth a whole lot more than you think you are. Give your head a shake, Tatianna. Clear out the cobwebs. The world needs you. At a time in my life where my husband's health (and possibly his life) hangs in the balance of heart surgery, I find it very difficult to stand idly by and not call you on something you DO have control over. You had no control as a little girl. You HAVE control now. And I make no apologies for being this firm with you. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Dec 17, 2010
Hi Tattianna
by: Me

Tatianna, you are a child of God and God loves you, he put you here so you could have the chance to have
eternity life with out pain or tears, after this suck out life, . God does intervene but by wrath and earth destructions. And he ...cryies when he see's evil hurting his beautiful creation (you).

God had to make sure he created a way where in the end he can destroy evil, and by making us, we are in his plan, we will one day be in existence in eternal bliss. the evil spirits gets in humans and the number one priority is to kill the child destroy your hopes and steal your dreams- sole. You have lived a life where hell is real and that will never go away but the opposite of evil is good, and where the light of God can shine, the evil can not survive. It is possible to ask God, even thou you may not know God is possible to ask God to take the pain and hurtful disgusting memories out of your spirit and mind. God will give you your hearts desire and all you have to do is Say, " God Please Come into my heart and heal me, Please God take this evil spirit of death that is trying to kill me, Please God save me....and just for assurady,,,say,,,in the end ....and God I say this in Jesus mighty name.

Try it, and remember that you might feel alone, and hurting yourself was the way to handle it but now you have God and God can be there for you. God can only come into our lives and is only allowed to come in if we ask....And trust me, God is real.....what ever we ask in Jesus name,,,it comes true. be strong stay away from sex , porn, and get your education cause knowledge is power and love is God and God made wisdom and he put it in the Bible so we can know the secrets of his plan. And God can also come in your dreams and if your beside still waters God will speak to you, and you will know the voice of God when you here it. God voice is known to us, and its so dame amazing when you going to be at that point, you will of wonder why you lived so long with out God and you will have a zeal for god.. and read the word of God, (the Bible, internet. gatherings,, I will pray for you now. bye

Dec 18, 2010
The True Value of a comment:: Always believe in YOURSELF
by: maurice

Tatianna you are one lucky young woman/adolecent: You have been given the most honest truthful empowering comment from Darlene's heart: The truth will set you free: Darlene was so naturally her true self in what she said to you from her heart: If you truly want to help yourself you read her comment lovingly knowing she was firm, fair and wants truly what is the best for you; You have all the qualities you need to change your life: to be in charge of your life: From reading Darlene comment begin to think positive things about yourself: You have lowered your own giftedness, tallents, intelligence by doing abusive things yourself to others: You say you did not know another female would abuse another: How wrong you know now you are in that thinking: Are you not a female doing the abusive thing now: self harming yourself and others: I hope one day I will read a change to your story: Darlene gave you very real, strong, loving, words from her heart: Me and her many visitors know how professional and loving she truly is when she writes a comment: Totally speaks with a woman's heart knowing the effects abuse can have on each visitor to her site: She loves you Tatianna: wants what is the best for you: She also wants you to change your whole negative attitude about yourself: Always believe there is a full life to be lived after being abused or in your case being abusive: Change your way of living and looking at yourself: let your motto be I CAN: I WILL: I MUST WHY???? because I am WORTH it: The second comment from the writer ME should help you to build up your SELF ESTEEM it is a loving empowering comment too: As I sincerely hope mine will be for you too:

Dec 18, 2010
by: Tatianna

I did not imply in the absoloute slightest that I am different of any other child whom has been sexually abused. I don't talk about it, because I can't, and due to own reasons that I care not to explain myself to you, you also have to realise that these things take time. As I am currently taking into consideration that it may even take years to deal with, don't jump to such conclusions that I am making myself sound like an individual victim of sexual abuse, I'd never do such a thing.

Dec 18, 2010
You CAN overcome this!
by: Briana


I understand that it is difficult to talk. Believe me, I am still in therapy trying to speak about the things that happened to me and it is so tough. I was sexual abused by a woman too, my own mother. Sometimes I just sit there screaming inside my head to talk, telling myself I am safe and it's ok to cry but yet I just can't seem to let it out. I understand that it is tough. I always say I want to get over what happened to me but then when it comes time to talk, I chicken out. I am still working on that. My point is, I do understand that it is tough. Darlene's comment was dead on and truthful and I truly believe it's what you need to hear. You say you are working on it and you're right it does take time. If this is true I am glad that you are dealing with these issue but what you wrote leads me to believe you have given up and are not even trying to get better. When you turn everything black and white using words like NEVER or EVER, it closes down even the possibility of healing. "I'll never be able to come to terms that I was only a child and not to blame"...."I don't think I'll ever feel worth a life, or "clean" again no matter how hard I scrub at myself". What you tell yourself is very powerful and your mind starts to truly believe everything you tell it. My advice is if you really do want to make the effort to heal, please try to change your thoughts to less definitive statements. Maybe instead you can state that it will be very hard to come to terms with the fact that you were only a child and not to blame. Just try not to be close minded. The process is very tough but you can get over these memories if you decide you are ready to take the steps.

Dec 18, 2010
by: Lucy

Tatianna, you are not disgusting, you are not filth. You are a very intelligent young lady, worthy of a beautiful life, and you are "clean" and "pure", no matter what has happened to you.

You are not at fault for anything, you are not at fault for your parents' separation.

Please do not berate yourself for not telling anyone, because you had confided in your mother about what had happened to you and you are crying out for help by sharing your story on this site.

I can feel your pain. I believe you - I think you are in a severe depression. What you deserve is love, compassion, and understanding. Be kind and gentle with yourself. You were sexually abused as a child, you were an innocent young victim, and you have the right to be angry at your offenders and at anyone who bullies you.

Voice your pain, release the anguish, and keep screaming for help, Tatianna, but this time, please accept the help because love and affection do exist in this world and you do deserve the best of everything life has to offer.

Please don't give up. Please stop harming yourself. I believe you are a gentle, sweet soul and I sincerely hope you find the help you need to heal. I wish I could do more to help you and support you through this... Please, take care. <3

Dec 18, 2010
Always believe in your self: Get help: You'll be fine
by: maurice

Tatianna: Thanks for your re-action: Natural: real: true: But heck don't be cross with Darlene or the other caring comments: None wanted to upset you: In Darlene's loving commment mine br brianna's Me you have been re-assured not quistened, not judged: accepted as being one very special woman: You have to accept real Love coming through each comment to you: Darlene had to tell you: make a realisation of the truthfullness of what you wrote: She was just being firm, fair, and hopefully ending up being a friend in what she wrote: It's up to you now, don't blame, make a sense of the love expressed to you inall the comments: Hi admit I ain't dead yet:

Jan 13, 2011
you can find a friend that you can trust and tell anythimg to
by: Anonymous

thats crazys that you got abused and im sorry for that but you need to stop blameing your self you was young and didnt know what was going on when it started i had lot of people i talk to and thye tell me everything about what happened in their life when thye was a child so of the people i talked to went throw deeper crap than you so just follow what the lord say and do what he ask you and he will help u but u have to be careful and dont be in a rush

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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