Comments for Child Abuse Story From Susie

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Mar 19, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

If you are still a minor, please contact ChildLine on 0800 1111. You can visit their website by copying & pasting the following URL into your browser: If you are an adult, please seek out some form of counselling in order to help you through the repercussions of the sexual abuse, as well as the emotional abuse and neglect. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Mar 20, 2010
So brave
by: Poppy Fields

I know your story by heart, so I know this is you sweet girl.

I'm so proud of you, you always said you'd write your story for all to see because you're not ashamed - and I guess I never really thought you would. I'm happy to be proved wrong.

To have you as my friend is my privilege.

You were 10 years old and the world nearly ended for you, I will always be grateful that it didn't.

With love baby girl,
Your Popsicle x

Mar 22, 2010
Oh to have someone who can truly emphatise with you; Truly loving of you
by: maurice

Poppy Fields certainly spoke her heart feelings to you after reading your brave story to Darlene and her visitors: Great you found the Site: I sincerely believe that it is a beginning for you to begin your healing from your sexual and emotional abuse by that Drunkard and Molester of a Step Father. You were being a true sister and carer of your younger sibling for their safety: You are the best Susie: Always believe in yourself: If you are a Minor please take special note of what Darlene requested of you in her comment. That trul was a horrible experience for you to go through without a mother to protect you. She needs help too. You know he did abuse you, YOU are an intelligent Young Thinking Adult. Get him far away from your younger siblings if he did it to you, he is more than likely try it on them too. Be safe yourself then make life safe for them too. Your mother should know what he did, but if she is incapapable then you need to get help from counselling with alot of help from your closest of friend (s) whom you trust with your life. Always value and respect your own dignity and person. Don't allow anyone to abuse it ever again. Always believe in YOURSELF: Have boyfriends who will RSPECT YOU: Think positive, act positive, be positive, Say I'm Special and I love me. I am worth it. Live well, Laugh alot, Love much. beginning and ending with yourself first than share it out to others in Respect of them and their respect of you.

Mar 22, 2010
by: mel

i'm not going to write loads( we both know i could)
but what i will say is i do admire you in so many ways and even when we was little i did,, and as adults i do so more especially your openness, and your realism. i think you are a very strong and wonderful person.:)

Mar 22, 2010
Susie....get out, report the abuse, get help
by: Mac

Susie; CPS can come in & get all of you & your siblings out of that mess.Time to get help & get out of that pit, & into the path of hope, ehaling ,sanity. Thank you for sharing your story.Benz there,got out, & finally began to heal completely from the ordeal I lived tru. For me, it took getting out of denial,being heard , Being safe & getting whatever I needed to help me move forward healthier, whole, & happy for once. Awesome!!! You're not alone...nor were you meant to live in that manipulation& abuse.Proud of you! It took courage to share your story, to seek the help you need, & get out from under that funk of abuse.Keep moving forward !

Mar 22, 2010
No longer a child
by: Susie

Wow, thank you to you all. Your comments mean a lot to me. They have also made me realise that I should have had part 2 readier than it currently is as it explains more.

When this encounter took place I was 10 years old, I am now 30. I am safe and I am happy. It took me a while but I went to the police, and I went through the court procedures (alone) to ensure my siblings, and other children were kept safe. My Stepfather was sentenced to 8 years in prison for what he did to me.

My next entry is nearly ready, I explain more in that. Thank you for reading my story so far.

I am truly sorry to anyone who worried that I was still a minor.
Susie x

Mar 26, 2010
Keep on going
by: Anonymous

Im still a minor and im not sure im comfortable revealing my name but i do want to tell you i was also sexually assaulted. A person i thought was my friend made me preform oral sex on him and ive thought of suicide a lot but ive learned on thing from this and here it is. You may be miserable, suicidal, want to end it all but dont because ive learned that your family, friends, brothers, sisters, even your dad in some weird sick way will miss you. We all need to learn not to look for a perfect life but instead we need to find our own happiness. My happiness is in my family, friends, and my awesome girlfreind (yes im a boy). So no matter what you think theres always a downside and an upside. dont focus on the downside but look for the upside.

Jun 17, 2010
Searching for the right words to say .......
by: Mary

.......Aw Susan,

My heart is knotted and frozen with this glimpse of the horror of your suffering. What a little mother you were at all of ten years of age, caring more about your brothers than yourself.
I am very glad you have been able to write this here, so people in your life can see the courageous path you have travelled. What an abolute winner you are with SOME guts to boot, bringing your step-dad to justice and protecting other children. The length of his sentence, albeit way not long enough ever, suggests more of the severity of the abuse you sustained. It also indicates he may have abused before and targetted your mother's single parent family?
I wish you all things good and that one day you will FEEL real joy in your heart once more..... May your soul sing and peace be its' melody. A lot of love and a huge Chelinski hug. Mary xxx

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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