Comments for Child Abuse Story From Sumi

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Aug 18, 2009
For goodness sake, you were a child; NONE of this is on you...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Sumi, you were sexually assaulted by this man. He was the adult; you were the child. He DID rape you if he used ANYTHING to penetrate you, including his fingers. Don't ever think this was your fault, because it wasn't.

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Aug 21, 2009
Abuse in whatever form is abuse the world over
by: maurice

Oh beautiful Sumi, great from your heart and home you found Darlene's have of love site. Her words back to you in her comment hopefully will begin your healing process from your sexual abuse at such a beautiful and innocent age. Oh Sumi Adults who abuse the innocent don't deserve to be called human. Oh for a parent to do it makes it a crime greater than I or you can understand as to the Why they do it. Sumi now that you have found this family site set up by Darlene, each of us know what abuse and being abused is all about. we can emphatise with each other and the pain of it. irrespective of the form it took Physical, Sexual or emotional. You were ever so brave to tell your story. Well done, now please begin to love the wonderful and beautiful you. You're 21 now and understand yourself and accept your beautiful body was abused by this horrible man/parent Be gentle and kind to your body especially the sacred parts that was abused. It is the most beautiful part of you so see your beautifulness in the mirror. I can, I will, I must as part of my healing process. Say. I'M SPECIAL. I LOVE ME, HUG YOUR SELF GENLTLEY AND SAY I AM THE TRUE ME NOW IN MY OWN RIGHT. Hi be sure to talk through your abuse with a Therapist if that is possible. Tell your closest of friends whom you trust. especially the one who knows you true and true. we all have at least one that we share our most intimate with in trust and respect. Respect yoursefl , be in charge of your life and destination.

Aug 25, 2009
Not Your Fault!
by: Rita

Oh sweetie, please you must know this was never your fault! As an abused child myself at age 5 my brother who was then 15 had me perform oral sex on him. In some weird and crazy way they make you believe its okay. Your were an innocent child who was taking advantage of. then your grow up to be an adult and realize this is not normal behavior, but never was this your fault! He took your innocence away and i hate that for you!
-Rita xo

Aug 26, 2009
Here to help
by: TheUnlovablePunk

Sumi, if I could, I would kick this guys ass for you. I'm glad you told us about this.
<3 Your sister in spirit, UnloveablePunk

Nov 08, 2009
You were just a baby, it wasn't your fault.
by: Anonymous

You were just a kid! He knew what he did was wrong and you did not. There is no reason to feel ashamed. You did NOTHING wrong at all! And even if he didn't go VERY far (still way too far though) that still messes with your emotions.

Nov 08, 2009
Why have you jumped back into my thoughts???
by: maurice

Sumi, My prayer for you is that you are loving yourself, getting all the love and help you need after sharing your story with Darlene and her caring visitors. As you can see by reading our comments we want all that is the best to give you peace of mind about what you did ever so innocently at the time. Darlene has told you it was sexual abuse by him on you. Read my previous caring/loving thoughts to you. I hope you are moving on in your life. Looking in that Mirror and building up your Self Esteem, saying positive things to yourself about that wonderful and beautiful body of yours. Only you can make it beautiful NOW. to erase the not so nice things you did ever so innocently thoughts about your body at that time. It was not your fault, don't blame yourself. At 21 I am certain you have grown and matured into a lovely woman in your own right. Live well, laugh alot, love much Sumi. Read darlene's words to you and take them on board they will do you a power of good.

From Darlene: Maurice, the reason you received notification on Sumi's story is because another person left a comment for her and because you had opted in to receive notification of other comments that visitors leave on this story. As you know, comments don't go live until after I've read and approved them. So when you receive a notification in your email and you don't see a new comment after clicking onto the link that takes you to the page, it's either because I haven't yet been able to read and publish it, or because it was inappropriate and I deleted it. This is true of all stories, commentaries, articles, etc. on my site that uses this particular module. Hope this clears things up.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Nov 08, 2009
grateful thank you sure it was great to say hi again
by: maurice

I value your comment and explanation Darlene, Thank you, sure it was great to say hi to Sumi in the hope healing is taking place. Yes, I have been aware no story arrives without your stewardship of it. That is what I value most when I read your comment. I have never replied to a story unless I see your comment at the end of it. That is what makes your site a safe haven for us all.

Jul 15, 2010
by: Anonymous

You were 8, a child, and totally innocent. He was an adult and knew what he was doing. You have nothing to be ashamed of. He could have and probably should have been sent to jail for what he did to you.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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