Comments for Child Abuse Story From Shauneen

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Nov 09, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Clearly, you are a victim of child abuse. You seem to be of the mistaken belief that abusive parents don't love their children. While that is sometimes the case, it often isn't. Sometimes parents are completely misguided, even twisted in their beliefs about teaching right from wrong, and as a result, inflict abuse and harm on their children in the name of "discipline." While you believe your mother had the best of intentions, her methods were most definitely abusive. It is completely inappropriate for any parent to punch or kick their children, ever. And while hitting, slapping, and spanking a child is considered acceptable discipline, in my view, it is also completely inappropriate. There are so many more appropriate methods to discipline a child without all the terrible side effects that hitting brings about. Your mother has serious problems. But the most important thing for you to understand is that you are now suffering with the repercussions of being a victim of child abuse. The reason you're having difficulty getting yourself to your counselor's office for sessions is because your armor is breaking down. And breaking down that armor is necessary if you have any hope of dealing with your depression. Trust the process, as grueling as it can and will be. I speak from personal experience when it comes to the grueling nature of therapy. But it is worth it. You can't circumvent your pain; you can and must go through it if you have any hope if getting past it. Stay in counseling and be honest with your counselor. It will ultimately lead to your liberation. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Nov 14, 2010
In the disguise of love, discipline, and teaching right from wrong
by: maurice

Oh my heart goes out to you Shauneen: Lovely name, be proud of it, Darlene sure values you and respects you: Her comment to you is truly from her womans heart: She knows: she read your story, she empatised with it: Her comment says alot to you personally: You were abused by your mother: The more I read and hear how parents: Guardians of children who used corporal punishment, spanking etc as a form of showing their love to their children sickens me: I am loving you by telling if you do certain things and don't do as I (we) say you will get beaten on your bare bottom; I'll beat and hit you, then send you to your room all bruised up: You nneded that: It is my (our) way of teaching you what is right and wrong: Could'nt be further from the truth: Yet it creates confusion in the mind of the child just like you Shauneen: Please, oh please, take Darlene's Comment to heart, I know she spent time letting you know she cares: Get help: get counselling: Always belive in your self: I'M SPECIAL: I was not anything my mothers said about me: She was totally out of order in beating me, using corporal punishment on me: Shauneen: have a real friend your own age and gender and even a more wisdomed older woman as your friends: They will help you to love, and value your true self: also keep you safe: A true friend is not boy/girl male/feamle relationship until one is ready for it: These true friend will tell you about pit falls etc in relationships: because they love, velaue and want what is the best for you: You'll be their friend too: Always believe in your self: I will: I can: I must because I am WORTH it. let this be your motto: Darlene's comment once you take ownership of it just for you then you'll be true to yourself and get help: Have a healthy mind in a healthy body: Good on you nice name Sahuneen: I'm The Best and I love me: because I am WORTH it.

Jan 10, 2011
thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you Darlene and Maurice both for your comments!

I've been having a hard time recently, things just haven't been great here at home! I'd forgotten about writing my story here and was looking for some information to try and explain what and why I was feeling the way I was! Then I came across my post and your responses! I felt so much like crying, but not in a sad way. Its strange but I felt like someone had heard me and I wasn't wrong, stupid or selfish, that I have a right to feel as I do. Perhaps validation!! So I just wanted to thank you both very much for your responses! I'll persevere with the counselling hard as it maybe but this is for me right? It's my future happiness that is at stake! No one can fix it but me! Scary though! But again I just wanted to thank you both! Also Maurice thank you for commenting on my name, its an Irish name meaning 'wee (little) Sean' or 'little John Bull!' Not a very common name - at least not until recent years!

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
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How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life