Comments for Child Abuse Story From Rhiannon

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Aug 25, 2009
Forgiving oneself...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Self forgiveness if often the most difficult of all to extend, Rhiannon. What we are capable of forgiving in another we often cannot forgive in ourselves. Regardless of the circumstances, regardless of what your role was, that young man made the decision to take his own life. Don't EVER lose sight of the fact that is was his action, not yours. You've learned from what happened. Stay strong. Stay committed. Stay true to yourself. You've begun a new journey, one that has started in the right direction. Your 3 affirmations are a clear indication of that. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Aug 25, 2009
A willing enabler for a mother and a slimy pervert for a father
by: Anonymous

Rhiannon, the whole system and even your father are very wrong. You are not stupid; you are not fat; you are not ugly; you are not worthless; remember, you are beautiful, smart, articulate and flatout worthy of love, dignity and respect. You are not to blame because you did nothing wrong. You did not let anybody down; the whole system and even your own mother had let you down and they let you down willingly. Thank God for people like me, Darlene, Maurice and others who visit this blessing of a site who truly care about you and want only the best for you. I hope you tried counselling and I wish you all the best.

Aug 26, 2009
You're own healing POWER is within you. Now that you've found a safe PLACE to share
by: maurice

I could not but be taken by the words of Darlene to You Rhiannon. She's one very special Woman, I let her words to you sink deep within me. Empowering you to walk tall, walk straight, walk the world right in the Eye. You're one very strong and courageous Woman. Once you accepted you were abused as Anonymous put it by that slimy pervert of a Father. The beautiful human being behind anonymous gave you great credit and love in the words shared in the comment to you. All of us who have been abused in some form or another know where you journeyed from and the pain He caused you all through the years. Please spend time with Darlene's words to you. let them be for you the positive thinking foundation for you to march on from where you are at now. I can. I will, I must. You have reached a loving of yourself stage in your life. Say, I am the most important child ever born even after what that sicko of a so called loving father using his animalistic traits to do what he did to you. Well done, you did the right thing and reported him. Now let go of him and all he perpetrated on you. It wasn't easy for you, It won't be easy for you but reading your story you sure have dealt with it in your own beautiful way and therefore you've taken charge. Move on wonderful and beautiful Rhiannon. with your chosen few loving/caring friends whom you trust you will Live well, Laugh alot and Love much. You have regained your own self worth, Self esteem, Now I want you to have the most beautiful Mirror Image of yourself that will give you all the confidence and self belief to live your life to the full each day you take your head of the pillow. Have a healthy mind in a healthy body. Say loads of positive attributes about yourself to yourself in the mirror. Hi Rhiannon it ain't silly to be asked to do that. Let your prettiness from within adorn that beautiful Body of yours naturally. Say. I'm Special and I love me. Hug that that body of yours. soothe it, be gentle and kind to it, the more you do it the further those awful memories will drift from you. Rhiannon, I believe in you so you always believe in yourself. Put Darlene's loving, affirming words into a cup and drink them letting the flow through you giving you strength to say. I can, I will, I must Love me from this day on. Amen. so be it.

Aug 26, 2009
by: TheUnlovablePunk

It's AMAZING that you can be so strong, I couldn't. I'm with you in spirit all the time

Aug 31, 2009
You are not the problem
by: Anonymous

You may have lied about the person who had been raping you, but you didn't cause his death.For a person to commit suicide they have turmoil within themselves.Your mother ignored your pleas for help and your step father is an evil person.If anyone is to blame for your lie blame them.Maybe if you do something good for another child that is being abused you will feel better.It really helped me. Good luck and my prayers will always be with you.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

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From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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