Comments for Child Abuse Story From Rachel

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Mar 20, 2011
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

I'm so sorry that this is happening in your life. You don't deserve to be told these terrible things; it's the emotional abuse that hurts the most because you walk away believing you're worthless and unlovable. I'm here to tell you that you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect and love. That you are worthy of all of that. That you ARE lovable. That you ARE worthy. Believe that before you believe the lies. And they are lies that your father is saying. He has has serious problems that he's taking out on you, problems that he needs help for. But that's up to him to reach out. What's important right now is you. Please consider talking to someone: a trusted teacher or a school counselor. Consider contacting the Scotland hotline at 0800 022 3222. Reach out for the help YOU need, Rachel. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Mar 20, 2011
Your dad is out of control
by: Anonymous

Rachel, your dad is wrong. You have friends. Don't believe any of the lies that he is spewing. He has problems and he needs help, but you need help, so please tell someone you really trust and keep telling until he/she will finally listen to you and help you.

Mar 21, 2011
Always believe in yourself: Get help: I will: I can: I must because I am WORTH it
by: maurice

Rachel: you are a big teenager now: Ok just beginning your teens but you are a very highly intelligent girl: You searched for and found Darlene's safe haven site and told your real story: YOUR Father is not a good one: He certainly needs loads of help himslelf: Darlene has given you good affirmation: telling you, in her loving heart feelings words: You are precious: You are special: Born beautiful: sadly seemingly not into a stable family circumstances: Yet, you must have family: Grand-parents etc: You will have to rely on your friends which I am sure you have a least one/two that you are close to your own age and gender: with them Rachel read Darlene's words over again, and again, make sense of her advice and encourageing words to you: I know you will understand her words: I am sure too there is a nice gentle, kind, understanding teacher or even a school counsellor that you can trust: Don't be afraid to talk and to tell especially the way you are feeling: Your father is so unfair to you at your tender age: You deserve better and to be loved and cherished not being emotionally abused: Rachel: I am going to encourage you to have a healthy mind in a healthy body: This will mean taking part with your class mates and friends in team sports and other sporting and cultural activities: Rachel, there is safety in numbers: You'll make real friends naturally and you'll have loads of aquaintances for life: Be safe: Stay safe: STAY IN EDUCATION; find a trusting adult to make sure your Father cares for your every need: schooling, and proper care: Value and respect your self and your intelligence: I'M Special: I have gifts: Tallents and leadership quailities: ALWAYS BELIEVE THAT ABOUT YOURSELF@

Mar 28, 2011
You are not at fault
by: BMW Princess

You are not at fault.
Everyone deserves a support network and you are no differnt. It's his fault not yours.
Rejoice and love yourself today cause baby you were born this way
-Lady Gaga

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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