Comments for Child Abuse Story From Nancy

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Sep 30, 2007
I believe you
by: Darlene Barriere

What you said was very okay, Nancy. It came from truth and that's what I ask of my story contributors.

You talked of being molested by an eye doctor, and that you didn't tell because you were afraid and ashamed. I want you to know that your father's treatment of you, and the fact that your mother and other adults did not protect you from his abuse, set you up for being sexually abused. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You did nothing wrong.

And you certainly didn't deserve being treated so badly by your father. You deserved to be loved and respected. The fact that your mother didn't do her job as a mother and save you from harm makes her just as responsible as your father.

I sincerely hope you find help for yourself, Nancy. The best thing you can do for your son is to take care of his mother; he deserves, indeed he has a right, to have his mother in a healthy state.

Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Oct 01, 2007
I Feel Your Pain
by: Francine

OMG I can't believe what you had to go through! Your father should be sent to jail, cuz I'm very sorry about what he did to you! He doesn't ever deserve to be a father nor a grandfather! You are not stupid; you are not worthless, you are NOT even a whore! You are talented, beautiful, smart, worthwhile, and everyone loves you, not your "dad"! I would reccommend that you should go for counselling so that you could've gotten out of your system even faster than now! I will pray for you all night (and whoever will be next). Peace.

Oct 02, 2007
sad childhood
by: beth

I feel your pain I dont understand how a father can beat their childern like that My father was a strict miltary man from the age of 2 -18 I was beat with a belt I was also afraid of my dad My dad had no shame in whippen us I was 15yrs old it was thankgiving we were at our grandparents house My dad got mad at me for talking back to my mom Right in front of my aunts and uncles and grandparents my dad pulled of my skirt and panties my dad beat so bad with the belt I had welts on my bottom for days My dad also beat everyday from the age 12-18 There were days were my dad no excuse to whip me he just did

Oct 03, 2007
Please get counseling to help you through
by: Tara

Nancy, I read your stroy and I am so sickened by what was done to you. Please seek out counseling to help you deal with your pain. You are a mother and you need to be the best you can for your baby and yourself. NO ONE desrves to be treated like that! Please know and believe me, a total stranger, when I tell you that you are a beatuiful, strong, amazing person. You are a creation of God. You are somthing special. Look at what you have went through and you are still here. You have a purpose. You need to heal and find your true self. You were beaten down, but you can rise above it! My peace, love and blessings are with you. ~Tara

Oct 10, 2007
Be strong
by: Anonymous

Make sure you get whatever help you need in order to deal with your pain. It's not right, what you had to endure as a child. But, the most important thing in your life now is YOUR child. You need to be the best mother you can be. And, while you can't change the way you had to live your childhood, you CAN make sure that your child has a wonderful childhood. I know there is no way you can erase the pain or the memories....but do the best you can to be at peace that it is all over, and be joyful that you have a beautiful child and do your best to make your child happy, and find pride in the fact that you are a much much much better person than your abuser was, and know that you are a good person who will raise your child the way a child is supposed to be raised.

Feb 04, 2008
Thanks to everyone
by: Nancy

I didn't know where else to write this,but thanks everyone for your comments,I go back and read them from time to time,they have helped me to feel like someone cares about what I went through.

Feb 04, 2008
The perfect place to write a thank you
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

You're very welcome, Nancy. Not only do I always appreciate getting a thank you, it is also gratifying to hear that the comments provided help and comfort; and continue to do so. Any time you want to write an update, this is the place to do it.

Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Feb 13, 2008
by: dana

drs shouldnt do that stuff 2 kids!!!!!!!!!

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

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From Victim to Victory
a memoir

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