Comments for Child Abuse Story From Nameless

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Feb 15, 2010
With the right kind of help, there's ALWAYS hope...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

I suggest some form of counselling to help you deal with the guilt and shame that aren't yours to bear. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Feb 15, 2010
Always believe in yourself, Don't give up on yourself
by: maurice

Nameless, behind you anominity is one very special teenager/young thinking adult. People have been cruel to you. used and abused you as one special child of God and the UNiverse. You do not deserve to be made feel they way you do by another. You have your rights and your dignity. Please make a friend who will give you confidence enough to speak with a counsellor/therapist. Hi, look in the mirror see the wonderful and beautiful person you are. you have a beautiful body, it is yours, make it your by loveing it, caring for it, being gentle and kind with it. The important thing is that you (we) love ourselves, we love our bodies. enough so that no matter what another might remark about it we can tell them hump off. I am proud of my body. We need to think positive thoughts about our own beauty and self worth. Please talk to a counsellor/therapist. your Grandfather did you a ferocious injustice, bad, bad man. you need help from a therapist to deal with the efeects of it stii on you.

Feb 19, 2010
It will get better
by: Anonymous

I can truely empathize with what you've gone through and are currently dealing with because I've been there. For myself it was my grandfather as well. I am 30 years old now and I work with women victims of abuse. It hasn't always been easy but I got through it and you can as well. Just the fact that you are here today to talk about this shows just how strong you really are. You will never forget what has happened to you but you will learn how to cope.
You are not a messed up girl, just having a difficult time is all. He was the one who was messed up and that is not your fault.
Believe in yourself girl cause you deserve it. You will get through this. And someday you will beleive it. I did it and I know deep down in my heart you will too. This may sound a bit harsh but stop letting him continue to control you. You're in control now. My thoughts are with you. I have another saying for you, not another messed up girl but, another strong girl.

Feb 19, 2010
always hope
by: Danielle

Of course there is hope for you! you have ( like many) survived a horrific crime. I personally believe that offenses like these change our life direction forever, but that doesn't mean it has to be a bad direction. there is power in survival! you are incredible strong. I do think that in order to maximize recovery, a professional counselor is the very best avenue one can take. Congratulations on taking the step to start taking about what happened to you. By not hiding your pain you are on the road to restoring your strength. You have support, you are strong, and there is all the hope and possibility in the world for you. take care

Feb 26, 2010
Have Faith
by: Bobbi

What your Grandpa put you through is absolutely horrible. I know it is hard to feel the Lord's presence and Love after going through something so tramadic, but he is there and he Loves you in a way no human can. I simpathise with you and reading your story reminds me of many things I went through myself. I was able to find comfort in the Lord and my Faith along with finding good people to put in my ife has helped me to deal with things. I still have dreams and flashbacks from time to time, but they are less severe as time goes on and I know God is healing me. I will add you to my prayers and I know he will do the same for you if you allow him to. You are worth more than you realize, and God has a plan for you. You are special to him, and he wants you to know him. I don't know what else to tell you. But I hope you see this and know that there are people out there who care about you, even if you never meet them.

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heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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