Comments for Child Abuse Story From Name Undisclosed29

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Nov 25, 2009
Talk to your mother so she can get you what you need...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Even though this happened about 9 years ago, you need help now, so please, talk to your mother. Tell her how this is now affecting you. Talk to a school counsellor for some resources. Don't keep this inside any more. You deserve the help you need, but unless you tell your mother, she may still believe that you are fine. She believed you when it was important; she will likely believe you now. Talk to her. Also, consider contacting one of the hotlines listed on my stories page, depending on where you live, in order to talk to someone confidentially, but you need more than just an ear. You really need someone who can help you deal with all the repercussions of being molested by this sick excuse of a human being. And just for the record, none it of was your fault. None of it. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Nov 25, 2009
So Sad
by: Karen Weaver

It is sad that you feel you have noone to talk to. Your mom did the right thing. She called the police. If she cared enough to believe you, then she will care now to get you some help, a neutral party to talk to. I didn't have that, When i told, i was called a liar and have had to deal on my own for 29 years. i am 40 now and if one of my kids told me they had been abused, I would be sure to get them some help because I know if you dont, you will be scarred for the rest of your life with no room to heal.

Nov 25, 2009
Get help:
by: Monisha

I think what darlene said is right.You need help and it seems as though you are in perfect reach of all the resources. Its a boon that your mom believed you. My mom slaped me for making up stories. I think you need to tell your mom. If you think you cant speak to her just find some friends or any prof. help. Just dont keep it within you it will have a very bad impact. You are now 14 so you will have a bright future.

Nov 26, 2009
A loving mother can be trusted she showed she cared
by: maurice

Undisclosed beautiful wonderful teenager your ever so special. The most important child ever birthed from the beautiful womb of your loving caring mother. She cared for you nine years ago you can trust her now. A mothers love is a blessing in your case. She'll help and advice you to do as Darlene suggested. your not alone, I bet you have a friend you trusted and told your secret to. we all nearly have that special school friend. I am sure there are loving/caring teachers in your school. if you have a school counsellor then you can certainly open up to her. You'll be fine, Always believe in yourself. build up your self esteem, self worth, begin to love yourself. I am beautiful. etc. say nice caring feelings about yourself and your body especially the parts that were abused. make them beautiful because they are. Carefully read darlene comment and go from there.

Dec 02, 2009
by: christina

there is a good side to ur story....YOU WERE BELIEVED!! so many of us in the same situations, are too often not believed....your mother acted on it, and GOOD FOR HER!!! you should be so thankful that he was caught.....i am now 23, at the age of 4 and 19 and 22, my Mother has yet to believe me, all because my molester, my "brother" is now a preacher...they all have turned their back on my molester is in our churches, on our streets, walking the playgrounds, doing as he wishes because he hides behind the bible, and to him and everybody else, "that makes it okay?"......your dreams will probably remain, they will get better as you get stronger, but hunnie, mine sometimes wake me up in a screaming out and wake myself....IT WILL GET BTR, and you will get stronger, you are so very very brave, that you got up and ran to ur mom!!!! God bless you, and it IS NOT UR FAULT!!!

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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From Victim to Victory
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