Comments for Child Abuse Story From Nadeen

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Sep 29, 2009
An organization to call for help...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Nadeen, while what is happening in your home does not fall under the legal definition of child abuse, your parents seem to be shirking their responsibilities as parents. The fact that your parents aren't stepping up to ensure your brother doesn't harm anyone, including you, does him no favours, and it leaves you feeling abandoned and betrayed; which is the real issue here. I suggest you contact the Australian Kids Help Line at 1800 55 1800. KHL have counsellors who will listen to you. The service is available 24 hours a day for children, youth and young adults between the ages of 5 - 25. Their counselling services are free, confidential, and you can remain anonymous. You can visit their website by copying & pasting the following URL into your browser:

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me, Nadeen.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Sep 30, 2009
Well done, a brave new beginning for you.
by: maurice

Nadeen, Ah sure Darlene site is just awesome for us all but especially for you right now. Her comment to you is worth your while reading it over and over again and then taking action. Make a sense of it to yourself first, Then with the friend which I've no doubt you have that you share everything with, teens girls are great like that they share briliantly in total trust and respect fro each ther. we boys were not great at that. so with the help and re-assurance of your friend you'll make real sense of Darlene's comment to you in your predicament. I watch programme's on TV that help parent's like yours to strike the ballance between your brother being spoiled and his behaviour towards you If your Mom Dad don't tell him it is wrong then he knows no better. They are being unfair to both of you. Getting the ballance right can be a difficulty in some families where sibblings don't value or respect each other enough. It'll all work out for you, have no fear Nadeen. Great you shared your worry with Darlene and her visitors. A good start to making things right for you. Always believe in yourself. I'M SPECIAL and I love me.

Sep 30, 2009
Your family has problems...especially your mom and brother
by: Anonymous

Nadeen, your family is wrong. You are not to blame; it is really your family to blame, especially your mom and brother because they have problems and they need help...but you need help, too. Please tell someone that you really trust. Be brave, Nadeen, and stay strong.

Oct 01, 2009
Not necessarily so, Darlene
by: Anonymous

Hi I just read nadeen's story and Darelene's response to it. As I do somewhat understand Darlene's point of view- it may be not quite as she thinks. I thought about my growing up years as I read this, and its very similar to my story. My brother had same issues and my mom was afraid to stand up to my brother just to keep the peace. My Dad was a different story- he was physical with my brother (and me at times) which may have escalated the hitting. This may or may not be happening for Nadeen, however, I think when parents neglect to stop physical abuse between siblings, neglect to validate victim's feelings as well as blame the victim it is most definitely abusive. Emotionally abusive if nothing else- neglectful if u ask me. It is parent's responsibility to ensure their children are physically and emotionally safe in their own home.

Oct 01, 2009
To Anonymous:
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Just to be clear, it wasn't "my opinion" that I wrote about; it was the "legal definition" that I wrote about.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Oct 21, 2009
Join the isn't it?
by: Kaylee

My brother has been babied by his father (my step-father) my brother never gets yelled at. My mothers excuse is -he younger than you, ACT LIKE A TEENAGER, YOU Bi*ch! I have learned to deal with it, but the brother situation is hard to get over. It isn't fair. You feel like no one cares that you have feelings, your not important because your older. You can get over it. Right? Wrong. I've taken my problems to school, so it feels like my friends do it too. Just try to stay away from him, like painting or sculpting (it sounded like you like the artsy stuff) because it takes awhile to finsh, and you can take your mind things, Take a walk, ride your bike, do something that will get your mind off of it. Goodluck :] <3

Oct 22, 2009
My hope is that everything has been sorted
by: maurice

Kaylee certainly cares about you in her very heartfelt comment. Darlene has asked you to get talking and telling someone about your family situation. It ain't easy for you Nadeen but you get imersed in being active, being alive, having a healthy mind in a healthy body. Sadly Parents still molly coddle the youngest seeemingly loving them more than their other children. It is a weakness in a number of families which is and can be upsetting if they don't hug and love the older ones. In most cases that I know of the expect the older one's to understand. Yet in the majority of families it happens in they are doing the yougest a diservice. know youngest that I know wants to be known as Mammy's boy/girl or daddy's boy/girl So Nadeen get involved with Sporting pursuits and onto teams and take it all in your stride. You are not the firat and you won't be the last to have to live with it. All will be fine for you. As Darlene knows, what is happening does not come under the realm of abuse. Talk to your school counsellor if you see the need to, counsellors are there for that purpose and you can talk to them in total confidentiality about anything.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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