Comments for Child Abuse Story From Michelle5

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Jun 07, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

By going into counselling you are giving both yourself and your children the best gift you could possibly give. The process can be grueling, but it is SO worth it; YOU'RE so worth it. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Jun 07, 2010
Please don't change your mind
by: Mike

Michelle, counseling will really help you move on with your life and will make a world of a difference in how you feel. It will take a little while, but every day you will be stronger and stronger. If you start doubting whether or not you should go, just remember, you deserve a better life and counseling will help. Good luck.

Jun 08, 2010
Believe the words of Darlene and Dan too
by: maurice

I add my support and love to their loving, supporting, encourageing words of affirmation to you Michelle 5: Your going to have a very fulfilled life now with yourself and your lovely and beautiful children: Good on you for going for counselling the best gift you have given to yourself: All of your abuse by that horrible and discusting Father of yours will be put in perspective for you: I know it will benefit YOU. so that you can let go of him and the effects of his ause on you: Michelle 5 you truly are one remarkable Woman and mother to your children: Believe in Darlene's comment to you and you sure will be loving yourself and your children in a very special way: Getting help and healing from your horrendous experiences: Your Father did you an injustice and does not deserve the name father: He had his problems: He should deffineately not have used them to hurt your mam and you to the degree that he did: He was an user and abuser: He was sick in mind: This should not give him the right tio abuse you: Live for yourself and your children NOW: Always believe in yourself: I will: I can: I must because I am WORTH it: Have a healthy mind in a healthy body:

Jun 11, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thank you for all your kind comments it means a lot I will post again soon to let you no how I,m getting on Michelle5

Jun 15, 2010
After yesterday
by: michelle5

After my counselling session yesterday I was,nt sure if I was going to back it felt really hard to talk about what happened and I was shaking so much I did,nt want to be there. Any way to day I have decided to try to stick with it in the hope it will make a differance to how I feel soon.

From Darlene: Keep giving it a chance, Michelle.

When it comes to pain, what you resist will persist...
But what you embrace dissipates.
~ Darlene Barriere

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Jun 15, 2010
It'll all work out
by: Mike

Keep going and over time you will find that it's like lifting a heavy weight off your shoulders. Once you let it all out, it won't be bottled up inside and won't be able to keep attacking you.

Jun 16, 2010
We are all feeling in empathy with you
by: Maurice

Hi Michelle 5 we may be miles apart but our heart are entwined in love and care for your welbeing: Don't Quit: Don't give up on yourself: keep up the good fight: Remember at the lowest ebb the tide begins to turn: Always believe in yourself and you have loving, caring, encourageing words from us all who have empathy with you: Have a healthy mind in a healthy body: I will: I will: because I am WORTH: WORTH IT: Action speaks louder than words so off the bottom and heed the loving words of Darlene (especially) and then the rest of us:

Jun 17, 2010
Thank You
by: michelle

Thank you to all of you. It means alot to know theres people out there that can relate To what I,m going though. I am going 2 try and stick with it hopefully over time things will get better.

Oct 07, 2010
let you know how its going
by: michelle5

Just thought I,d post I wanted to say a big thank you for all the support I've had. I,m still in therapy and still got a way to go but I,m sticking with it and life is beginning to get a bit easier I think the only way is up now and Maybe one day I,ll be able to help others in the same position.

Oct 08, 2010
YOU brave and strong willed human being of the female species
by: maurice

What news to hear from you Michelle: My heart goes out to you for being so Brave in sticking with what was (is) painful for you: Hi Darlene turned her pain into power as we all try to do now with and for each other whom we can empathize so much with: Oh Michelle: You'll be fine: You'll empower others in time: Be Brave: Be Strong: Be ever persevering: Love yourself because we all LOVE you for your DON'T Quit NOW attitude: Yes you are perfectly right the only way from being down so low is UP UP UP: good on you brave and strong Michelle 12345 your number is important but it is you that matters to us all especially Darlene in her comment to you: Hi, are you beginning to have a healthy mind in a healthy body: I bet you are: Your the best: Who am I> I AM THE BEST:

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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