Comments for Child Abuse Story From Meghann

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Apr 01, 2009
Your father is a sex offender...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Your father molested you as a child, Meghann. Chances are he has molested other girls. Sex offenders do not change their ways; they have to be stopped from sexually assaulting others. I hope you'll consider reporting what he's done to you. Another young girl could be spared suffering what you suffered if you do report.

None of what happened was your fault, Meghann, NONE OF IT! HE is the dirty one. HE is where the shame and blame belong, not on you. The man who was in charge of protecting you and keeping you safe from harm was the one doing the harm. He was the adult; you were the child. ALL of this is squarely on his shoulders. Don't EVER forget that. Don't ever forget that loving fathers NEVER sexually assault their daughters. His actions were that of a twisted pervert who should never be allowed around young girls.

You said: "But sometimes I feel like I am fortunate. I know it could have gone on longer, and I know I could have been raped, and may have if my dad didn't have heath problems. I read some of the stories here and cry at the physical abuse that some have endured." First of all, I commend you for finding a positive outlook on your personal situation; that can be helpful in coping. But it can't be at the expense of pushing down your feelings about what happened to you, Meghann. You need help with that, professional help in the form of counselling. And something else you must understand: regardless of whether or not there is penetration, when a child is sexually assaulted with contact, that child is also being physically assaulted. Your father physically and sexually abused you, Meghann. He also emotionally abused you. And now you must deal with the repercussions of those abuses each and every day. I urge you to seek out some form of counselling in order to help you deal with those repercussions. You certainly are worthy of that kind of help.

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Apr 01, 2009
Meghann please pay heed to Darlene
by: Maurice

Your too, too precious to be offended and abused sexually by that monster of a so called Father. Oh please tell your closest trusted friend and get all the help and advise Darlene lovingly shares with you and get help. Don't try to make it right because it can never be. You too precious and beautiful in your tender years of life to be abused by him in this way. Oh please Meghann do love yourself and get loved by others who love and respect you for who you are. Please.

Apr 01, 2009
Thanks for sharing
by: Shane

Meghann, I am so sorry you went through that. It must have been extremely hard for you, I can't even imagine your pain. I was physically and mentally abused, and trust me, I have more sympathy for you than I could ever have for my situation. I wish those things didn't happen to you, From what it sounds like, it has stopped, which I am really happy for you. However, you should report your father because what the other people said is true, he will only continue doing it.

I know you can be strong and summon up the courage to tell someone, and I know you wouldn't want someone else to go through the same nightmare you did.

Just be strong as I know you are, and look foward to a brighter future! :)

Apr 02, 2009
Let the secret out and you will help....
by: Sandra

Not only yurself but others as well...You said that you have a niece and your father shares time with her...PLEASE PLEASE for HER sake...speak out against your father. Listen hun, HE was not thinking abuot you when he did what he did to you. HE was thinking about himself and his manhood...HE took control over you and I know from experience what that feels like...and I know that in life "THINGS" are easier said than done but Meghann, YOU NEED to start helping yourself and HELP your niece. God forbid something should happen to her. I stayed quiet for 17 years after "MY SECRET" came out...only because I didnt want my cousins to suffer without their father...their mother KNEW what happened...everyone in the family knew SO I AM GUESSING they just all looked over my cousins...BUT if NO ONE in YOUR family KNOWS, WHO will look out for your nieces and nephew or any friends they may have over.

One more thing, find someone you are comfortable talking to and start your healing process. I have half a foot in the door and am working on getting there. Like I said, its easier said than done...but it has HELPED ME TREMENDOUSLY to be able to write my stores out on this site...I THANK YOU for having the courage to tell your choose the time to tell your story OUT THERE...we are all here for you and you do not stand alone! I will pray for you and your family so that YOU may get the strength and your family may be shielded from this so called MAN!

Thank you Meghann!! God Bless!!

Apr 21, 2009
Your father is a scumbag
by: Anonymous

Your father is a scumbag!

Jan 01, 2010
i know how you feel
by: Anonymous

But it was my sisters dad,and maybe my own i don't remember.All I know is all the rage in me is killing my family.I took it out on my daughter
and my husband,where did I go when this abuse was happening to me I need to find myself.How did you come back from all the shame and hurt?

Jan 01, 2010
Hopefully You will keep loving yourself
by: maurice

Hi Meghann, continue building up your own Self esteem. Love yourself to bits each day during 2010. You deserve the very best after all you've been through. Only you can give it to yoursefl with alot of help from your friends especially the counsellors. Don't Quit on building up the wonderful and beautiful person you are now.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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