Comments for Child Abuse Story From Me1

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Aug 29, 2009
Difference between being strict and being abusive...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Me, strict is imposing stringent limits on a child and sometimes using authoritarian means to achieve adherence to those imposed rules. Although emotional abuse sometimes accompanies strictness, the two are very different. Never hearing anything positive IS emotional abuse. Your father didn't keep your best interest at heart. He wasn't trying to protect you and keep you safe from harm; rather, he was a tyrant and he tried to beat you down. His main focus was on making you feel like a failure. In this way, perhaps he felt strong and powerful, making his thinking very twisted. My types of emotional abuse page on this site might be helpful for you to understand what your father did to you. And Me, I'm delighted you've started therapy. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Aug 29, 2009
Your dad has problems
by: Anonymous

Your father is wrong. You are not lazy; you are not fat; you are not ugly; you are not a klutz; you are not a slob; you are not stupid. You are beautiful and smart and very articulate. Your father has lots of problems and he really needs help. But you need help, too, and if you're in therapy, I hope you stay in therapy because you are worth the help that you, alongside your parents (and especially your father) deserve. Be brave and stay strong.

Aug 31, 2009
Be brave, stay strong, always believe in yoursefl
by: maurice

Me1 you truly are one very spacial child of God and child of the universe. Behind Me 1 there in one very beautiful, gentle, sensitive child, teenager/adolescent/ young adult. Only you can begin to acknowledge that for yourself. It will take you a little longer to accept it about yourself. You Father has not done you any favours with his tyrant approach in keeping you in your place with obnoxious and unreal orders and emotional draining remarks about you. Oh Me1, heed Darlene, her words are ever so helpful and loving, from her heart to you. Great you are in therapy, I with anonymous and Darlene encourage you to stick with it. You'll make a great sense of the real you from talking all that pains you about they way your father is rearing/treating you. He is very wrong Me1. Not a nice man/parent. He is just building up his own ego in being a tyrant. Be safe, talk/talk. Hi Me1 I am fairly certain after journeying with many young people and their families that you have a friend or two who know you true and true. you've shared your intimate with them because you trusted them. Let them be your inner strength to keep up Believing in yourself. Think Positive, act positive, be positive even in the day to day trying and testing times you have to live through. You'll be fine, Remember to value your wonderful and beautiful self. Build up your own Self Worth, self Esteem. Your father certainly is doing the opposite by his treatment of you. keep saying I am not that horrid little child he is saying I am. Because you are not. I know many, many like you who were reared exactly ( no comparisons) Me1 but they were all beautiful boys and girls. We helped each other through the fact we had an ideal of what went on behind closed doors in a small place where I grew up. They are all in good positions in society and rearing wonderful families themselves. So keep hope alive for you Me1. Love Me in the Mirror, era go on you can, it ain't silly to request you to do that. Say loving positive adjectives about yourself to the me you see in the mirror. Your natural beauty comes from within you Me1. be gentle/kind/caring, of the me in the mirror. you'll find, yes I feel good because I'm Special and I love me.

Nov 25, 2009
Being Strict Does Not Mean Abusive
by: Karen Weaver

I dealt with what you go through. My son, who is now 15, was treated like that in his dad's home. As far as I am concerned that is emotional abuse. It breaks down your self-esteem and makes you feel worthless. I am strict with my kids. I set rules. if they don't follow them, they get grounded. When they do something boneheaded, i tell them they are smarter than that. it took me 4 years to rebuild my
my son's self-esteem after divorcing their father. he would slap them in the head for no reason. He called them stupid, little mf'er's, etc. he called my son fat all the time because he is a big kid. He is 15 and bigger than his 18 year old brother. Now, my kids want nothing to do with their father and he has signed over his rights and my husband now is adopting them. Now, James holds his head high because he KNOWS Mom loves him and encourages him.

Nov 26, 2009
One great Woman is our Friend Darlene
by: maurice

Me 1, You know my care and concern for you from my last comment. I hope you are NOW looking the Mirror and building up your Self Esteem. I am beautiful, I'm inteeligent, I'm truly human with my strengths and my weaknesseses. I am Gifted in my own right as one beautiful person. No other Man or woman has a right to make me feel inferior. Me 1 please oh please read Darlene's comment to you it is empowering if you act on it. She has a woman's heart, she is professionally trained, She thinks out her loving words before releasing them to fit the story of each individual visitor. I guarantee, you will be a much mor content person if you act on her words. Yes, the other comments to you are heart one's too.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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