Comments for Child Abuse Story From Marissa

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Aug 24, 2009
Telling could save another girl from the same fate you suffered...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Don't be afraid to tell your therapist, Marissa. That's what they're there for: to listen to you. And you deserve the help. And just understand that though it may seem as though you were the only one he was molesting, it is very likely he was molesting other girls as well. If not then, NOW. He used PWP in order to find single women with young daughters to prey upon. Please tell someone, otherwise this pedophile will continue to offend helpless girls.

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Aug 24, 2009
I'm sorry.
by: Anonymous

Hi Marissa
My name is Marissa too. I'm so sorry that happed to you. He had no right to do that to you.
Stay strong

Aug 25, 2009
i know how you feel
by: Lea

hey. i read your story because of your age. im now 16 and i was sexually and physically abused. i know its scary hun but you need to tell someone. he might think he can get away with this and he cant. if someone doesnt believe you keep trying. tell everyone you possibly can and eventually someone will listen.

Aug 25, 2009
Great, you shared your story, very brave
by: maurice

Hiya Marissa, Darlene's site is your inner strength to rid this Sicko, molesting pedophile from your life and indeed maybe others. Please, oh please talk to your Therapist in total confidence. She is there for you to trust without fear. I am certain too Marissa you have one maybe two very close girl friends or indeed boy friends that know your story because most teenagers your age have. The one they share their most intimate with in total trust and friendship. Let them also be your strength. You have the power in your grasp to rid the world of such a very sicko dangerous human being of the male species and put him away. Always believe in yoursefl. build up your own Self Worth, Self Esteem, you have the confidence because it was this confidence that gave you the courage to write you story to darlene and her visitors. Her words to you are heart felt words. she knows exactly what this man did to you and knows the mind of how pedophile's prey on the vunerable and the innocent. Please heed her words back to you in her comment. She is great as she gives hope to all of us who visit especially new visitors making the briefest of comment because of her busy life and the writing of her book. Knowing she still give moments of her precious time to steward her site gives great consolation to us all. She has'nt gone away. Marissa please give time to her words to you. Act on them with the help of your friends.

Aug 26, 2009
it is okay
by: Anonymous

im 15 and was sexually abused and was scared to death to tell any one and when i did a huge weight came off my shoulders yes it still haunts me but at least i have someone i can talk about it with tell someone!

Oct 04, 2009
It'll be alright
by: Anonymous

My younger sister and I were both molested when we were younger i waited 8 years to tell my parents and my sister waited 9 years, she was 16 when she told them of the abuse, and she was in therapy at a mental hospital she was checked into because she was a horrible self mutilator, and we all had to go in for a big family meeting and I knew what was coming up. When she told them my parents were sad for her and sad for not protecting her but they were not to shocked where it happened to me and the same person has access to us both, and they were very supportive and all my sisters therapist said "see now what did I tell you, it's not like there heads blew up..which is what you expecting I'm sure" after she told my parents her healing process could finally begin. In a long round about way I'm trying to tell you that your moms head is not going to fly off and you can not really heal from the abuse until you tell, it will always remain "our little secret" until you let the secret out, he will have the control until you take it away from him. Good luck and I hope to hear good news.

From Darlene: Very well said, Anonymous, VERY well said! Thank you for sharing here and for helping Marissa with your story. And I do hope you are well on your way toward healing. You, along with Marissa and other abuse survivors, certainly deserve healing.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Oct 05, 2009
The Human Heart has true feelings
by: maurice

Distance does not separate a heart that cares, That loves, That feels, Marissa soak in the LOVE expressed in all the comments your story evoked from our hearts to you. Darlene is the professionally trained but please be assured she speakk from her human heart in each comment she makes to her visitors. I've no doubt she thinks long and prays before she offers her heartfelt comment to each one of her visitors. Hi Marissa our hearts are entwined with yours but you must act to seek out what is neccessary for you to begin your healing process and none of us will do that sitting on our bottoms. we must get up and go look for it. Action they (I) say speaks louder than words. Annonymous said it all for me and us who care about you. So get all the help you know you need with a little help from your friends. I can, I will, I must, We all want what is best for you Marissa. But only YOU can seek it out. How is that mirror image coming along? ''EH''

Oct 22, 2009
Show them this letter
by: Anonymous

Marissa, You need to heal. Print out a copy of your letters and give to your counsler. Let her read it and then talk about it. Then if I was you I would have your Mom come to the meeting and let her read it and then all of you talk. You need to live your life. This is just my opinion. I was raped at 12 and never told my Mom until I was in my 30's. She couldn't understand why I never told her. Give your Mom a chance. I wish I would have sooner.

Oct 22, 2009
You've returned for a reason to this Site.
by: maurice

Marissa I spilled out the feelings of my heart to you in my previous two comments as indeed did Darlene she sure encouraged you with concerned words to you but also for the other's he will molest and abuse. Be Brave, we all know it will not be easy for you but I know you will be strong and loving enough for the sake and safety of the other beautiful girls he will abuse. Annonymous put it very lovily too. A mothers heart is is larger than any of us children know. The bond of mother and child is for thankfully the greater percent is truly natural and will do anything to protect their gift/their child. it is the strongest bond between two human beings ever and lasts forever. Hi Marissa you too are all loving, all beautiful, all brave now you have your therapist on board. She's professional she will know how your feeling about telling your Mother. She will put you at ease and be a great help to you. I'M SPECIAL I LOVE ME AND I AM GOING TO HUG THAT LOVE INTO ME TO MAKE ME STRONGER.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

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From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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