Comments for Child Abuse Story From Lynn

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Nov 12, 2009
You leave such an important message...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Lynn, I believe there are no "insignificant" memories when such memories have an impact. The measure I use is the degree to which the event affects one's ability to function. Yes, it's possible that you have repressed memories of additional events, or that you are not remembering all of what happened with the one you do recall. As you go through your psychology program you may be required to enter into some form of counselling as part of your studies. Perhaps more will come to the surface for you if that is the case. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me, and for sharing that all-important message as well. I wish you all the best in your chosen field of study. This is a tremendous opportunity for you to turn pain into power. You've already done so by understanding and forgiving your molester.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Nov 13, 2009
Yes, what seems most innocent and insignificant at the time can have it's effects.
by: maurice

Lynn, take heed in a special way of darlene's comment in reply to your story, she's the best, she's most understanding, gentle and sensitive. having a true womans heartfelt feelings when allowing a story told from the heart onto her site. Your story is ever so real and natural. what seemed insignificant or innocent playing, having fun can and does have it's effects. A sixteen year old baby sitter knows exactly what he was doing to a 6/8 year old. innocent though it may have seem at the time. Don't make excuses for him especially now that your are begining the process of healing and making a sense of it after all these years. Telling someone close to you is a good place to begin trusting yourself again to be able to truly trust again. Your Husband is a good man, he will stand by you, Your parent's will understand especially once they know he was caught and named by your next door neighbour. Sadly he came from an uncaring and unloving family himself but that does not condone what he did to you. There is no such thing as what seems okay, playing a bit of fun, as being insignificant at the particular time and age one is. Abuse is abuse full stop. Do heed Darlene's words to you, read them, make sense of them, act on them and you will end up one very content and happy woman/mother/wife to your husband and your children. Your Friends will stand by you too. A chat with a counsellor if possible would be a great help Lynn. Always believe in yourself. I'M SPECIAL AND I LOVE ME SO THAT I CAN LOVE THE OTHER IN RESPECT AND TRUST.

Nov 13, 2009
i understand
by: Anonymous

Dont you hate the not knowing for sure?... Many things happend to me while I was little, I never could remember my childhood. But as i've gotten older slowly the memories have begun coing back to me in dreams. The only problem is I dont know which are true and which are just dreams. I dream of guys touching me, putting there hands down my pants and inside me. My mom holding me underwater. My dad doing things to me. There's no way for me to distinguish reality from make believe, sometimes I think my minds playing tricks on me and trying to make me believe something that isn't true.

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this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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