Comments for Child Abuse Story From Kimberly

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Aug 13, 2009
They've fed you lies...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Kimberly, you believe the lies from the very people who beat you. Think about that for a moment. They BEAT you and your brother, mercilessly...what credibility do they really have. And now you believe those lies. But you don't have to. Keep telling yourself the reverse of the lies you've been told, because the truth is in the reversal. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Aug 13, 2009
It's not too late!
by: Anonymous

You are still young It's not too late.
You can be somebody. Don't let nonsensical verbal abuse stop you!

Aug 13, 2009
Good Job
by: Kara

Good job Kimberly. This isn't easy telling your story. I'm glad you did it. & don't forget your friends are here for you.

Aug 14, 2009
You're young you still can do something about it and don't forget your friends are here for you
by: maurice

Oh Kimberly, The comments from Darlene, Anonymous and Kara are so apt for you in the telling of your story which we all know may not have been the easiest thing for you to do. Full of confidence in yourself you did, well done. Kara was in quick to tell you, you have friends who can emphatise with you. Darlene of course is truly a professional Lady but a friend to all her visitors in her caring and empowering words to each of her many visitors. She had great vision to see this need. You have found a firm stepping stone to continue with making real sense of your abuse. Yes telling your very trusting and loving friends was a beginning, also Kimberly if you have a school counsellor talk to her. Don't be afraid. what you tell her in total confidence she will advice you loving and professionally what to do. You need support to LOVE YOURSELF. You are the most important Teenager in all of this. As you showed courage and you full confidence in you to tell your story. Always believe in yourself, Think positive thoughts about yourself and believe them about you. You are very special, you are very unique you are very gifted, you are very beautiful, In front of a Mirror pleas say I Am all of these things. That you are Kimberly and only you can make it come through about you. We tend to keep our inner beauty a secret from ourselves so now you are a the right age to acknowledge that in you. Your own self worth and self esteem are very much part of how you see yourself with the help of your closest of friends who know you. In that mirror say I'M SPECIAL AND I LOVE ME. BELIEVE IT BECAUSE IT IS TRUE

Aug 14, 2009
not you fault
by: vanessa

I am going throught the same emotional abuse but mine is not as worse because i am 21 years old and i defend myself. You want to know why i am still at home, because i feel sorry for my mother...she needs help and i am the only one that can help her..after all the years of emotional abuse, she now needs listen to your friends girl!!! be strong and stand up for yourself..and maybe find some family memeber where uc an stay..and never hold a grudge on your brother because its not his fault that your parents perfer him over u..he is just sooo scared to do anything wrong. be strong girl and stand up for yourself.....they know that if they hit u, you are going tohave evidence of the abuse and someone is going to report them..sso do what i am telling u and stand up for yourself and Protect your brother help him get out of that shock he is in so that he can be a normal boy in the future.

Aug 14, 2009
Your parents are out of control
by: Anonymous

Kimberley, your parents have lots of problems that they chose to vent on you and your brother and they really need help...but you guys need help, too. Have you all tried counselling? Family therapy also works! Be brave and stay strong because I will pray for you.

Aug 16, 2009
I am the best I can be, Always believe in yourself
by: maurice

Kimberly, re-reading your real and true story my heart goes out to you. through my work of 40 years with families I can identify your parents. I was always annoyed with parents like yours who pushed their children into sports without acknowledging that each child has his or her own giftedness. I call parents like yours control freaks do what I think is the best for you. Now they have almost killed your spirit and your giftedness and don't seemed to have learned from THeir mistake. Kimberly it was not your fault that you were not good at all the sports you tried to like and be good at for your parents sake. You really were'nt enjoying taking part but you had to. Well intentioned parents sometimes get it wrong and yours sure did and then abusing you by beatings and setting you up against your brother was also wrong and a form of emotional abuse. Hi don't you quit Loving yourself now, get all the affirmation from the comments written to you by Darlene and her visitors who took time to re-assure you, you are beautiful, you are gifted in your own right, so get to know what you are good at and you own special ways of being. You know your limits and also with jra and it's effects take time to cope with alone. Hi your advice and Quote you, My message though is make sure you tell anyone, and get it out at the beginning, tell people until they listen, it is the only way to get it out. That Kimberly is the beginning of self healing. Always believ in that for yourself and make a deeper sense of this. I am afraid (don't be) to heal. The effects that I deal with every day seem almost impossible to fix. Kimberly with all the help you are getting from your friend (s) you will make sense of it all for yoursefl. I can, I will, I must just for beautiful me. Your articualte and highly inteeligent and you will be a winner over all the effects of the abuse of your parents. Look in that MIRROR, ''right'' and say I'M SPECIAL AND I LOVE ME. BEGIN TO LOVING YOUR TRUE SELF IN THE MIROR. YOUR PRETTINESS, DEEP WITHIN YOU KIMBERLY YOU SEE THIS PRETTINESS, THIS BEAUTY, THE EFFECTS OF THE MARKS/SCARS THE STICK MADE ON YOU. ONLY YOU CAN HEAL THEM NOW. CHAT WITH A THERAPIST IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY DOING SO. YOU'LL BE FINE. HUG AND LOVE THE ME IN THE MIRROR. I LOVE THAT ME.

Oct 05, 2009
I care about you still and I always will
by: maurice

Kimberly, for a friend to break one's trust it makes finding a new one that more difficult, But Hi that person is out there for you still. Don't Quit now, be brave, be strong for your own personal growth and yours alone. I'M SPECIAL AND I LOVE ME. How is that MIRROR image of yoursefl coming along. While your trust was broken don't give up hope that there is The therapist who will build up yourself self belief, your self worth, your self esteem and get you having a healthy mind in a healthy body. Read my previous comments and see has my heart felt feelings for you changed or indeed Darlene's and others who took time out to tell you, We love YOU, we want what is the best for you Kimberly

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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