Comments for Child Abuse Story From Kaylee

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Oct 22, 2009
When you can't be a daddy's girl, be your OWN girl...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

The fact that your father won't email you or talk to you now has NOTHING to do with YOU, Kaylee. It has everything to do with HIS inadequacies, HIS feelings of self-doubt. In other words, he's terribly confused. Don't EVER blame yourself for his shortcomings. You my dear are perfect as you are. Stand strong in that knowledge. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Oct 23, 2009
I am the most important child ever birthed
by: maurice

Kaylee, from your story that may not seem the truth but I guarantee you it is. I was birthed by a single Mom and was much luckier than you. My Father was not in my life then or for many a year after. So don't be all concerned that your father was not at your birthing. Even in most ideal of birthing father's are rarely present until it is all completed then the excitement begins. You truly are one very unlucky child. You must know it is not your fault that you were born onto such a house. A mother who seemingly had not a clue about safeguarding you or hersefl from that step-father who used both of you for his own satisfaction abuse and control. When a mother did nothing to safeguard you from him she too needed loads of help to become real. So you were neither Mammy's girl or Daddy's girl. Kaylee pay heed to Darlene loving, caring, supportive words to you, She sure has given you words of affirmation to work with. You must take action and begin loving yourself NOW. Let go and and let your Father drift for as long as he wants. You will be better able to access his Love for you when or if he makes contact again. For Now Kaylee you are the most beautiful. wonderful, intelligent, with honest to goodness feelings about not being Daddy's Girl. Leave go of That feeling and grow now in your own right. You were mistreated, abused but you were not to blame or it was never your fault that you were born into such a household. If you have a chance to speak with a counsellor or therapist please do. Your life will take on a whole new outlook. I'M SPECIAL I NEED TO LOVE ME NOW. SO I CAN MATURE AND GROW INTO THE WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL PERSON/TEENAGER/YOUNG ADULT THAT I WAS BORN TO BE IN MY OWN RIGHT. I CAN, I WILL, I MUST, JUST FOR PRETTY ME. KAYLEE ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSEFL. HI I BET YOU HAVE A TRUE FRIEND WHOM YOU HAVE OPENED OUT YOUR FEELINGS TO SHE IS YOUR STEPPING STONE TO STARDOM IN YOUR LIFE. THAT FRIEND KAYLEE WILL HELP YOU TO MAKE SENSE OF YOUR LIFE TOGETHER AND THAT OF BOY GIRL RELATIONSHIPS. YOU'L BE FINE. LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SAY TO THAT BEAUTIFUL ME IN IT. I LOVE YOU.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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