Comments for Child Abuse Story From Kara

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Oct 31, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

I applaud and commend you for deciding to turn pain into power by choosing a field that can help make sure that other children don't suffer the same fate you did. Be prepared however to deal with the repercussions the abuse had on you. Only by dealing with the pain the abuse had on you will you be able to truly help others deal with theirs. That may not seem to be the case in this moment, but as you move through the different ages and stages of your life, you may well be revisited with that pain. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Nov 02, 2010
Turning my Pain into Power for others: An Inspiration for Others
by: maurice

You are the first story I opened up this morning: Your honest telling of your Abuse is so real to you, I can empatise with you as I too was physically beaten: Please Kara: you will find a counselling set up at your college: Have the courage with the help of your true friend (s) introduce yourself to them: Darlene has written you a heartfelt comment: You sure are music to her ears after she read your story: Totally inspirational: Turning your pain into power: No better woman then Darlene to affirm you there: Physical pain and the memories and effects of it all linger on underneath the surfice: Talking it out and through with a counsellor/therapist puts it all in perspective Kara: I know you are highly intelligent, you will take Darlene's advice and do what you know to be the best for yourself: You are a winner over your abuser: Good on you: At 18 years of age it is great to read your positive attitude: Hi you be gentle and kind on yourself and your beautiful body: I will: I will because I am WORTH it: Have a healthy mind in a healthy body: Kara for over 40 years I have been encourageing this among the especially the young and the not so young: I'll guarantee you, you will make real and true friends for life built up while taking part with others your own age and gender in team sports, even being a cheer-leader: New horizons will open up for you: You have your own giftedness and your own tallents because your special: I'M SPECIAL: You'll be a true leader: with your positive attitude wanting to help children/teenagers who have been abused like you: I am certain you caring nature will work wonders for you: So Kara off your bottom and into that college freshers team or cheerleaders group: Build up your SELF ESTEEM: look in the mirror begin being gentle and kind to that wonderful and beautiful me looking out at you: Think Positive thoughts about yourself and your body: I am beautiful: I like my body: It is mine so I need to love it and soothe into it nice oils and creams massageing it from time to time: once a month at least: Kara Thank You: you have given hope and inspiration to many: Darlene cares for you and wants what is truly the best for you NOW. you'll be helped and take a positive attitude to what she wrote to you from her heart: I will: I can: I must (Kara) Because I am WORTH it: let this be your motto:

Nov 19, 2010
abuse loss!
by: Anonymous

i am really sorry to hear your loss and i know i heard lots of stories like this it makes me think what is wrong with people or the world but im glad you got it through and live your life normal again.. Listen to my advice just dont look back just look in the future..!!

Nov 24, 2010
Hearts speak to each other
by: maurice

Kara: Three beautiful and loving hearts spoke to you after your telling of your story: Darlene's site is a good place to begin healing from abuse: Her comment will empower you once you take action and continue Believeing in yourself: Anonymous beautiful heart spoek to you you too ever so naturally Quote: Don't look back just look in the future: Good on you Kara: You are the best: I am I am: look in the mirror and say it: Hugs and cuddles too: I love the ME in that Mirror

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life