Comments for Child Abuse Story From Jennie W

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Jan 03, 2011
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Your father should be in prison for murder, assault and child abuse, among other things. And you need help to deal with what happened to you. Please seek out some form of counseling and put off trying to have a baby until you get the help you need. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Jan 04, 2011
Time to heal.
by: Lucy


Thank you for sharing... you are a survivor.

You have suffered a life of fear and severe abuse. Please heed Darlene's advice: take the time for healing and nurturing your self.

Although I think it is wonderful that you want a baby to love; now is the time for you to love your self, to take care of your self, just as you would take care of someone you love. Give yourself this gift... because you deserve love and happiness.

Please take care, Jennie, and continue to keep yourself safe.

Jan 04, 2011
Your cry for help has been noted: You have found a safe place to share:
by: maurice

Jennie W: new year with I hope new beginnings for you in your search for through peace of mind and in your heart: Start loving the wonderful and strong woman that you are NOW; Great you found Darlene's site your cry for help, love and support. She has given you a steping stone or two to bounce back into living your life to the full: She knows best: she has been brave strong and is a victim to victory over her own horrific abuse: She wants what is best for you: So think positive and get counselling as a start: You'll be fine: You'll be the winner over that cruel, twisted minded beast of a father: He cruelly beat you abused you: and the mother who wanted to protect you but was his mercy too: He should be locked away in a place where he would have very little of lifes comforts: except live with the torture he put you, your baby, and your mother through: He is a beast: Yes and for killing the one who gave you hope and better future with your baby: He does not deserve too much mercy or sympathy: You get the help Darlene knows will do you a power of good: Start living life, have good people, good friends around you to begin with to help support and love you to get the help Darlene suggests: Lucy too gave you her woman heartfelt feeling to give you hope and courage: Jennie W please love yourself: be gentle and kind to youself and your body as you begin a new year of hope, so that this time next year you'll be thanking yourself for loving the gifted, intelligent beautiful and woman your now:

Mar 01, 2011
A baby happiness and sadness.
by: Lucielle

You where going to be a proud mother.........But when he threw you down the stairs and then killed your little bun in the oven. I was sad by this, their was almost like the same thing my friend had she is a ballerina she dances on her house though and her father abused her for not getting good grades......
When you get married try to have another child tell your children never go to your grandpa, make sure your mother (grandma stays with you) You survived with all your heart.

Mar 02, 2011
Please Oh Please Be gentle and kind to yourself
by: maurice

Jennie W: re-reading your story once more: It truly was painful for me to read how a beast of a so called species of the human race: I only hope and pray you are in a safe, loving, being affirmed environment NOW: Always believe in yourself: I'm special, unique in my own right NOW. he battered and bruised my beautiful innocent childhood/adolecent body: He took away my dignity: He hurt me: My poor, poor mother suffered too: A animalistic uncontrolable beast was that Father of yours: Please keep letting go of the awful memories and effects this has had on you: Please saty safe: stay in counselling, have real friends around you to hug you; cuddle you: make you feel great and important for the loving, gentle woman you are today: You'll always be in my prayers: Live well: laugh alot: Love much especaially that wonderful me looking at you from the mirror:

Mar 02, 2011
Always believe in yourself: You'll be the winner over your abuser
by: maurice

Jennie W: I hope you are in a good space within yourself: You are living your life to the full: being safe: loving and valueing the great young woman you are: Loving the me person in the mirror: not thinking negative stuff about yourself or your body: Still in some form of counselling Acting on Darlene beautiful, helpful from her heart words to you 2 month's into 2011: I hope it is good for you:

Mar 17, 2011
Good Luck!
by: Simran

I wish we could go back in time and erase the pain you felt! I wish you a happy LIFE OF LOVE.

good luck

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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