Comments for Child Abuse Story From Jeff H

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Aug 21, 2009
You believed the LIES your mother told you...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Those lies came to pass because you believed them, Jeff, which is understandable. And trust me, you are NOT alone with what you endured: My mother used pretty much the same words with me. As a 45-year-old man, you now have the power to re-program those negative thoughts. But that is now up to you. You've started by including your positive qualities. Thank you for sharing your true nature and your story with my visitors and me.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Aug 22, 2009
Your mom was out of control
by: Anonymous

Jeff, your mother was and still is wrong, always had been and always will be. You are not worthless; you are smart, articulate and flatout worthy of love, dignity and outright respect. Whatever happened to you will never be your fault; your mother is REALLY TO BLAME. She has lots of problems and she really needs help...but you need help, too. Have you tried counselling? Be brave, Jeff, and stay strong. Thank goodness for people like Darlene and others who care about you and want only the best for you!

Aug 25, 2009
I was getting angrier and angrier as I read your story
by: maurice

When one feels he/she is at the lowest ebb of living the only way back is UP. Jeff H Don't you Quit believing in yourself. You have a whole life ahead of you to be lived to the Full. Taking one day at a time slowly hug yourself back into reality that all that happened to me was because of MY MOTHER. She certainly should not have had a child in her life. Jeff H none of us on this Earth asked to be born. It was one day none of us had control of. The fact is I was BORN. I when I celebrate my 63rd birthday on the 5th of September I will spend most of that day acknowledgeing that Fact. I was born beautiful, I was the beautiful child gift of my mother. So Jeff H at 45 you can celebrate you and your birthing day. As annonymous said in her comment you were and are none of the things (AWFUL, HORRIFIC, untrue statements) about you were TRUE. For a mother in particular to treat her child in such a way as your's did was not fit to be called a Mother. All the shame is on her Jeff H. How articulate and highly intelligent your written detailed story of your abuse was, means Jeff H you know you are one great human being of the male speciaes. DON'T YOU QUIT BELIEVEING THAT ABOUT YOU. Beacaue of all you've journeyed and put yourself through it is only natural you have a very confused and mixed up feelings about yourslf. Darlene, bless her has given you brief but solid words to rebuild your self worth, your self esteem and value. JEFF H only you can do it, rebuild your life, live it to the full each day you wake from a sofa or a bed. Get the neccessary help you need from sharing what you shared with Darlene and her visitors with a COUNSELLOR/THERAPIST. ease away your aching heart by telling them where you are at now after the treatment of your sick mother. Say, I can, I will, I must, My life is worth living. with your real and true friends ease away from your drug living. Begin again to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. Begin caring for others and don't keep dwelling on your own missery. Each time you look in a MIRROR say Hi mate You are a fine hunk of a male. love your body and yourself. be gentle and kind to both. Okay Jeff H over to you, I can, I will, I must.

Aug 28, 2009
Thank You All!
by: Jeff H

Wow! I was so surprised to see that there was actually posted feedback to my story.I wrote one night needing to vent and felt like telling my story in an open forum thinking it might help someone or perhaps even me. I am really so appreciative for those of you including Darlene herself for having published my poorly written bio. For your loving comments and for the genuine concern that motivated your respective endearing responses. Thank you all very much. I feel better already just knowing someone cares and can relate to me. I hope we all receive the emotional healing we all so desperately need. :Me

From Darlene: You're welcome, Jeff. It was my pleasure and honour to both read and publish your very well written bio.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Aug 29, 2009
Clean and sober
by: Anonymous

Thanks Darlene I failed to add that I have been off of drugs for quite a long time and do not even drink I have weightlifted since I was 11yrs old and now I eat right as well.I was blessed with a very nice physique and good looks. But there are times when I feel I would gladly trade that for the ability to be ABLE to believe that I could ever have financial stability and not have my mind flooded with thoughts of how Im going to loose my job (every time I get one)and to be rid of this inner "knowing" that to be able to maintain a job and recieve promotions or merely to keep one at all for any length of time is absolutely impossible for ME.The spinal cord of my stability-faith has been severed.Though this injury is invisible its effects are no less real.I want to believe that there could be a type of therapy that could mend me But I dont have the means or wherewithall to recieve it.Is there any way you can help me? Or do you know somewhere I can go?I can tell you what zip code I currently live in.And I WILL read your your book.

From Darlene: As self-serving as it sounds, Jeff, start with reading my book. You will get a very clear picture of how therapy with the right therapist can provide the tools needed to get on with your life. Whatever path you decide to walk, walk it with confidence, an open mind, and with an eye toward self-discovery. I wish you all the best in your journey, Jeff.

A Video Reading by Darlene Barriere
Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Feb 03, 2010
You mom hated herself
by: Cyndi M

Jeff, you were a cool, funny kid to be around. Your mom was unhappy, insecure and felt inadequate and she took it out on you!! You held it all inside and didnt tell anyone because you were ashamed of being abused. You put on a brave face!! alot of us kids growing up knew things about about each other, and we had a sort of "unspeakable comfort" in knowing that your friends knew and understood and you didnt have to say anything, and we didnt want anyone to feel sorry for us, just be my friend because I am me and I am a fun person to be around and a great friend to have!!

Feb 04, 2010
I love being around and knowing fun people because they are real people
by: maurice

Jeff H my heart is still with you as indeed it is with Darlene and all her many visitors that I make a Love comment to their stories. Love comes from my Creator God and to each one of us who birthed beautiful. The circumstances we are born into is not of our making as we had no say in it. We must never blame ourselves ever ever for having been abused by others. Never our doing or fault. Jeff H you sure received fun loving comments, sincere ones from the heart of each one of us. Live well, LAUGH alot. I hope you are loving and hugging yourself to bits and making people happy and fun people to be with. Age has nothing to do with affirming yourself in that LOVE. Mind how you go Jeff H

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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