Comments for Child Abuse Story From Jan

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Oct 11, 2013
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

If this all happened in Canada, you most definitely have legal recourse. Whether or not you get what you're looking for going through the courts is another matter. If you choose to go this route (and I completely support your decision no matter what it is), then make sure you have a strong support system in place. Keep in mind that even if you get a verdict that you don't want, you KNOW the truth of it. You KNOW what these two abusers were all about. And you KNOW that the agency in charge of keeping you safe failed miserably. They turned a blind eye. And they likely did so for many other voiceless children.

Reach out for any healing modalities that feel right to you. That might be meditation, yoga, connecting with your ancestral roots, or any number of methods that will help keep you centered throughout this process. And always remember that you not only survived, you thrived! You're an inspiration, Jan. I send you love, light and healing energy. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Oct 12, 2013
u were so young!
by: nobody at all

first I want 2 extend my deepest compassion 2u. and, your story made me think of something - esp. when u were told that the special circumstances of your very severe abuse made it impossible 2 get justice now.

it seems 2 me, from my own abuse and that of others like u, that simply the fact that u were 2 years old when it started, 2 young 2b believed because little children sometimes talk fantasy and make-believe, was a huge bonus 4 those who abused u, and still is even now. the younger a child is, not only the worse does abuse affect them, on a very very deep level BECAUSE they are so young; but ALSO, they can be so easily dismissed and disregarded when they attempt 2 tell, because small children have so little credibility, although they know more than adults find it convenient 2 believe they do, and they often say things that are true but it's like the adults of the world have a very convenient excuse 2 ignore what small children say and feel, they dismiss it as just the babbling of children. this is a handy, incredibly unfair way that adults take advantage of children, worldwide and for millennia. just because kids can't speak well like adults can, they are discredited often. it's just another way for a certain group, adults in this case, 2 "blow off" a whole other, oppressed group's (children's) protests about abuse they suffer. just as slave-owners used 2 keep their slaves from learning 2 read, and then dismissed them as "ignorant" whenever they said something the group in power, the slave-owners in this case, didn't want said.

I just have a special bitterness 4 adults who use a child's very young age 2 "keep them quiet", or keep them from having any believability. I believe that a lot of the most severe abuse often occurs 2 very young children, where it can be buried deeply because the child IS so little, and at the same time being abused SO YOUNG leaves the most lasting problems 4 the victim. a 2-year-old child doesn't even know, often, that what's happening 2 them is even abusive and horrible, but, because it may be all they've ever known, it might seem 2 be THEIR horrible, horrific "normal" life, 2 them. anyone without a voice, like small children, animals, women in very oppressive countries, the very poor, etc., are special cases who are even worse off than victims with more voice in the world. I esp. (and I am female) am disgusted by the way newborn boys are routinely circumcised without anesthesia, and also without their CONSENT, with doctors claiming, conveniently, that a baby CAN'T FEEL PAIN until they are a few days old! who came up with THAT one? so called "experts" have the power 2 make up anything they want 2, as though it were scientific fact.

those without a voice need 2b empowered by those of us who CAN speak out.

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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
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How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life