Comments for Child Abuse Story from Emma R

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Jan 15, 2011
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Reach out for any resources that may be available to you where you live. Perhaps a woman's shelter would be a good place to start. You deserve help for what you've endured, and your children deserve to have a mother who is healthy and truly Present for them. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Jan 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

You are a strong, brave person for breaking out of where you were, and for being able to love your kids! Trust me, I am a child care worker, I know how much evil parenting can suck kids dry, and I know how hard it is to be a well of love when you feel so dry. Darlene's right, a women's shelter should be a good place to go, or some building where they'd be able to point you in the right direction.

Life has thrown its cards at you, and the real you, the one that's deep inside and makes the decisions, is more than just worthy of living.

Best wishes!

Jan 16, 2011
Even animals would never treat their young so sadistaclly
by: Anonymous

Emma, what your so-called parents did to you was pathetic and ungrateful because they are confused, twisted, sick and sadistic in their own ways of thinking. They didn't deserve to have such a beautiful daughter like you, but most of all, you didn't ever deserve to have such uncaring, uneducated, unloving, ignorant, cowardly, sick, slimy, animalistic, cruel, sadistic parents. Your so-called dad is a disgusting pig and he should be locked up in prison with his slimy friends together. As for your sadistic so-called mom, shame on her for running away from you all the time instead of protecting you from those beasts! I am just as disgusted by her reactions towards those sickos raping you; I hate women who choose men over their own children because children should always come first. Oh, and slashing you in the face (under one of your eyes) and making jokes about that scar on your face really shows me how uneducated and ignorant those psychopaths really are. Oh, and they are wrong. You are not dirty; you are not ugly; you are beautiful. You are not a s**t; you are not worthless; you are worthy of love and respect, both of which you were sadistically denied of. You are not to blame; they are really to blame. You were the child; they were the adults. They had all the power and they only misused it over you. Oh, and Darlene is right. Please go to a woman's shelter and take your kids with you...and whatever you do, please consider counselling as well. I wish you and your kids all the best.

Jan 16, 2011
I understand
by: Zachary

I am sooooo sorry for what you had to go through. I understand, my uncle started abusing me when I was four. I pray that you will be alright and that soon you'll find someone who can take care of you and your girls and not hurt you. I also pray that God watches over you. I know you probably think that "where was god during my abuse"?, I understand that too. I felt the same way but I came to realize that I can heal with God in my life and you can too. So I pray for you Emma and wish you all the care in the world.

Jan 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

i was abused as a teen i was around 13 and as an adult and raped by diffrent men i trusted u are not alone and a verry strong person i am glad u are trying to get off drug's 4 your kid's sake at least. i stayed at a wemen shelter and been homeless and they do help they give me vouchers for clothes for me and my kids they still do and i am not working single men dated all the wrong men my 2 kids dad was one of them a dead beat dad so every little bit helps.

Jan 16, 2011
by: Anonymous 1/16

You are so capable of stopping the cycle. Your daughters don't have to beleive they're only good for abusing, knowing that you hated how you felt is the first step in changing that.

You don't have to have a lot of money, they only need love and care. Go to rehab, get counseling, and know you are their everything. You CAN make this work. Find jobs that are flexible and offer medical...Starbucks trains. McDonalds does too. Some places even have daycare onsite (like clerical positions).

YOU CAN DO THIS. You have the srength. You have the drive. Heroine enables you to can't forget - it sucked, it was WRONG, they HURT you. Now you need to learn to heal from what they did so you can teach your daughters that they are strong too and can and will exist in this world as they are meant to. As you are meant to.


Jan 16, 2011
Pulling Through
by: Hannah a 13 yr old girl

You are a strong,brave woman who deserves much better than what your parents did to you.Your parents didn't deserve you in their lives.Your parents couldn't have cared less but because of what you went through you are strong.You are a strong,independent woman.Nothing can hurt you because you have truly endured everything.Life will prove to be difficult but you will be the one to pull through.You are one of the survivors.When everything goes wrong you will pull through.You are the survivor.A survivor,you will be a wonderful,strong woman.Your children are lucky to have you.Because of what you have been through you are strong,brave,independent.Do not rue being alive.Do not even think about Suicide although i understand why you do.even I do sometimes,but don't you think on it.Your children need you to watch over them and make sure they are safe within your own care.No other woman could be more equiped than you to teach and give them what they need.You are strong,you will pull through.

Jan 24, 2011
by: Anonymous


Jan 25, 2011
you should be proud
by: Nicole

You are a survivor and should be proud of yourself. Hate your parents, not your life. Please get in touch with a counselor, they do help and are ALWAYS on your side. I have twin girls too, and I know it can be overwhelming. I would even go as far as trying to press charges on your parents, it will give you satisfaction because prisoners don't take kindly to child abusers/rapists. I LOVE PRISON JUSTICE! You are here for a reason, that's why you survived. You might even heal by telling other victims your story, or listening to theirs. Please remind yourself that you are a wonderful girl and you didn't deserve or cause this. You do make the world a better place, just by being in it with your little ladies. I wish I could leave my email address because I'm worried about you. All I can say is keep your head up, look in the mirror every day, and tell yourself you are awesome! God bless all three of you :)

Jan 29, 2011
You are so blessed
by: Anonymous

have survived a very tramatic experience however to truly survive what you have been through and kick your habit and be a wonderful parent to your girls you must first forgive the people who did such awful things to you. Dont get me wrong Im not saying to forget what they did and get over it even I couldnt do that Im saying to forgive them because if you continue to hate them and not forgive you will become what it is you hate. The second thing you need is help with your drug habit. trying to kick the habit is a really good start but you must think of the pain you indured coming up and use that as a way to drive yourself into getting better because if you stay on that shit you will be no help to your babies and you are putting them in danger of going through the same or worse experiences trust me I was babysat by a addict and she was going to get a fix she took me age6 and her daughter age 1 to a crack house cause noone else could watch us while she was trippin a guy came and took my 1 year old cousin from me and put his hands in her pamper while my aunt watched, I knew what he was doing cause my aunts boyfriend did it to me all the time so I didnt know it was wrong he said she was to small, I didnt know you had to be a sertain size so when he put her down and came over to me I did what I knew best I kept very still as he pulled down my panties I thought hed do what my uncle did and just touch me like he did my cusin but he did something different he laid me on the floor and he raped me It hurt so bad I screamed and cried for him to stop hurting me I screamed for my aunt to help me. My aunt was so high she did nothing except yelled for someone to "shut that f***ing kid up that crying is f***ing up my high" she was so high she didnt do anything to help me she made it worse

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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