Comments for Child Abuse Story From Emily6

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May 01, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

While different than most of the stories on this site, what you experienced is not at all unusual. Sometimes anger is the emotion that is experienced; and that anger spurs a highly spirited response, a response that in essence makes one stand up themselves. Generally, that type of response comes from having been raised in a home where the child's thoughts and opinions are valued to some degree, or when the child has learned to defend themselves in some way. I would further recommend you tell your mother what this man is doing, because he is a sex offender of children; and he will continue to offend until someone stops him. And don't concern yourself about the fact that he's a renter and telling might mean less money. There will always be another renter, but there is only one YOU. If your mother doesn't believe you, tell other adults until someone does believe you and does something about it. Just be a STRONG leader and TELL. And just for the record, Emily, molesters/rapists are not just men; women can and do molest/rape as well. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

May 01, 2010
You are a leader!
by: Desiree

Yes, you are 100% correct. You are a LEADER, and most importantly you are STRONG. At such a young age, I cannot be but amazed at your confidence. I wish you all the best in life and that you will do many great things. Remember, you are a leader... you are the creater of your destiny. Keep your head up and be safe. Everything, positive or negative, that we encounter is all a life lesson. Take care.

May 02, 2010
wow! ur an inspiration!
by: Jenny

Hi! I am so inspired by your story! You are the leader and to be seeing other 14 year olds doing abosolutely wrong things with boys, you have really outshone them. I too have been molested and know its a horrible feeling. Appearantly i know i broke down wen it happened 2 me so i sorta know wat 2 do the next time it happens!

May 02, 2010
Only if..... all could be as strong as you: Always believe in yourself:
by: maurice

I have journeyed and worked with all kinds of families and their children through forty years: I have always maintained and still do there is a potential leader in every child born. which means there is leadership qualities in each teenager. adolecent, young adult, So Emily 6 your story affirm that for me: You knew and know this man is a molester of young girls: You may not have been the firat to experience his deviousness: A Sneak, a bad MAN to around children especially young girls: Your friend was lucky she was in the back seat: He was not afraid touching you for fear she might tell her parents, she never wants a ride home with him anymore. Emily6 Darlene is a woman with a women heart please read her loving comment to you: She truly is a believer in your inner believe and strength of yourself. Stay safe, Be safe, at 14 you have a very bright and inteeligent young mind: You will understand what Darlene has written. Please respect her request to tell your MOM, speak with a counsellor if you have access to one in your school. Always try to have a healthy mind in a healthy body, take part with your friends in sports/teams/cultural activities. I would say you'd be a great team captain, LEADER, cheer-leader; I believe in all you've written to Darlene and her visitors: Live well, laugh alot, love much, I can, I will, I must, because I am WORTH it. Ok Emily6 off your bottom and be active and alive with you family, friends and class mates. Thank You.

Jan 21, 2011
by: Kayla Mae

You are an inspiration. My mother was physically and mentally abused while her sister, my aunt, was sexually abused. My mom was told she would never amount to a thing and she got 2×4's thrown at her. I have no clue what happened, specifically, to my aunt, but my mom just told me it was sexual. When this was going on my mom was about 10 years old and my aunt was like 5, I think. All of this was being done by a man named R and he was my grandma's boyfriend. My mom told my grandma about it and my mom threatened to call the police but my grandma's answer was always the same. She would to my mom "Don't do that D," she would say, "he supports us, helps us get by, and he gives us food." He died after being with my grandma for about 3-5 years.
All that time, before, during, and after, my mom got straight A's, she was in basketball, track, and cheer leading. She graduated high school, went to college, and now has a job at state farm. My aunt got a diploma from high school and college as well and she is now a cosmetologists.
My grandma thought she needed a man to survive but she seems like she doesn't need one NOW!! In the end I guess my mom and aunt got justice by him dying but he never went to jail so that was that. Now it is good. =]

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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