Comments for Child Abuse Story From Eleesa

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Mar 19, 2011
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

You have every right to tell your story and be heard. It isn't about who has it worse, it's about acknowledging that child abuse has greatly affected you. You've been truthful about some of the things you've done that aren't the best choices; I applaud your honestly. The physical fights you're having with your mother are unacceptable. You deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. But it starts with you. If you want to have a decent relationship with your mother and brother, you have to be willing to treat each of them with dignity and respect as well. But the way things have escalated between you and your mother, the two of you will likely need some counseling. Talk to a school counselor about what's happening in your home. And consider contacting Child Help at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) in order to talk to someone about the abuse you are still dealing with. They are staffed 24/7 with professionally trained counsellors who will listen to you. And you need someone to listen to you, Eleesa. They are not a reporting agency, but they can help you with your options. Visit their website by copying & pasting the following URL into your browser:

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me. And just so you know, I've altered the names you included in order to ensure your anonymity.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Mar 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

Eleesa, I can't believe that your "mom" would abandon you and your brother to the so-called care of that sick monster of a stepdad, get into physical fights with you and beat you and even allow him to abuse and berate you guys everyday! How dare she! She has serious problems which she has taken out on you and she needs help, but you need help too, so the sooner you tell, the better. Oh, and you are not to blame; your parents are to blame because they chose to abuse you. You and your brother were the children; they were the adults; they had all the power and they misused it over you. Oh, and darlene is right about telling, so, like I said, please tell someone you really trust.

Mar 20, 2011
I am taking charge of my own life's destiny:
by: maurice

That Eleesa: I sure hope is your decision after sharing your abuse story with Darlene and her visitors: I empatise with you: YOU are the most important child ever birthed: Your self worth and dignity is all that matters to you NOW; Always believe in yourself: Look in that mirror and speake gently and kind words to and about yourself: Your have made a beginning to let go of the effects of abuse of that sicko on you: You, will be a winner, Please read Darlene's words to you: follow them to the best of your ability: speaking with a counsellor will put all you wrote into perspective for you: Darlene's site gives hope to each visitor who relates there real abuse story: She is great, she lets all the trurth that really happened out in her site whisch is valueing and respecting each person for their courage in searching for and finding her site to begin their healing process: Your cry for help she has heard and the words she has written are from her heart to you: Eleesa: Human hearts speak to each other from a distance: Live the NOW time of your life: learn from your past that there are not so good people out there especially the kind that abuse the innocent and the vunerable: You, don't want another to be hurt or live with the pain of abuse so get help for yourself and then you'll find the courage to do what you know to be best to safeguard other children/adolecents from abuse: I'M SPECIAL: I'M UNIQUE: I AM INTELLIGENT: STAY IN EDUCATION: Have a healthy mind in a healthy body: That might mean taking part with your age and gender in team sports and sporting and cultural activities with them: I guarantee, new horizons will open up for you: You'll make real natural life long friends and many aquaintances who'll make you laugh and smile when you cross paths: SO Eleesa heed the words Darlene has written to you your new beginnings to living your life to the full:

Apr 13, 2011
by: Anonymous

Awwwwww...thats bad hunn...when you move on with you life, you dont notice that it ever happened to you

Apr 13, 2011
The effects of abuse are deep buried within for years:
by: maurice

Eleesa: what happened you in abuse was horrendous everyone who was abused has his her own very real: unreal: in working it out of there system: I had mine: in hindsight NOW I know it was the best way for me at the time: it helped: But truly until I faced up to it and made it real: I had to accpet I was abusedL Then counselling took over and I am now a very normal happy man after living the last 33 years as a winner over my abuser; I know anonymous means well: wants to add her love and support from her heart to you Eleesa: I don't agree with, when you move on with your life, you don't notice that it evr happened to you: That is not true: One's abuse stays with one in very good recollection and memory: It happened: one can never deny that: But once once one accepts that yes I was abused and begins to get real help it fades into a perspective: and one can let go of it by degree's: One will always be aware and notice it until one get's real professional help: Eleesa you'll be fine: Anonymous trult means well but I think in time she would have to admit one notices that it happened for a very long time untill one get professional help and advice: Darlene's comment is worth reading for all of us who have left comments:

Apr 25, 2011
You are like me
by: Ayase paul yukiya

Eleesa, you are like me. I was abused by my mother, and i forgot to add in my story that she kept falling on me while she was pregnant with me.
I was abused very hard by my mother i hated my life as being a person being abused. I hope you survived eleesa.
The monster that you have your mother left you and your brother vunerable.
I hope you survived and founded a good place to live

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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