Comments for Child Abuse Story From Chanelle

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Oct 03, 2007
Unconditional love
by: Darlene Barriere

You deserved a childhood free of pain, free of responsibility of siblings, free of being a rescuer and of needing rescuing yourself. It's now up to you, Chanelle. It's now up to you to give yourself that unconditional love. Your precious, holy, wonderful, giving, caring, beautiful, self deserves that unconditional love.

Oct 04, 2007
And you can have yourself
by: Steph

Very nice prose. You can have peace and have yourself back. You can have unconditional love and the pain will subside. It will come to you when you aren't necessarily looking for it.

Oct 05, 2007
by: Anonymous

Wow. This is exactly how I feel...I've just never been able to express it. Thank you.

Oct 20, 2007
For all emotions
by: Lonely girl

I read your story which touched my heart, soul and mind. I have read many stories, however your words seem to explain feelings, not only the way you feel about yourself ,also for people around you.
I find your story is about the way you remember your past to the way you want you future to be.

Dec 05, 2007
hello chanelle
by: sophia walker

i was very touched by your story and the way it is written is beautifully composed. I was wondering if i could use a quote from it in my coursework i am doing on child abuse at college, your name and where you live will not be written on it, just wanted to ask your permission first.

Apr 22, 2009
What you aspire to with your positive outlook you will achieve it.
by: Maurice

Chanelle, I want and aspire to be free, You will, you seem to have the right people around you to do it. They are people who really do love you and if one or two love you unconditionally then you will achief you aspirations. To be free to be you Channelle is the greatest freedom we all must try to achieve in our lives. Rid ourselves of the negative thoughts of those who put us down, made us small and at times so insignificant that our self esteem was so low. we felt we were worthless as a HUman being. Chanelle, Think positive, act positive, be positive about being true to yourself and those very near and dear to you. Say I'm Special, that you are, I'm Gifted, that you are from what I read in your telling of your story. I join with all the other comments in complimenting you on the way you worded it. It touched me too. Hi love yourself, wholesomely and holistically. Good to love the body that was once destroyed by being abused by some one who did not love you. The damage those who abuse cause is a total mystery to them. We have to suffer. Oh chanelle admire that beautiful body of yours now. Have a mirror image of yourself that makes you so all over. I love mirrors but far more important I love me whom I see and admire daily in it. Please begin to have agood one for yourself. Pamper yourself all you want. You'll achieve you ideal Chanelle.

Jun 05, 2010
from Chanelle
by: Chanelle

Dear All,
I just read your comments.
Means so much to me, feel so understood and validated by you. I feel an unexplainable bond with anyone who went through abuse. Your comments are like a soothing balm...

G-d bless you all, may you find the ability to heal the inner child within you by giving it the love you never thought possible exists.


Aug 18, 2010
There's LOVE in abundance still around
by: maurice

If your story came a few weeka go I would not have been able to sent a comment of my feelings for you: You see I was moving house: And missed coming near this Safe Haven site with great and wonderful people as my friends who can empatise with one another: Darlene'd site is that safe place: I sincerely hope you have been in better space and in abetter place from the last time I wrote my comment: My true and honest feelings were expressed in that: I pray and hope you acted on darlene's comment to you and took into your heart her loving words to you: She is juss one great woman with a vision and a LOVE for all who have been abused: I hope chanelle you are good: Having a healthy mind in a healthy body: Oh yes lazy bones which I don't believe you are: I hope you were lucky to stay with therapy and counselling: Your the best> Who am I??? I am the best: believe it chanelle because it is true:

Mar 06, 2013
So little love shown...
by: Anonymous

My heart goes out to you, Chanelle. All those years of trying to please your parents and not seeing love; all those years of also trying to protect your siblings out of love and not receiving love. I don't really know what to say...just to let you know that I read what you wrote.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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