Comments for Child Abuse Story From Benjamine Marsh

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Feb 06, 2009
Such courage!
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Ben, you've shown enduring awe-inspiring courage throughout the multitude of challenges you've faced: the betraying abuse itself, the life-altering residual of that abuse, the evidence-gathering process against this predator that would have thrust you into reliving it, and now in sharing your incredible journey from abuse victim to survivor triumphant. Your intestinal fortitude at bringing this reverend to justice has saved others from suffering the same fate as you did; of that I have no doubt. And being so open about telling your story will definitely help so many visitors on this site. Survivors who have suffered as you have suffered will realize they are not alone, and that there justice to be had for their suffering. Parents will be more likely to see the red flags of abuse having read your story. There is tremendous healing in all this; but as you so poignantly stated, that healing still has a ways to go.

Your focus has been on bringing this sex offender to justice; a very noble deed. Now the focus must be on your recovery process, Ben. And while the support of family, friends and faith are critical for you, the residual emotional toll of the betrayal and abandonment you have suffered may require the services of a professional. I do hope you have entered into, or will consider entering into, some form of counselling to help you with this recovery process. You certainly deserve that kind of help.

I am honoured that you have shared your remarkable story on my site for the benefit of my visitors. I thank you for doing so.

Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Feb 06, 2009
I'm hearing you Ben
by: Mrs. R

Hey Ben, I am so happy for you that you were able to put down in words what happened and praise you for your courage and compassion for others in wanting to help them by sharing your pain.
It's a very lonely, sad feeling when a person is trying to ask for help and no one is bothering to listen. In my case many knew but chose to ignore what what happening. When I did tell family members; i was beat and told to shut up, that I was a liar and enjoyed causing trouble.
You were very brave to stand up to him and have him charged. For the permanent damage that abuse generally causes I do not believe perpertrators are given enough punishment/rehabilitation. So many times one hears about abuses being released from prison and not long after wards they reoffend.
I don't know what the answer is Ben, abuse went on for me since I was a toddler right up until I was about 20. I was angry, hurt, and wanted to do damage, but now that I am older I have no hate in me, I do not want revenge, I believe if one holds on to negative feelings like that it will only make a person bitter and not trust anyone and possibly hate many.
I chose not to live like that, I did not want to spend my life full of hatred.
I believe Love brings Freedom and Light.
Take it easy Ben, never ever blame your self, don't do that to you, it was not your fault at all.

Feb 06, 2009
Don't Blame God
by: Linda sue Tidwell

Benjamine, Three big cheers for you for putting that lousy sinner in jail! Satan made that man do those horrible things to you. This man was a false prophet, he wasn't a true man of God. None of that sexual abuse was your fault. I don't know how your mom didn't see that something was seriously wrong. I'm so glad you took legal action and he was sent to jail. It took alot of courage and I think you are strong enough to withstand anything. Don't blame God, because God is good and I believe he was speaking to your heart and gave you the strength to find your justice. I'll say a special prayer for you in church, sunday. Thank you for your inspiring story.....Good things are coming to you.......

Feb 07, 2009
To a Survivor who makes us proud
by: Linda Settles

I am so proud of you Ben Marsh. You did what few people have the courage to do--stand up to your abuser. Having counseled with multiple abuse survivors, I can tell you that your story, while poitnant and candidly painful, is more common than most people want to beieve. Brave survivors like you bring the issue to the surface where it cannot be denied or disclaimed.

I have written more of what I want to say to you in my room on Darlenes site (see Linda's room). I am posting it there because I don't want it to go away--ever. I want it in my room so others can remember your story and be encouraged by it.

One more word to you, Ben. I thank God for this site. Darlene has devoted her life to helping other survivors understand and recover from their pain. I hope you come here often. You will be encouraged by the brave letters you read here-and you can comfort others by showing them that you have survived--and they can too.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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