Comments for Child Abuse Story From Ashley6

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Dec 01, 2009
There are never any good reasons why a child is singled out...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

You deserve the love you seek, Ashley. There is something terribly wrong in the minds of your parents. They are confused and twisted in their thinking. This is NOT about you, it's about THEM. I wrote an article titled Why parents target a specific child for abuse for this site some time ago. There are no excuses for the way you were mistreated and singled out, but you may find some explanations in the article. Reading it might help you to realize that you are not to blame. You were—and ARE—perfect as you are. Don't EVER lose sight of that, regardless of how your parents try to convince you otherwise. Get out of that abusive home as quickly as you can. Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me.

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Dec 01, 2009
I see me
by: Ginny


from my own experience when people in your family abuse you, such as your mother. I believe she sees some of you in herself and possibly your father, who possibly rejected her before or after she concieved you. It is misplaced anger the person has no reason to personally not love you,it is who thay are angry with that they see.

Ashley focus on yourself and your strengths that keep you going each day. There is someone for everybody let them find you.

Dec 01, 2009
Are you my child?
by: Karen W

You sound just like my boys did. Their biological father and my ex-husband did the same thing to them. You must tell yourself that you are beautiful and you deserve to be loved also and that there is someone out there who will love you and RESPECT you the way you deserve. Word of advice: DON'T LOAN YOUR MOTHER ANYMORE MONEY! Now, she is just using you. Hold your head high, my dear and be proud of the strong young woman you have molded yourself into to.

Dec 01, 2009
Your parents are out of control
by: Anonymous

Ashley, your mother is wrong. You are not ugly; you are beautiful. You are not stupid; you are smart and articulate. You are not hard to be loved; you are lovable and worthy of love and respect. Your "parents" have a lot of problems and they need help...but you need help, so the sooner you tell someone, the better. Darlene is right, Ashley! Please tell someone.

Dec 01, 2009
You are not a mistake
by: BMW Princess

No one is a mistake. Your mother is wrong.
It breaks my heart to see the stories on this site. you don't have to take your mother's words seriously because she's wrong.
With peace, hope, and love
BMW Princess

Dec 02, 2009
Stay Strong!
by: Jo2

Ashley -

As everyone else has said, your parents are out of control - they can't show love to you (in part) because they can't love or respect themselves. I know what you're going through and let me tell you girl, you are really strong! You may fight with them all the time, but you are responsible and honest and do your best to be good - don't ever stop! Your parents are not winning because you are strong enough to not do the mean things that they do. Sometimes, that thought comforts me a lot, because I can respect myself for my choices - as I choose not to hurt other people. My parents were horrible too, but I do not understand how they could have the heart to do such awful things (like berating me all the time and telling me I should be shot, and that I was stupid, etc.). Even though they still sometimes treat me like I'm stupid or crazy, I know that I'm not - and neither are you. Keep holding your head up Ashely and move out as soon as you can - and talk to a professional if you can. It will really help esp. if all this confusion and fighting has given you anxiety too.

Dec 03, 2009
im sorry
by: Anonymous

Sometimes I think theres things about our families we will never understand. My dad used to lock me in my bedroom while he was raping my brother, a few times he did it with me right next to them. My brother wasnt even 7. My biological parents they never wanted me, the state told the they couldnt choose between me and my brother it was all or none. So they beat me and called me names starting at birth they hated me, and i did nothing to them. But to me we may have some of the same genetic structure but they are not my family so it doesnt matter what they think of me.

Dec 05, 2009
Oh Ashley..
by: Anonymous

Your story made me want to take you as that little girl and love you with all my might.

It made me cry, but I hope you know that you will have love in your life like you deserve. xx

Dec 10, 2009
The colour of my skin has nothing to do with me being my mothers child.
by: maurice

Ashley6. I found reading your story very pain filled. How a mother could treat you differently than her other children simply because you are biracial, different coloured skin. Now you have to proof to her that you are wonderful, beautiful, special, unique with exactly the same feelings as all her other children. Truly a child of her womb flesh of her flesh born equally like all her other children. How cruelly she treated you, making you fell less a child because of your colour. she was a very sick minded mother to treat you so. You are very intelligent, gifted, tallented in your own right. you certainly proved that by how you articulated wrote to Darlene in telling your story. It is painful reading, sad, but you will be the winner over her. Always believe that about yourself. Please get the neccessary help, professionally where possible. have people around you especially your friend (s) who know you, love you, care about you for who are to them not what your mother made you to her. Your mother kept putting you down, making you feel inferior to her other children. She was WRONG Ashley6. You are aware of that now in all you wrote to Darlene. Please read Darlene's comment, take ownership of it, her woman's heart is in it for you. her professional advice is also there. She surely wants what is the best for you. Build up your own self worth, Self esteem, Look at the beautiful me in the mirror, love that wonderful me person in the mirror. be gentle and kind in all you say to her. massage and soothe that beautiful skin that makes you ever so beautiful. That's me, Thank you darlene, and all the loving comments received after me writing my true feelings and story to on this safe haven site. I love me, I love you all.

Mar 10, 2013
So little love shown...
by: Anonymous

My heart goes out to you, Ashley.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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