Comments for Child Abuse Story From Amanda10

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Jan 17, 2010
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Thank you for sharing your story with my visitors and me. Please keep telling. You are not all those terrible things your parents call you; those are the real lies. You are smart and precious and articulate and worthy of dignity and respect. Please contact Child Help at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) in order to talk to someone about the abuse you are still dealing with. They are staffed 24/7 with professionally trained counsellors who will listen to you. You can visit their website by copying & pasting the following URL into your browser:

From Victim to Victory, a memoir
Darlene Barriere
author. speaker. survivor. coach
From Victim to Victory, a memoir

Jan 17, 2010
So many crimes committed, so little help
by: Anonymous

Amanda, your so-called parents are wrong. You are not fat, ugly, stupid, incompetent, what wasn't hoped for, bad enough, a mistake, worthless, an embarrassment; in fact, you are truly beautiful, smart, articulate and worthy of love, care, dignity and respect, all of which you were so sadistically denied of. Even reading this story of yours really made me sick to even see that you were born into such a house. I really hope that you tell someone you really trust, be it a teacher, principal, school counselor, friend, church member, you name it. Even burning your thigh with a straightener for wanting to leave your hairstyle the way you want it for the cheerleading practice as a form of so-called discipline is really cowardly thing to do. Again, the sooner you tell someone you really trust, the better. Darlene is right. Amanda, please tell someone until they will finally listen to you and help you.

Jan 18, 2010
No one knows every family is so different wealthy or otherwise
by: maurice

Amanda 10. you deserve the very best, your dignity and self worth need to be loved and respected. You are a good teenager especially after the way your so called loving Mammy/Daddy treated you, disciplend you which was abuse. No child should have to endure the pain and the abuse inflicted on them by the one's who should love and cherish them as their own flesh and blood. Your parents are sicko's they need loads of help. You are a loving protector of yourself and your beautiful little sister. Darlene site I hope will be a great help to you. Read what she has written to you in her comment, take action where possibe, get help, You need a trusting loving professional person to re-assure you, that you'll be fine. Always believe in yourself. I can, I will, I must because I am worth it. If you get the help Darlene suggests you will be helping two children, yourself and your sister. Do your best to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. stay active in your cheerleading group. play sports, be involved with cultural groups. The more you are in the safety of numbers/team mates etc your parent should stop marking or scarring your body. because they will become aware that they will be seen and someone will question as to how they got there. Do your best to live as a normal teen and adolencenct should maturing and growing. having that healthy mind in a healthy body. God will be with you as He is all our best friend when we stay close to HIM. I'M SPECIAL, I LOVE ME BECAUSE I AM WORTH IT.

Mar 09, 2010
by: Josh

Wow! I myself feel very similar to you. Some of your stories are more severe than mine, but yet very similar. I have never had the cops involved, I have been too scared to ever involve them and I have never fought back, I'm also too scared for that. I know how you feel about how no one would ever expect you to go through that. I feel the same way. Trust me. I have written a few stories on here, just showing that I feel your pain and know what it is like. I honestly don't have any advice for you. I'm sorry. I am still in the same boat. I know that it is hard to mentally stay strong, but I encourage you to try. Think about all of the pain you have been through...Think how much of a stronger person you are. It can drive you to succeed! My only hope for you is to stay strong and not give up no matter how tough it gets. I promise you that it will make you a better person, because I know it has made me stronger. I look myself in the mirror and try to block out my dads negative comments and think about who I really am and know that I am better than him. That I will grow up and succeed in anyting I do. For I am strong, and I will make it. I wish you the best of luck and courage to stay strong.

Apr 05, 2010
thank you everyone
by: amanda

hi everyone, i wrote that story. thank you for your comments! for some reason when i went to read them, i was so scared to. i thought theyd be insulting or telling me to grow up or what i go through is nothing. like my mom tells me to. i know that everyone says to "tell someone" and truley, i wish someone had caught on when i was younger. now, it just seems like if i just try and block out my family and just do well in school i see my way out. i know they wont stop hurting me, they still havent, but i know that foster care and child services arent fullproof systems. and i cant tell anyone i know, even people who consider themselves my best friends. they are so unsuspecting, and im afraid they wouldnt belive me. and to josh: its great to know someone can relate! really the only things that have made me think i will overcome this was telling my story on here and god. i know what my parents did to me killed the person i could have been. but i am strong, and i know someday no one will be able to hurt me, and ill be able to help other kids. i know who i wish could have been there for me when i was little, i want to be that to kids someday. for a long time i really just wanted to leave, commit suicide and just give up. but god returned my hope to me. stay strong, and know that someday you wont be hurt. you are in my prayers. thank you so much.

Apr 07, 2010
I'm The Best, I am going to be the winner over abuse
by: maurice

Amanda10. I will, I can, I must because I LOVE me. Just enough right now to make a sense of what my parents did to me. The tried but the did not succeed Amanda to kill the girl in me. You be brave, stay strong give other's hope there's a life to be lived after abuse. My Life. Pretty please walk with a real friend or two. I am certain Amanada10 that you have a least one other than a boy friend. A friend is the one who will listen to every little hurt and apin you feelingand sensing and still hug you and care about your welbeing. Hi read my 1st comment to you. Your special, I want what is the best for you, so that you can and will help other's to believe in themselves. My Mantra, I can, I will, I must just for me and them to live well, laugh alot, love much. I hope you are trying to have a healthy mnd in a healthy body. Well Ms Amanda10 what is your answer to that wonderful and beautiful me in the mirror. ? off that bottom of your's and get out being active and alive with your friends. Think positive, act positive and be positive. Amanda 10 you have to work at being so. I can, etc.

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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