Comments for Child Abuse Story From Aleksandra Part 2

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Jan 19, 2009
I've given you a number to call...
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

Aleksandra, you don't deserve to be mistreated and beaten. I gave you the number of Child Help at 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) last time you wrote; call them.

As harsh as what I'm about to say may be, I must tell you that you have to straighten out your own act as well. As I said above, you don't deserve to be mistreated, no matter what. At the same time, you must learn that you have certain responsibilities within your own home, responsibilities that will contribute to a more healthy atmosphere: like not just saying that you are "creative" and "messy" but making sure that you don't leave a mess in the first place, especially when you already know what the consequences will be when you do leave a mess. And you must also learn to control your own anger and your own lashing out; otherwise, things will only get worse for you. I speak from person experience here.

Yes, it's unfair that you have to clean up your act when here you are still so young, while the system seems to support the brutality that your parents and other adults in your life have displayed toward you. But in truth, parents have the right to discipline their children; and sadly, the authorities often turn a blind eye when that discipline is violent, harmful and unjust. As an adolescent, that puts you in a very difficult and compromising position.

You have had to grow up faster than most, Aleksandra. And one of the lessons you must learn here and now is that no one can help you if you chose not to help yourself. As young as you are, that means taking responsibility for your own actions. Call Child Help. No one who visits this site is in a better position to help you than they are.

Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Jan 19, 2009
So many crimes committed
by: Francine

Aleksandra, what your parents did to you was and still is pathetic, horrendous and ungrateful. What you said to your father about all the horrendous things what he did to you is right cuz it's illegal and your parents and grandmother should've been in jail for those terrible crimes that they had committed against you. As for your anger issues, you might want to take counselling and then tell the police, teacher, priest, principal, or even a friend's parents about what your whole family did to you cuz no one deserves to be mistreated. Remember, Aleksandra, you are a beautiful person and we all love you so much. If your whole family hurts you again, please tell somebody! Good luck!

Jan 20, 2009
Please read
by: Anonymous

Oh sweetheart, you need to get help and get away from those people. Please do not think that you deserve that type of treatment. A parent is suppose to be there to protect you from being hurt, they should not be hurting you in any way. I was always getting hit by my Mom when I was younger, and I use to blame myself. That's wrong. Please I beg you get HELP!

Jan 21, 2009
by: Anonymous

Aleksandra, you need to get some serious help!
I've read all of these stories and I think you reached out to me the most. I'm around your age, so I hear you. I want you to call the Child Protective Agency to get the help you need! Just go into the bathroom, lock the door, and call!! The longer you wait, the worse it's going to get! CALL!!!!

Jan 26, 2009
To Anonymous (Jan 21, 2009) and Aleksandra:
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

A system glitch has prevented visitor comments from going live on my site over the past several days. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience the delay in comment posting may have caused.

Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Jan 28, 2009
holy cow
by: brandy

if this is posted recentley then i have to say a couple things.
1. your parents can't get you at school remember that
2. talk to the guidance councler at school
3. ask the guidance counsler if you can use the phone to report your parents and grandmother
4. stay calm when your talking to your parents act like every thing is normal

i had a friend who had to go through the same thig last year in 6th grade. get your school police men into the office when one of your parents walks through the door. DONT GO WITH YOUR 'RENTS! if it is your grandmother, do the same thing.

even if your scared do the right thing and have cops and therapy for your parents by when you confess. have a cop come by when you go to break the news to your parents.

remember the steps

hope it goes down like it did with my friend, GOOD LUCK AND MAY GOD BE ON YOUR SIDE
ps. im only 13 and trust me it works my friend was 10.


Feb 05, 2013
Seriously, get out of that house!
by: Anonymous

Please try to get out of that house as soon as you can, Aleksandra; you've suffered enough. Your parents (and even your grandma) are mentally ill, violent "people"; they probably won't change until someone makes them stop. As soon as you get away from them, your healing can start in earnest.

Feb 05, 2013
So little love shown...
by: Anonymous

Aleksandra, my heart goes out to you. All those years of trying to please your family and not receiving love. I don't really know what to say, since words have failed me. I can only pray that you tell someone you really trust.

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this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

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From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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