Comments for Child Abuse and Polygamy

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May 06, 2008
by: Darlene Barriere - Webmaster

The concept of polygamy being synonymous with child abuse; very thought-provoking, JWC. I too applaud the State of Texas for stepping in to protect these children.

I've paid close attention to the reports being made on this polygamist group, as well as to the details about related child abuse. Most of what I've seen and read relates to the abuse of the girls; not much coverage on the abuse of the boys. Watch over the next few days for my article about how the boys in this sect have been emotionally abused.

Darlene Barriere
Violence & Abuse Prevention Educator
Author: On My Own Terms, A Memoir

Oct 07, 2011
I believe this practice is child abuse myself
by: Dion

How can one father have time enough for fifty kids? Its sick and needs to be stamped out like a cancer from our society. I'm growing tired of this ongoing acceptance of this practice. I think perverts teaching their kids to be perverts is abuse I'm sorry but that is the way I feel about it. These kids look lost I can't imagine the drama for these poor kids that goes on. Its hard to get a no drama dysfunctional life with two parents. Sickos

Jan 25, 2014
Why not stop this polygymy now!!!!!
by: Michele

The destruction that these people are inflicting among children and women are horrific but they know no other way, I wished that we could do more to help or raid these religion groups. One thing to ask yourselves, is what if one of these kids were mine, or what if one of the women were my wife to come. I think our government needs to be more aware of this and get off of their lazy asses and do something or we should be aloud to throw them in to these places of abuse. Me being a battered woman myself both physically and emotionally, do understand just exactly what these people are going through, so American government get off your asses and do something you call yourselves smart, well lets see how you can work...I believe its the governments fault for this happening ....DO SOMETHING...

Mar 14, 2014
by: Ray Western

Whether child sexual abuse by a father in polygamy or monogamy it is totally inexcusable and abhorrent. How could a father or a step-father do such a thing to his own child. There is no excuse for such a degradable act. I had a son-in-law abuse my 8 year old grand daughter and his step daughter so I have some understanding of the consequences that result for this act. It can totally ruin a child's life.
I have written a blog on grooming a child for molestation if anyone is interested @ Any comments would be appreciated. Ray

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Disclaimer: To the best of my knowledge the child abuse
stories on this site are true. While I cannot guarantee
this, I do try to balance the need for the submitter to be
heard and validated with the needs of my visitors.

E-book: Victim To Victory

From Victim to Victory
a memoir

How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life


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E-book: Victim To Victory

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