Blog Archive 2006 is an amalgamation of blog entries posted in April 2006, recognizing child abuse prevention month in the USA. The entries serve to acknowledge those who were putting on an activity or event, or who had done something significant to promote child abuse awareness.
Apr 13, 2006
April is child abuse prevention month in the United States. What are you doing to raise awareness in your community?
The following are some thumbs up activities from various counties worthy of reporting:
Sixth-graders at Tiffin Middle School released some 100 blue balloons yesterday (April 12th) to remind people of the children suffering from child abuse and neglect. The event was sponsored by Seneca County Family and Children First Council, and Seneca County Department of Job and Family Services.
The mint-green child abuse prevention month campaign was started by Holli Marshal, an adult survivor of child abuse. Holli Marshal chose the colour because mint-green works for both baby girls and baby boys. The Alaskan group added a forget-me-not flower to the centre of the ribbon pin in order to promote the statement: Let's not forget child abuse victims.
Participants visited foster homes, hospitals, and heard messages from a local judge and the county prosecutor. Puzzle piece necklaces, each representing an abused child from the county, were given to each participant. With each visit, the participant learns more about the child. All the pieces are put together in order to give a clearer picture of child abuse prevention.
The seminar will explain how to recognize and report child abuse, what is mandated reporting, what happens after a report is made, and how child abuse cases are handled and prosecuted.
The full-day seminar includes a continental breakfast and lunch. It is being held at:
Apr 14, 2006
This month's blog information is dedicated to individuals and child abuse support networks who are raising child abuse awareness in their communities. The following are some activities from various counties worthy of reporting:
To Bonnie Finney, a Virginia grandmother who, in 1989 as an expression of her grief and outrage after her daughter's boyfriend killed her grandson, tied a blue ribbon to the antenna of her car. The blue ribbon represented the "bruised and battered body of her grandson". The practice caught on . . . many communities and child abuse support networks now use the blue ribbon as a symbol during their child abuse prevention month awareness campaigns.
Harrison was the featured guest speaker at a "blue ribbon rally" held on the front steps of the Clark County Courthouse on Wednesday, April 12th. The rally kicked off child abuse prevention month activities in Clark County and was attended by members of child abuse support networks.
The Family Tree offers 12-week classes for parents in one of three groups:
» parents with children under 1
» parents with children 1 to kindergarten-age
» parents with children elementary school-age
In the classes, parents learn to become better parents using empathy, gentle touch discipline, expressing feelings, and fostering feelings of self-worth.
Also to Belinda Jones, executive director of the Golden Isles children's Advocacy Center, who supports the pinwheel campaign as part of child abuse prevention month.
Jones recognizes that the 255 cases of child abuse during 2005 represents an increase over 2003 and 2004 figures.
During the rest of April, Jones plans to get the message out to child abuse support networks that there may be a growing problem of child abuse in the Glynn County. She will work hand-in-hand with the Brunswick hospital, Amity House, a shelter for battered women, and Safe Harbor, a shelter for children.
Apr 15, 2006
Several organizations provide support for child abuse prevention this month. The following are thumbs up activities from various counties worthy of reporting:
To the many volunteers at Child Protective Services division of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services in Brenham county for "The Rainbow Room". These volunteers provide support for child abuse prevention by taking in donations of teddy bears, dolls, toys, and household cleaning and personal hygiene items in order that families and children can live happier and healthier lives.
But they are in constant need. If you can donate "new" items to The Rainbow Room, contact Sharon Johnston, the administrative secretary in the Brenham office, at 830-6114.
The Huron County Child Abuse and Neglect Council is asking people to make donations of goods and time to schools, day care centers, or the Huron County Baby Pantry.
Also to Pizza Hut in Huron County . . . April 24 - 25 is Pizza Hut Tip Night. Funds raised will be used to provide support for child abuse prevention.
Students at Towns and Union County Schools will be asked to participate in their "Be A Star" campaign. A bulletin board with the statement "I am taking a stand against abuse" will be displayed at participating schools. Students can write their name on a star and post it to the board.
Interested in providing support for child abuse prevention? Enotah Child Advocacy Center can address your business or community organization. For more information, contact Tina at 706-835-1637.
They have committed to creating a resource guide for parents and caregivers that will identify the means to get such basic needs as food, clothing, financial assistance, and counseling.
Child abuse prevention month activities held by PCACC included a reading of a proclamation of support by county officials, an Easter egg hunt, and a panel of discussion of local leaders involved in child welfare.
To remember the children who have been abused and neglected, a candlelight vigil will be held April 28th in the Carroll County Courthouse rotunda.
Apr 16, 2006
April's entries are dedicated to child abuse prevention month. Thumbs up to the following individuals and organizations for what they are doing to raise child abuse awareness in the United States:
Thumbs up to the Dr. Phil Foundation for working to provide children safe housing, medical and health services, education and job training, emotional support, and connections they need to succeed.
During child abuse prevention month there is lots of talk about raising awareness, but we seldom hear about foster care children. Not with the Dr. Phil Foundation. Thumbs up for the work done with children after child abuse, and after a child is removed from their home and placed in foster care.
Not only does the center provide treatment for sexual and physical abuse, their "Healthy Families Orange" program provides home-based services to families of newborns. The program has virtually eliminated child abuse and neglect among its participants.
Other events scheduled for child abuse prevention month include a birthday party for 2-year-olds, and an "I love my neighbourhood" party at Wilson Elementary School on Thursday, April 20th. James Garner of Rockford fame will be in attendance at the school for the party. Mr. Garner was once a student at Wilson Elementary.
To River Bend Community Outreach, also in Alton, Illinois, for sponsoring a program to educate people about child abuse during national child abuse prevention month.
To Sgt. David Groins, director the community services unit at the Alton Police Department, who gave a 40-minute presentation to adults and children about the signs, effects and types of child abuse.
Donna Franks was hired in 2004 to handle child abuse cases from start to finish in Lee County. In the past two years, 9 child abusers have been convicted and are serving prison sentences that range from 10 years to life.
To Donna Franks, primary investigator of child abuse cases in Lee County, for her statement: ". . . every day should be child abuse prevention day."
Apr 17, 2006
Oprah and two more United States counties are recognized for standing against child abuse. Thumbs up to the following individuals and organizations for what they are doing to raise child abuse awareness in the United States:
To the Community Child Protective Taskforce of Beaufort County, Washington, North Carolina for naming Laqueta Guildford, 7 years old, and Bernie Devon Guildford, 5 years old, as their poster children for child abuse prevention month. Laqueta and Bernie died April 16, 2005 in a house fire; their mother was not home at the time.
Churches were asked to remember child abuse victims and the Guildford children in their Easter services.
To the local businesses of Beaufort County that have displayed what has become the symbol for child abuse prevention, the blue ribbon. Blue to represent the "bruised and battered bodies of child abuse victims".
To the local organizations of Fort Lauderdale for their planned activities throughout April to promote awareness of child abuse and sexual assault. The standing against child abuse events will include an exhibit, a bowl-a-thon, lectures, training, and a candlelight vigil.
Apr 18, 2006
Americans on air force base in Japan use hands-on approach to child abuse awareness during child abuse prevention month. Thumbs up to the following for what they are doing to raise child abuse awareness in the United States:
To Delta Sigma Theta Sorority's Tokyo Alumnae Chapter at the Yokota Air base in Japan for their hands-on approach to child abuse awareness during National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
On April 28th, the Stand Against Child Abuse event will give away a 1994 Nissan Silva, along with 2 years of insurance and a free inspection.
To win, contestants must first stand with their hands on the car from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., with only 10-minutes breaks every two hours. Successful contestants will have their names put into a draw for the car.
To Kelly & Kelly Auto Sales and Insurance Agency, the off-base company who is donating the car for the Stand Against Child Abuse event.
To Yakota's Family Advocacy Program, who are conducting several events during child abuse prevention month, and for their ongoing outreach work with parents of young children.
Throughout the month of April, child abuse information booths are set up at the Base Exchange and Commissionary.
Family Advocacy (FA) has a full-time nurse available to expectant parents and parents with toddlers up to age 3.
FA also offers free classes on parenting, stress management, and anger management.
To the Yokota High School drama class for working with the Yokota Family Advocacy by staging a "Puppets Prevent Abuse" show for first- and second-graders. The puppet show, scheduled for April 24th, is intended to teach the young children about child abuse in a non-threatening, age-appropriate way.
The $250,000 price-tag for the public-service announcements came from the sale of Kid's First license plates.
To all who purchased the above mentioned Kid's First license plates.
Apr 19, 2006
Residents and organizations do their part for child abuse awareness in the USA and Bermuda. Thumbs up to the following:
To LaShonda Daniel of Cape Girardeau, Missouri for reporting suspected child abuse of an eight-month-old after she notice blisters on the baby's body.
The baby was treated for burns and released into protective custody. The child's mother is now in jail and facing felony abuse charges.
This year marks the 10th anniversary for the vigil. "A Decade of Healing" is this year's theme and is intended to bring attention to the threat of child abuse, as well as the importance of getting early professional support.
The SCFF provides support to children and adult survivors of child abuse, children with emotional and behavioural needs, and parents dealing with parenting problems. The center focuses on educating children, families and the community on reducing child abuse, neglect, and family dysfunction.
Attendees heard an overview of the "Stopping Child Abuse-Neglect" report, a report that cites how preventing child abuse and neglect starts with the 40 developmental assets that shape a young person's life.
The report also includes recommendations and goals that were set during forums and a "Stopping Child Abuse Summit" held last November.
To the Greater Lafayette Community Foundation for their series of public forums and their call to action to address the serious issue of child abuse after the beating death of 4-year-old Aiyana Gauvin in March 2005.
Another well earned thumbs up for the department's quote: "Abuse is the adult's fault, not the child's."
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month in Bermuda.
Apr 20, 2006
Global child abuse awareness in the Philippines, Australia and Canada. Thumbs up to the following for their part in raising child abuse awareness:
To Mayor Celso Lobregat in Zamboanga City in the Philippines for designating 3 city Councilors to head a task force to oversee and monitor child abuse and rape cases in the barangays of Talon-Talon, Sangali and San Roque.
The task force was created after UNICEF placed Zamboanga City number one on child abuse and rape cases in the country.
Mayumarri employs methods that include connecting with the right side of the brain, the unconscious side, which allows the survivor to feel emotions that have been blocked. Survivors stay for a week, where they work through their issues in a safe and supportive environment.
Estes raised global child abuse awareness while in Calgary, Alberta, Canada when he presented his paper at the Safe Streets Safe Cities Conference held earlier this month. His essay revealed that sexual abuse of children is just as prevalent in wealthy countries as it is in poorer countries.
The professor believes that child abuse awareness begins by understanding the facts about child sexual abuse and recognizing the signs.
Kielburger started Free the Children when he was 12 years old, in response to an article about a Pakistani boy who had been killed for speaking out against child slavery. Kielburger not only wants to raise global child abuse awareness, he wants to protect children's rights.
Free the Children has built more than 425 schools in 23 countries and helped provide clean water to more than 100,000 children in developing countries.
To the committee awarding the 2006 World Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child, also known as the Children's Nobel Prize, for awarding this year's prize to Craig Kielburger and his Free the Children foundation for his global child abuse awareness efforts.
Apr 21, 2006
Communities take steps to raise child abuse awareness. Thumbs up to the following individuals and organizations:
To Ashley Loudermilk, a sixth-grade student at Campbell County Middle School in Kentucky, USA, and some 30 other volunteer-choir students for taking steps to raise child abuse awareness. The group of students sang at a candlelight vigil organized by Holly Hill Children's Services to raise awareness during child abuse prevention month.
Thumbs up to Ashley Loudermilk for her statement: "It's important for everybody to have a chance to be respected. It's not their fault that they're being abused."
To the students at Campbell County Middle School for their steps to raise child abuse awareness: They created posters with messages against child abuse.
To the Campbell County School District for providing educational services to the children living at Holly Hill, a home for children who have been abused and for children with no parents or guardians.
To the Child Abuse Prevention Committee teams in Salem, Oregon for facilitating child abuse awareness and prevention training to parents and other residents of the community.
The 700 shoes, representing the average number of children reportedly abused or neglected each week in the Commonwealth, were of every colour, variety and style, from slip-on to lace to Velcro.
Apr 22, 2006
More individuals and organizations are raising awareness of child abuse. Thumbs up to the following:
To the advocates at Prevent Child Abuse in Salt Lake City, Utah for raising child abuse awareness by turning a soccer complex into a "Healing Field".
1400 U.S. flags representing the children who die from child abuse each year will be lining the complex. 44 blue ribbon flags will be flown in remembrance of the 44 children who died of child abuse in Utah during the past 5 years.
Knox has been in touch with school officials at Lonoke. She is hoping the school administrators allow her to deliver the "Good Touch, Bad Touch" program, a sexual abuse prevention program that reaches grade K to 9.
Apr 23, 2006
Advocates for child abuse prevention sign a bill, provide ongoing education, and incorporate more blue-ribbon ceremonies during child abuse prevention month. Thumbs up to the following:
To Governor Bob Riley from the state of Georgia for signing a bill that strengthens the penalties for anyone convicted of child abuse. Child abuse in Georgia is now a Class C felony.
To Republican Paul De Marco and Senator Wendell Mitchell, two advocates for child abuse prevention, for sponsoring this bill.
The bill couldn't be signed at a better time, as it raises awareness of child abuse during Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Thumbs up to Leslie Owen for her statement: It's better "to spend one dollar in prevention at a young age rather than spending seven dollars to incarcerate a troubled adult later."
To Buena Vista Children's Services in Verde Valley, Arizona for their after-school program for children who have been removed from abusive situations. As advocates for child abuse prevention, Buena Vista's program provides activities that include arts, nature and field trips, horse camps, and holiday gift exchanges.
In response to the unsettling death rate--double the national rate of 2.03--the department, advocates for child abuse prevention, has adopted reforms, hired hundreds of new caseworkers, improved training, and upgraded worker-education standards.
CAP also offers classes to new mothers on how to keep themselves and their babies calm.
To the Michigan CAP for encouraging people to tie blue ribbons around a tree or on their car antenna to raise awareness of child abuse. The blue ribbon is a nationally recognized symbol of child abuse prevention.
Apr 24, 2006
Those dedicated to breaking the cycle of abuse, and child advocacy are among the individuals and organizations being recognized today. Thumbs up to the following:
To the Carbondale/Aspen Glen Rotary Club in Glenwood Springs, Colorado for hosting the upcoming, first annual River Bridge Golf Tournament May 20th to raise funds for a child abuse advocacy center.
When complete, "The River Bridge" project will be a child-friendly facility for conducting forensic interviews and forensic medical exams for children who are suspected victims of child abuse.
To Charles Cunniffe Architects, Alpine Bank and Vectra Bank, Ace Hardware, the Fleischer Company and the Timbers Company, all additional sponsors of The River Bridge Golf Tournament.
To the "gentlemen" role models at the Peace At Home Family Shelter for being such positive influences for children, and for teaching them through example.
To the Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services (ADHS) for their work at breaking the cycle of abuse through specialized services. ADHS not only provides parenting classes and anger management, they also tailor services to individual family needs. For example, if it is established that the underlying cause of child abuse in a home is the father's anger at being out of a job, the ADHS tries to figure out why he is jobless and how he can get a job.
Apr 25, 2006
American companies unite to combat child abuse via the Internet and a center aims to ease the pain of child abuse. Thumbs up to the following:
To AOL and Microsoft for their efforts to combat child abuse online by being among backers of the newly unveiled Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOPC) in London, England.
To the CEOPC, who will work to rescue victims of child abuse, track down pedophiles, and educate users of the Internet about online safety.
The center set up interview space in the county building so that the numerous agencies that need to be involved can convene their services in one place. This means that children do not have to re-tell their painful stories over and over again; they only have to relay it once.
The interview room is set up with child-size items such as an adjustable table, chairs, and an easel with paper for drawing, and for very young children there is Play-Doh. Art can be useful when the child finds it too difficult to put into words what happened.
Apr 26, 2006
Children can be, and are, involved in preventing child abuse--check out the first and second entries below. Thumbs up to the following:
To the Prevent Child Abuse Center in California for their second annual Heroes for Kids art contest that draws attention to child abuse prevention during child abuse prevention month. Winners are honoured with having their art displayed during Kids' Day at the Capitol, and also receive a $100 gift certificate to Target.
To Terra Morin and Janet Cortez, this year's and last year's winners respectively for the K-3 categories of the Heroes for Kids art contest.
Second grader Terra Morin won this year for her poster on eating dinner together. Second grader Janet Cortez won last year for her poster on preventing child abuse.
The Circle of Parents meets weekly. There is a supervised activity program for children and a discussion group for parents. Discussion topics are set for each meeting. All parents are welcome, whether they are couples or single or divorced Moms and Dads.
To Jenna Veazey, a King George County mother of 3 for her volunteer work as parent facilitator at the RACCAP Circle of Parents meetings in Dahlgren, Virginia.
Apr 27, 2006
Several organizations, communities and individuals take a stand against child abuse. Thumbs up to the following:
To the Monongalia County Advocacy Center (MCAC) in West Virginia and Prevent Child Abuse West Virginia for taking a stand against child abuse by focusing on positive things the community can do.
The organizations urge the community to get personally involved with children and families. For example:
» babysit for a stressed-out parent
» be a positive role model and mentor for a child
» volunteer for local family programs that provide positive influences to families and children
» be an advocate for public policies that promote the betterment of families and children
Kelsey's Purpose was founded by Kathie Briggs, the grandmother of 2-year-old Kelsey Briggs who died as a result of child abuse and neglect. Kelsey's stepfather was charged with first-degree murder in her death, while Kelsey's mother has been charged with enabling child abuse and neglect.
Apr 28, 2006
More individuals and organizations are raising awareness of child abuse. Thumbs up to the following:
To the Community Youth Network in Glenview, Illinois for organizing their third annual 5K/10K "Take a Step for Kids" event. The event raised $13,000, funds which will be used to help families afford the help they need to cope with the stresses of life. Besides raising money, raising awareness of child abuse is the goal of this event.
Community Youth Network deals with physical, emotional and sexual abuse victims. They also work with couples and families with the intent of bringing hope and healing to the family unit.
To the 96 volunteers who made the "Take a Step for Kids" event a huge success.
FAP also offers "raising awareness of child abuse" classes to the lawyers, social workers and MPs who might come in contact with child abuse, domestic violence, and family advocacy problems.
FAP also provides assistance to families in crisis with their new parent support program and victim advocacy services.
Mary Hewitt has worked on child protective teams, and has provided training in investigating child abuse reports and interview techniques in child abuse cases. She also facilitates nurturing programs and presents a "body safety" class to children.
Apr 29, 2006
Support for child abuse victims comes in the form of funding, a new bill, and a safe place for victims. Thumbs up to the following:
To the state of Kentucky for approving a budget that includes the needs of family and children. Increases will go to children's advocacy centers, out-of-home care, children who are hard to place, and youth aging out of the foster care system at 18. Also budgeted is a raise for foster parents, the first increase they've seen in 7 years.
To Missouri Govenor Matt Blunt for supporting the Bartle bill.
A Child's Place provides support for child abuse victims by arranging one-place forensic interviewing of children so that they don't have to tell what happened to them over and over again. And to ease the child's ordeal, they also provide the child with a backpack that has sleepwear, clothes, toys and personal hygiene products in order to give them something of their own during a time that they may only have the clothes on their backs.
Apr 30, 2006
Society must remember child abuse victims if we have any hope of preventing child abuse. In the United States 3 or 4 children die each day of child abuse or neglect. If we do not learn from these youngest victims, if we forget them, then these children have died for nothing. We cannot let that happen. We must always remember to prevent such tragedy from happening again. And again. And again. Thumbs up to the following:
To the students of Wanda Kendall School in Iroquois County, Illinois for forming a "Circle of Support" around the local courthouse to raise child abuse awareness in their community and to remember child abuse victims.
The flag depicts children holding hands. In the middle, a chalk outline portraying a missing child represents the thousands of children who have died due to child abuse and neglect.
The Children's Memorial Flag Day ceremony is held each year on the last Friday of April in recognition of National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Let us always remember child abuse victims
NOTE: Information pages on this site were based on material from the
Canadian Red Cross RespectED Training Program. Written permission was obtained to use their copyrighted material on this site.
From Victim to Victory
a memoir
How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life
From Victim to Victory
a memoir
How I got over the devastating effects of child abuse and moved on with my life
Jan 30, 18 01:13 PM
Jan 29, 18 11:33 AM
Jan 29, 18 11:00 AM